7th CPC Pension Calculation for Pre-2016 Pensioners – KarnatakaCOC

7th CPC Pension Calculation for Pre-2016 Pensioners – KarnatakaCOC

What the above decision means for pre-2016 retirees?

Modification made appears fixing the pay of pre 2016 retirees notionally in revised pay matrix and then fixing pension at 50% of pay. If the pension so fixed is more than the pension fixed with fitment formula of 2.57 then pension will be revised otherwise no change.

It is presumed that option will be given to pensioners. For arriving at pay in revised matrix of 7 CPC for those who retired prior to 1-1-1996 notionally there pay will be fixed under V CPC scales and VI CPC Pay structure. Similarly for those who retired prior to 2006 it will be notionally fixed in VI CPC Pay structure and then in 7 CPC matrix.

The pay for this purpose is pay last drawn as recorded in their PPO. For the information of readers fixation formula under V CPC, VI CPC and VII CPC rules is given below:

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