Govt. of India
Ministry of Defence,
Ordnance Factory Board,
10A S.K. Bose Road
Kolkata -700001
Dated-23rd December, 2013
All Sr. General Manager / General Manager /
Head of Establishment Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment Factories

Sub : Transfer Policy for deployment of Group 'B' Gazetted officers of Ordnance Factories Organisation.

As approved by O.F.Board. Transfer Policy for JWM, Sr. PS & PS is hereby circulated for information of all concerned. A copy of the same enclosed herewith an Annexure.
Director /NG
For Director General, Ordnance Factories

Transfer Policy for JWM, Sr PS, PS.
1. Objectives :
To ensure reasonable tenure that promotes core competencies and domain knowledge.

To enable exposure to new areas of work and encourage second and third line of experts.

To accommodate genuine problems and difficulties of the officers in a transparent manner.

2. Transfer on Functional Grounds.

Generally, JWM should work in the factory continuously for a period of 10 years unless it is required to transfer on functional & ground. As far as possible, JWM / Tech (Except Civil) may be considered for transfer in the same technology group of factories. JWM / Civil, JWM / NT, Sr. PS / PS can be considered across the technology groups but in nearby stations to the extent possible.

If a JWM has less than 5 years service left, he should not be considered for transfer, unless there is a request or administrative exigency, which may be recorded.

Transfers should be delinked from promotions.

Based  on the projected requirement from factories/units/OFBHQ, a circular should be issued twice in a year i.e. in January and July calling for applications indicating preference for posting. 

Transfers may be considered normally twice in a year, as on 1st April and 1st October.

3. Request Transfers.
Request for transfer from employees suffering from terminal ailments shall be given priority.

While considering other requests for transfer, GOI instructions on spouse cases physically challenged, mentally challenged family members etc. well be followed.

The officer should complete at least 3 years tenure in a particular station, before his request for transfer can be considered.

All the request cases for transfer to factories having functional requirement may be accommodated, before considering others for transfer on functional grounds.

All request transfers in cases of less than 10 years stay except that at point no.1 above will be ordered in own interest.

4. Standing Committee for posting / transfer

A Standing Committee comprising the following shall consider all cases of transfer including request transfer and give specific recommendation for approval of the competent authority. 
Composition of the Standing Committee: 
(i) Member / Per - Chairman 
(ii) DDGS of all Operating Divisions - Members 
(iii) DDG/IR - Member Secretary

5. Competent Authority

Based on the recommendation of the Standing Committee, all transfers whether on functional ground or on request will be issued, with the approval of DGOF & Chairman, OFB. 

Notwithstanding above, DGOF & Chairman, OFB reserves the right to order or to refuse any transfer on administrative and functional grounds. 

All the requests for transfer (other than those suffering from terminal ailments) should be considered by determining their relative merit on point score for different grounds of compassion.

The point score for grounds of compassion will be as under :

Sl.No. Grounds Point Score
Grounds of Compassion
1. Major illness of the employee or dependent family members on the recommendation of the CMO of Factory / Unit Hospitals 15
2. Settlement of daughters marriage 15
3. Final settlement at native place within last 3 years of service 15
4. Posting of Husband 8 wife not in the same station 1 5
5. Stay at hard station for more than 10 years 15
6. Stay at hard station for more than 5 years 10
7. Children’s Education (10th to 12th) 10
8. Looking after Parents / dependent brother or Sister 5
Points assigned to the above grounds /criteria will be assumed up to obtain the total score point regarding an applicant and ranking / priority will be decided based on that.

In case of same score points obtained by two or more applicants, individual elder in age will be given priority.
List of hard stations:
3. OFV

The requests for transfer would be accommodated to the extent of vacancies. For example, If three vacancies are there in one station and there are seven requests for transfer to that station, the three cases having highest point score may be considered for posting.

Source: INDWF


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