Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with Bye-Elections to the Parliamentary Constituencies and Assembly Constituencies in State Assemblies etc, during September, 2014
Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with Bye-Elections to the Parliamentary Constituencies and Assembly Constituencies in State Assemblies etc, during September, 2014
F.NO.12/7/2014-JCA 2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 3rd September, 2014
Subject: Closing of Central Government Offices in connection with Bye-Elections to the Parliamentary Constituencies and Assembly Constituencies in State Assemblies etc, during September, 2014.
The undersigned is directed to say that in connection with the Bye-Elections to the Parliamentary Constituencies from the State of Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh and Assembly Constituencies in various State Assemblies scheduled to be held in during September, 2014, the guidelines already issued by Department of Personnel & Training vide OM No.12/14/99-JCA dated 10th October, 2001 (copy enclosed) have to be followed for closing of the Central Government Offices including Industrial Establishments in the States.
These instructions may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(Ashok Kumar)
Director (JCA)