Details of the second meeting on allowances held on 1.9.2016 - NFIR

Details of the second meeting on allowances held on 1.9.2016 - NFIR

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen 

No. IV/NFIR/7CPC(Imp)/Allowances/2016
Dated: 02.09.2016
The General Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFIR

Dear Brother,

Sub: Meeting of the Committee to examine the recommendations of 7th CPC regarding Allowances - September 1, 2016, North Block, New Delhi-reg.

The meeting of the Committee was held on 1st September, 2016 at Room No. 72, North Block, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Finance Secretary and Secretary (Expr) to discuss on 7th CPC allowances. The JCM (Staff Side) Standing Committee Members have participated in the meeting. All the Standing Committee Members (Staff Side) expressed their serious disappointment over non-fulfillment of the assurance given by the Finance Ministry on 6th July 2016 for setting up High Level Committee to examine 7th CPC issues mainly – Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor.

The Leader Staff Side & General Secretary, NFIR Shri M. Raghavaiah has explained to the Finance Secretary, the discussions held between JCM (Staff Side) Leaders & Senior Ministers namely S/Shri Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley, Suresh Prabhu and Shri Manoj Sinha on the night of 30th June, 2016 and subsequent meeting held on 6th July, 2016 with Union Home Minister. He further explained that an assurance was given to appoint a High Level Committee to examine the issues relating to Minimum Wage, Multiplying Factor and other allied issues and accordingly Finance Ministry had issued statement on the night of 06th July, 2016 that a High Level Committee will be constituted. Pursuant to this assurance, the Strike action was deferred by the NJCA/JCM (Staff Side). He conveyed that the non-fulfillment of assurance is causing disappointment among employees. He requested the Chairman of the meeting to take initiative for ensuring that the assurance given is fulfilled.

He also expressed disappointment over non-holding of National Council (JCM) meetings since the last six years, resulting accumulation of grievances.

On the “Allowances”, he urged upon the 7th Chairman to consider granting 30%, 20% & 10% of 7th CPC Pay, for the staff working in X, Y & Z Cities/Towns w.e.f. 01/01/2016. He also contended that the date of effect of the Allowances should be January 1, 2016.

Mr. Raghavaiah has also highlighted the 7th CPC aberrations on Transport Allowance and requested to take action for rectification. He said that Fixed Medical Allowance be revised upwardly. He invited the special attention of the Finance Secretary to Para 8.2.5 of the 7th CPC recommendation which is retrograde and needed to be rejected as the same would cause harm to staff. He cited the case of PCO Allowance, Special Allowance for announcing duties, Special Incentive allowance etc., admissible in railways which are required to be continued and hiked

President/NFIR Shri Guman Singh, Working President Shri R. P. Bhatnagar, Vice President Shri K.S. Murty also spoke and stressed upon the need to continue the existing Allowances like Break Down Allowance in Railways. They also expressed serious disappointment over non-revision of Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor.

While there has been no commitment from the Chairman and Official Side of the Committee, the Finance Secretary however stated that further meetings will be held and in the meantime the JCM (Staff Side) may list out common issues and send the same to the Joint Secretary (Imp) and equally Departmental specified issues be sent through the respective Administrative Ministries for examination.

The above is for information of Affiliates.

Yours faithfully
(Dr. M. Raghavaiah) 
General Secretary

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