TN Govt forms committee to implement 7th CPC recommendations
TN Govt forms committee to implement 7th CPC recommendations
Implementation of 7th CPC Recommendations to TN State Employees : The Tamil Nadu Government has decided to constitute a 5 Member Committee of Higher Officials to implement the recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission. The committee will submit the report within four months (30th June).
Following the implementation of 7th Central Pay Commission to the employees working under Central Government, the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister has today decided to constitute a 5 Member Secretary level committee formed to implement the recommendations of 7th CPC to State Govt Employees, Teachers and employees of Localbodies.
Recognised State Government Employees Unions are requested to send the proposal of pay structure and all other demands to the committee.
The committee will examine, review and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern the emoluments structure including pay, allowances, pension and other facilities/benefits.
Click to view the order
Click to view the order