Dopt orders - Re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director as a measure personal to him - reg.
Dopt orders - Re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director as a measure personal to him - reg.
Government of India
Department of Personnel and Training
(Office of the Establishment Officer)
North Block,
New Delhi 22nd January, 2014
Sub:- Re-designation of the post of Deputy Secretary held by an officer appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme as Director as a measure personal to him - reg.
As per instructions contained in O.M. No. 31/5/2002-EO(MM-l) dated 28th February, 2002, an All India/Group ‘A’ Service Officer holding the post of Deputy Secretary could be appointed as Director by re-designating the post of Deputy Secretary held by him/her if he/she has completed 14 years of service and has got Non-Functional Selection Grade in his/her parent cadre. If such an officer has completed 14 years of service but has not got Non-Functional Selection Grade, he/she could be appointed as Director only if a sanctioned vacant post of Director was available, and the basic pay of the officer was Rs. 13,125/- (pre-revised).
2. It may be noted that under the Central Staffing Scheme, the posts of Deputy Secretary and Director are interchangeable. Therefore, the requirement for a vacant post of Director being available in the Ministry before such re-designation is no longer applicable
3. In view of the above, it is being clarified that officers of All India Services/Group ‘A’ Services appointed under the Central Staffing Scheme and holding the post of Deputy Secretary, who have not yet got NFSG in their cadres, could be appointed as Director by re-designating the post of Deputy Secretary held by him/her if he/she has completed 14 years of service without insisting on the condition that there should be a clear vacancy of Director available. This re-designation would be subject to the condition that
(I) The promotion of the officer to NFSG has not been specifically denied.
(ii) The officer should have earned at least 3 increments in a post in Pay Band-3 carrying Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/-.
4. Where an officer holding the post of Deputy Secretary under the Central Staffing Scheme has completed 14 years of service and has been granted NIFSG in his cadre, his post may be re-designated as Director. .
5. All proposals for such re-designation may be forwarded to this Department with the approval of the Minister in-charge.
Deputy Secretary to the Govt of India