Particulars to be obtained by Head of office from the retiring govt. servant eight months before the date of his retirement - CPAO Orders

Particulars to be obtained by Head of office from the retiring govt. servant eight months before the date of his retirement.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi


Subject: Particulars to be obtained by Head of office from the retiring govt. servant eight months before the date of his retirement.

The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievance and Pensions vide its notification dated 20th Feb 2014 has provided a checklist of documents to be submitted by the retiring personnel along with form 5 (under Rule 59(1)(c) & 61(1) of CCS(Pension)Rules) by adding ”Undertaking for refunding any excess payment made by pension disbursing bank”.

Earlier this undertaking was required to be submitted by the pensioners to their opted bank at the time of first time identification before the commencement of pension. Henceforth this undertaking has become an integral part of the Pension Payment order booklet.

All Pr CCAs/CCAs/CAs/A.Gs and designated authorities in the case of AIS officers with independent charge are requested to issue instructions in this regard to all concerned and forward the PPOs to CPAO along with this undertaking without fail in the Proforma enclosed/Annexure XI to the Scheme for Payment of Pension for onward transmission to the CPPC of the bank. It may be ensured that no fresh PPO is sent to CPAO without this undertaking in future.

(Suman Bala)
Chief Controller(Pensions)




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