Delegation of powers for settlement of reimbursement claims/Permissions ex-post-facto approval in respect of Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries
Delegation of powers for settlement of reimbursement claims/Permissions ex-post-facto approval in respect of Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110108
No: Z.15025/79/2/DIR/CGHS
Dated the 5th October, 2016
Subject- Delegation of powers for settlement of reimbursement claims/Permissions ex-post-facto approval in respect of Pensioner CGHS beneficiaries, etc.
With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to state that that the matter has been reviewed by the Ministry in view of the difficulties faced by the CGHS pensioner beneficiaries Therefore, with a view to streamline and to simplify the procedures. it has now been decided to further delegate powers to the Addl. Directors of CGHS Cities / Zones in respect of CGHS pensioner beneficiaries. etc. as under:
i) Permission / ex-post facto approval in non-empanelled hospitals / Diagnostic Labs /Imaging Centre:
Requests for permission ex-post facto approval for elective treatment / investigations in non-empanelled hospitals / diagnostic centres in respect of Pensioners/ex-MF’s/freedom Fighters, etc. shall be considered by Addl. Director of concerned CGHS city / Zone subject to the reimbursement being restricted to CGHS package rates or actual expenditure, whichever is less
ii) Permission / ex-post facto approval in cases involving procedural lapse:
Requests for approval of elective treatment l investigations in empanelled hospitals / diagnostic centres without recommendation of Govt. Specialist or CMO and without prior permission in respect of Pensioners/ex-MPs/freedom Fighters, etc, shall be considered by Addl. Director of concerned CGHS city / Zone subject to the reimbursement being restricted to CGHS rates or actual expenditure whichever is less.
iii) Delegation of Powers for Settlement of Medical Reimbursement Claims (at approved rates) of Individual Pensioner Beneficiary. etc,
2. The revised delegations mentioned above will be subject to the conditions that it will not include any case involving relaxation of rules, irrespective of the amount involved. Further, cases where the amounts exceed the monetary limits prescribed above will have to be referred to the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare for obtaining the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
3. The above delegations are in supersession of all the earlier instructions in the matter in respect of the delegations now being conveyed.
This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, vide Dy. No C- 3373 dt. 20.09.2016
Director, CGHS
Authority: CGHS