7th Pay Commission Allowances Committee: Top 10 Developments – www.7thpaycommissionnews.in
7th Pay Commission Allowances Committee: Top 10 Developments – www.7thpaycommissionnews.in

1. 7th CPC Allowance Committee Report – Minister once again replied in Parliament on 22.3.2017
“DoPT Minister replied in Lok Sabha on 22nd March 2017 regarding the status of the Committee on Allowances.”
2. Decision on 7th CPC allowances – Deep sense of frustration among employees
“Reports indicate that the Government might take more time to announce its decisions regarding the Ashok Lavasa Committee’s report on allowances that were prescribed by the Seventh Pay Commission”
3. Committee on Allowances of 7th CPC – 3rd Reply in Parliament on 24.3.2017
“The Committee has taken more time than was initially prescribed in view of the large number of demands received. The Committee is now in the process of finalizing its Report.”
4. Submission of Allowance Committee Report on 28.3.2017
“Allowance Committee is now in the process of finalizing its Report. Decisions on implementing the Report will be taken after the Report is submitted by the Committee.”
5. NC JCM Staff Side Report on 28.3.2017
"Meeting of Committee on Allowances held today remained inconclusive : “Meeting of Committee on Allowances took place on 28th March, 2017, discussion on Allowances remained inconclusive. Issue of House Rent Allowance didn’t come up during meeting.”
6. NC JCM Staff Side Report on 29.3.2017
"Grievances of the Central Government Employees : “It was being expected that, Committee on Allowances would complete its proceedings within the fixed timeframe and the CGEs would be paid allowances on the revised rates w.e.f. the date of implementation of the 7th CPC report, but unfortunately, it is being delayed inordinately, owing to which there is serious resentment brewing among the CGEs.”
7. NC JCM Staff Side Report on 30.3.2017
Brief of the meeting held with the Cabinet Secretary : “I met the Cabinet Secretary on 28th March, 2017….”MCD elections may result in some delay, but at the same time, he assured that, as soon as he gets report of the Committee on Allowances, that will immediately be forwarded to the Cabinet, and after approval of the Cabinet, if need be, we would take necessary permission from the Election Commission.”
8. NC JCM Staff Side Report on 3.4.2017
Meeting of the Committee on Allowances : “It has been informed by the Secretary, Staff Side(JCM), Com. S.G.Mishra, that, meeting of the Committee on Allowances will be held on 06.04.2017.
“Probably this may the conclusive meeting.”
9. 7th CPC Allowance Committee : Silence Prevails after NC JCM Report on 4.4.2017
“Speculations about the Committee on 7th CPC Allowances have stopped following the assurance from the Cabinet Secretary”
10. NC JCM Staff Side Report on 7.4.2017
Conclusive meeting of the Committee on Allowances : “As you are aware, conclusive meeting of the Committee on Allowances was held yesterday, i.e. on 6th April, 2017. We hope that, report of the said committee will be submitted to the Cabinet within a week’s time.”
Source: http://7thpaycommissionnews.in/