Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS regarding
Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS regarding
G.I., Dep. of Per. & Trg., O.M. No.4/2/2006-CS.II (B) (Vol.), dated 9.1.2015
Subject :- Continuation of ad-hoc appointment in the grade of Assistant of CSS regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M of even number dated 3Rd July, 2014 on the subject mentioned above, vide which Cadre units were permitted to continue ad-hoc appointments in the grade of Assistant up to 31.12.2014. Further continuance of these appointments has been reviewed in this Department and it has been decided that the period of the ad-hoc appointment of those UDCs of CSCS who are working as Assistants of CSS on ad-hoc basis may be extended up to 30.06.2015 or titi regular Assistants become available, whichever is earlier.
3. Other terms and conditions mentioned in the relevant OMs will remain unchanged.
4. Copies of the order along with the details of the officials (date of birth, date of Joining, Rank No., Select List Year, etc.) may be endorsed to this Department for record.