Brief of the meeting held today between the Government of India and the National Council JCM Staff Side

Brief of the meeting held today between the Government of India and the National Council JCM Staff Side

Shiva Gopal Mishra
National council (staff Side)
Joint Consulative Machinery for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001
E-Mail :

Dated: August 30, 2016
All Constituents of National Council(JCM)
Dear Comrades!

Sub: Brief of the meeting held today between the Government of India and the National Council (JCM) (Staff Side)

The Government of India has constituted a committee, under the Chairmanship of Addl. Secretary(Exp.) with J.S.(Pers.), JS(Estt.) and JS(Imp.) as members, to deal with the pending issues of our memorandum, submitted to the Empowered Committee, of which prominent are “Minimum Wage and Multiplying Factor”.

The first meeting of the said committee with the National Council(JCM) Staff Side was held today, i.e. 30th August, 2016, which remained almost introductory. Apart from the Official Side members, Shri M. Raghaviah, Shri M.S. Raja and I myself(from the Staff Side JCM) attended the said meeting.

We raised vehemently the issues of “Minimum Wage and Multiplying Formula” and made them very clear that; the VII CPC has accepted Dr. Aykroyd Formula for fixing Minimum Wage, but has not implemented the said formula in full sense, so, that is not acceptable to the Staff Side(JCM), therefore, Minimum Wage from Rs.18000 must be enhanced and accordingly Fitment Formula should also be changed.

It was agreed by the committee that, since we are again meeting on 1st September, 2016 with the Committee on Allowances, the next meeting of the said committee will be fixed in consultation with the Staff Side(JCM).

Thereafter, we also met the Cabinet Secretary(Government of India) and there also we shown our anguish about the inordinate delay in resolving those issues which were agreed to. The Cabinet Secretary said that, orders for the gratuity have been issued for the NPS covered employees, and orders for the PLB and arrears have also been issued. Many of the issues raised by the Staff Side(JCM) have been accepted and implemented and the remaining issues would also be pursued and settled.

Comradely yours,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary (staff side)
NC/JCM & Convener



gnn said…
when are they going to implement 7 CPC for autonomous bodies & pension cALCULATION FOR THOSE RETIRED FROM 01/01/2016 ONWARDS
what about exempting allowances from the purview of incometax and raising exemption limit for group=d and pensioners so that they need not face the cumbersome incometax computations and filing of returns etc. as now almost all central n state govt./even municipal employees gets covered under incometax net if they too imp0lement 7tb cpc in whatever form. This is an urgent issue affecting all

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