Anomalies OROP Fixation - X Group and Y Group

Anomalies OROP Fixation - X Group and Y Group


24 yr X Gp Hony Nb sub's Pension is equal to 24 yr X Gp Nb Sub But 24 Yr Y Gp Hony Nb Sub's pension is not equal to 24 yrs Y Gp Nb Sub.  

24 Yrs XGp Nb Sub Pension increased 10.12%. However, 24 Yrs Y Gp Nb Sub Pension increased only 0.50%.

While in service Difference between X Gp and Y Gp is pay is Rs 1400 (X GP PAY ONLY).

Therefore, diff in basic pension between X Gp and Y Gp should be Rs 1400/2 = Rs 700/- only whereas in some cases diff is more than 1500/-  between  ( X and Y Gp).  Huge gap in same rank and same length of service is not justifiable.

In some point of bracket of service pension incr is  0% whereas six months incr/decr service bracket of same rank  pension hike is 4 to 8% more.

NO change in disability pension of soldiers invalid out upto five years of service.  Service element incr  47 to 65% but disability element    incr is 0%.


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Harisingh. said…
subedar of y group with 15 years service have got increasement of rupees 3368 where as subedar with 28 years of service in same group have got rupees 298 increasement,is this justifiable? or is this orop,very sad on part of our system/mod?govt must increase pension of all jcos/or proportionately and there should not be discrimination between anyone,thanks

Who am I? said…
It's incorrect to say that while in service Difference between X Gp and Y Gp pay i.e. Rs 1400 (X GP PAY ONLY). That difference is only at the starting pay. i.e. the difference of pay of recruits. On every increment (whether annual or promotional) the difference increases because increments are paid on X pay too and added to Pay in Band.
Please refer reports of 6th CPC & 7th CPC before writing irresponsibly.

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