NC(Staff Side) Secretary writes to FM regarding both options for fixation of 7th CPC Pension

NC(Staff Side) Secretary writes to FM regarding both options for fixation of 7th CPC Pension 

National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
For Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001

Dated: July 16,2016
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Ministry of Finance
(Govt of India )
North Block
New Delhi

Respected Sir,
Sub: Revision of Pension
This issue of acceptance of Option-I (or) II was discussed with your good self at the residence of Hon’ble Home Minister (Government of India), Wherein Hon’ble Minister for Railways and Hon’ble MOSR were present, by the Staff Side National Council (JCM). You had categorically agreed on our demand that, no dilution would be made in the options given to the Pensioners by the VII CPC. It is unfortunate that, a rider, “subject to feasibility”, has been imposed in Option-I.

Sir, this is very unfair and we will appreciate if you kindly get the sentence “subject to feasibility” removed from that para to keep your promise also. It should be left to the Pensioners that whatsoever option they want to choose, they should be allowed to Opt. The argument of non-availability of record is misleading and should not be given any cognizance because PPOs of the Pensioners are the base record and is available with the organizations concerned.

We earnestly seek your urgent intervention in this regard to avoid unnecessary hardship to millions of Pensioners.

With Kind Regards!

Sincerely yours,

Secretary(Staff Side)



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