Railway Board Orders : Procedure for recruitment of staff in Pay Band-I of Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs. 1800) on Indian Railways regarding

(Railway Board)

No.E (NG)-II/2009/RR-1/10Pt.

New Delhi, dated 19/07/2013

The General Manager (P), 
All Zonal Railways/Production Units.

Sub: Procedure for recruitment of staff in Pay Band-I of Rs. 5200-20200 (Grade Pay: Rs. 1800) on Indian Railways regarding.

In terms of existing instructions, recruitment to posts in Grade Pay: Rs. 1800 is to be conducted annually and employment notification has to be issued in July of the year taking into account the vacancies of the next calendar year. Vacancies so notified, are subject to revision since any shortfall of earlier recruitment is to be taken care of. Presently no specific instructions exist for RRCs and they are to follow RRB pattern in the absence of the same. The issue of modification of indents has been examined on references received from field units and the following has been decided by Board:

(a) The revised indents may be placed with the personal approval of General Manger of the Railway concerned, where requirement of enhancement of vacancies is to the extent of 50% or below of the notified vacancies.

(b) If enhancement is more than 50% of the notified vacancies, then Board’s specific approval will have to be taken by the Railway with the personnel recommendation of the General Manager.

(c) In case of reduction/cancellation of indent itself, Board’s specific approval will have to be obtained with the personnel recommendation of the General Manager.

(d) The stipulation made above can be exercised only once, after the notification of the vacancies has been done. For all cases as above, entire exercise be completed one month before the commencement of written examination.

Please acknowledge receipt.

(Harsha Dass) 
Director Estt. (N)-II 
Railway Board.

Source: www.indianrailways.gov.in


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