Advance payment of wages to industrial employees of OFs for the month of Sept, 2014

An account of Festivals, Government has decided to issue advance payment of wages to industrial employees of OFs for the month of Sept, 2014..

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FAX/Speed Post

Office of the Principal Controller of Accounts ( Fys)
10-A, S.K.Bose Road, Kolkata- 700 001

No. Pay/ Tech-I/0826/Disb/2014/
Date :- 24/09/2014
1. All CFA ( Fys)
O I/C AO, OF (P),Nalanda

2. 0 I/C AO, OF (P),Korwa

Sub:- Advance payment of wages to industrial employees of OFs for the month of Sept, 2014 (payable in October, 2014) on account of Durga Puja Festival/ Dussera/ Bakri-Eid falling during 01.10.2014 to 06.10.2014

Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Expenditure vide U.O. No. 3(2)/2012/TA/477 dated 17.09.2014 on the above subject received under OFB, Kolkata No. 111/A/A dated 24/09/2014 has accorded approval for disbursement of wages for the month of September, 2014 in advance on 29.09.2014. The same may be communicated to all the LAOs under your jurisdiction for necessary action at their end, please.

In this connection it is requested that advance payment of wages on account of the aforesaid festival should be made positively on 29.09.2014 for the month of September,2014 subject to fulfillment of following conditions:-

1. The amount of advance wages to be paid on 29.09.2014 for the month of 09/2014 should be the actual wage for the month of 08/2014 drawn and disbursed to the respective Industrial Employees.

2. The Br. AO should adjust the advance wages, thus paid on 29.09.2014, while generating the regular wage bill for the month of 09/2014, which is required to be prepared by 07/10/2014 based on actual hours worked by each IE of the respective OF (i.e. w.r.t. actual attendance data).

3. Over payments , arrived at as a result of such actual generation of regular wage bill for the month of 9/2014 on due date i.e. 7-10-2014, should be adjusted by recovery through actual wage bill, generated for the month of October, 2014, payable in November, 2014.

4. Br. AOs should also take care of the dues in respect of the individuals on EOL/ long leave/ prolonged absence etc.

5. It is requested to note, while taking account of the actual payments made in the previous month (i.e. wage for 08/2014), Br. AOs should calculate the actual monthly wages to arrive at the advance amount after deducting any arrear payments/ supplementary payments (if any) made with the wages for the month of 08/2014.

Strict compliance to the above instructions may please be ensured.

Asst. Controller of Accounts ( Fys)



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