7th CPC Recommendations : Upgradation of GP 4200, 4600 and 4800 for the Employees of the Supreme Court
7th CPC Recommendations : Upgradation of GP 4200, 4600 and 4800 for the Employees of the Supreme Court
Officers and Employees of the Supreme Court : Upgradation of Pay in Selected Posts in Existing GP 2800
Upgradation of pay has been sought for the group of posts in the present pay scale with GP 2800 to GP 4200. These include Junior Court Assistant, Chauffer, Special Process Server, Restorer Gr. I /Library Attendant Gr. I/Gestetner Operator Gr. I.
Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission has noted the recommendations made by the Committee of Judges in this regard. The Committee of Judges after examination of demands made has pointed out that in view of basic qualification, nature of duties and degree of efficiency, integrity and confidentiality the post of Junior Court Assistant can be considered for an upgradation in pay.
The Commission further notes that the educational qualifications for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Court Assistant is a degree from a recognised University and knowledge of computer operations with a stipulated typing speed in computers. The information furnished to the Commission with respect to the Recruitment Rules of various posts also indicates that in all other posts carrying a GP 2800 the educational qualifications is lower than graduation and therefore equating Junior Court Assistants with these posts would not be correct. In view of the foregoing the Commission is in agreement with the views of the Committee of Judges. Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation in the pay for the post of Junior Court Assistant to GP 4200 from the existing GP 2800.
Upgradation of Pay in Selected Posts in Existing GP 4200
For the group of posts covering Court Assistant, Personal Assistant, Accountant, Cashier, the Association requested pay parity with the holders of analogous/equivalent posts in the High Court of Delhi, who are drawing pay with GP 4600.
Analysis and Recommendations : The Commission has noted the recommendations made by the Committee of Judges in this regard. The Committee of Judges, after examination of demands made, agrees with the recommendation of upgradation in pay to conform to the pay of the holders of analogous posts in the High Court of Delhi.
The Commission recognises that the Supreme Court is at the apex of the hierarchy of Courts in India and hence its personnel should not be disadvantageously placed vis-à-vis the High Court of Delhi.
Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation for the post of Court Assistant, Personal Assistant, Accountant and Cashier to GP 4600 from the existing GP 4200.
Upgradation of Pay in Selected Posts in Existing GP 4600
Upgradation of pay has been sought for pay of the group of posts in the present GP 4600 to GP 4800. These include posts of Private Secretary to Additional Registrar, Sr. Personal Assistant, Senior Court Assistant, Court Associate, Editor of Paper books, Assistant Librarian,
Proof Reader, Assistant Accounts Officer (Concurrent Audit) and Building Supervisor. The justification for upgradation is that the holders of analogous posts in the High Court of Delhi are in GP 4800.
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