Payment of arrears of pensions to Pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2006 – CPAO Orders on 4.9.2015

Payment of arrears of pensions to Pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2006 – CPAO Orders on 4.9.2015

NEW DELHI-110066

CPAO/Tech/Revision (Pre-2006) /2015-16/941-1011
Office Memorandum

Subject:- Payment of arrears of pensions to Pre-2006 pensioners w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

In pursuance of DP&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 28.01.2013, pension/family pension of some pensioners/family pensioners were revised w.e.f. 24.09.2012 through individual amendment authorities.

See: DP&PW OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 28.01.2013 – Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners – Revised concordance table (Annexure) of the pre-1996, pre-2006 and post 2006 pay scales/pay bands

Now, in pursuance of the orders of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, DP&PW vide its OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 30.07.2015 has decided to grant the benefit of revision of pension/ family pension w.e.f. 01.01.2006 in such cases. Keeping in view the sensitivity and urgency of the matter it has been to issue CPCC-wise amendment authority for such cases which have already been revised w.e.f. 24.09.2012 whose requisite details are available with CPAO in batches having name of pensioner, PPO number, bank account number, No. & date of last SSA issued as per DP & PW OM dated-28.01.2013.

See: OM No. 38/37/08-P&PW (A) dated 30.07.2015 Revision of pension of pre-2006 pensioners- Payment of Arrears from 01.01.2006: DoPPW Order

While calculating the arrears following points require special attention:-

i) Change in the rate of pension/family pension during the period from 01.01.2006 to 23.09.2012 which may be due to death of the pensioner, completion of the period of enhanced family pension and grant of additional pension on attaining the age of 80 years. It may be ensured that the pensioner/family pensioner get the benefit of revised pension from the due date whether it may be 01.01.2006 or any later date with accurate rate of pension/ family pension.

ii) The cases of dual family pension should not be mixed with these revision cases as the same have also been effective from 24.09.2012.

Heads of all CPPCs are advised to give special attention to credit the respective pension accounts at the earliest.

(Vijay Singh)
Sr. Accounts Officer (IT & Tech)


Unknown said…
The GOI is found to be going in line with the demands, justified and solving the problems in time.Why not they go ahead in issuing Orders to the RPF -Railway Protection Force- one of the Armed Force of the UOI working under the control and command of the Ministry of Railways; While all the other CPOs/CPMFs are working under Ministry of Home Affairs. Just because, the RP|F is not under their CONTROL, THE MOH is not giving/EXTENDING all the benefits and perks as that of other CPOs/CPMFs. While the MOR is also showing step motherly treatment towards RPF Personnel and the Pensioners-- Why because, the Pay, Grade Pay as implemented to the other Armed Forces of MOH are being given to the RPF, including application of ACP/MACP. For example,While they -RPF-complete, say RPF Inspectors in the Grade Pay of Rs.4600/-, the next Grade Pay for the RPF as per VI CPC is Rs.5400/-, but, instead, they are being placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- like all other Railway Employees. Kindly look into this matter.... The OROP for the MIlitary Pensioners/around 33 lakhs in all can be given OROP and not the other Armed Force PErsonnel/Retirees who had served for the country's SAFETY AND SECURITY AND FOR NOTHING ELSE. NO DISCRIMINATION AND SECOND HAND TREATMENT MAY PLEASE BE AVOIDED IN IMPLEMENTING THIS OROP TO RPF AND ALL OTHER CPOS/CPMFS, THEY ARE ALSO CENTRAL GOVT. PENSIONERS......I FULLY SUPPORT AND EXTEND OUR WHOLEHEARTED DEMAND OF THE RAILWAYS VENTILATED THROUGH OUR BELOVED MR. M. RAGHAVIAH GARU. KINDLY DO SOMETHING WITH BROAD PERSPECTIVE AND FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS ALSO.....TQ.
I am waiting for the arrears.
My BASIC increase in 2009.,has be back dated to.1.1.2006. As per
Order's .so I will get some Arrears. Que is long.yet I know I will get it.
Is it applicable to defence pensioner too.the increase in pension on 24th sept to paid in arrears from 1.1.2006.
Is it OK.

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