7th CPC Pay Fixation : Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5

7th CPC Pay Fixation : Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5

Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AT/II/2702/Clar
Dated: 28 Apr 2017
All PCsDA/CsDA/PCA (Fys)/CsFA (Fys)
(Through NIC mail server)

Subject: Implementation of CCS (RP) Rules 2016: Clarification regarding exercise of option under Rule 5.

Reference: This office UO Note of even No dated 28-02-2017.

As per this office UO Note cited above, the issue of availability of option to enter the 7th CPC w.e.f. 01.07.2016 (i.e., from the date of next increment in terms of proviso 1 of rule 5) to those employees who have got promotion / upgradation in a higher grade between 1st day of January, 2016 and the date of notification of CCS (RP) Rules 2016 had been referred to MoD along with an illustration (given below) of pay fixation of an employee who got financial upgradation on 17-01-2016 in the grade pay of Rs 5400/- (PB 2); MoD was requested to examine the issue and clarify the matter w.r.t. illustrative pay fixation.

2. The illustrative pay fixation forwarded to MoD/ D (Civ-I) is as follows:
3. Now MoD/ D (Civ-I) has intimated that the illustrative pay fixation as provided above seems to be correct and in consonance with the provisions mentioned in CCS (RP) Rules 2016.

4. Affected cases may be dealt with accordingly.

This has the approval of Add] CGDA (PP&W).

(Vinod Anand)


Anonymous said…
Instead, if FR 22(C) option on DNI is allowed the employee will get the same stage of Rs.71300 without losing arrears. ( 20280+4800=25080*2.57=64455.0=66000 on 01.01.16. On DOP 17.1.2016 imm higher stage is 68000. On 01.7.2016 Annual Incremnt to 68000 and with next stage at 70000 (in Level 8)the pay can be refixed at Rs.71300 in level9(GP 5400). In this case the DOP happens to be 17.1.2016. If the DOP is, say, in may or june he will be losing arrears. BUT the orders are silent on admissibility of option under FR22(C) on DNI of July.

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