BSNL Orders : Modified Policy for allotment of vacant qtrs to Retired employees of BSNL / DoT

 BSNL and DoT Orders - Modified Policy for allotment of vacant qtrs to Retired employees of BSNL / DoT.

PGM (BW) BSNL Corporate Office
Telegraph Office Building,
Kashmere Gate, Delhi - 110006.

Dated : 10-07-2013

Sub: Modified Policy for allotment of vacant qtrs to Retired employees of BSNL / DoT.

The policy for allotment of vacant quarters in BSNL to retired BSNL / DOT Employees for their use was issued vides dated 30/12/2011. Initially this policy was issued for one year Later on as per approval of the competent authority the policy was extended for three months vide letter dated 18/02/2013.

Now Management Committee has approved a modified policy for allotment of staff quarters to retired employee of BSNLI / DoT (this policy is not applicable to family pensioners of retired employees). This replaces the existing policy for utilization of vacant staff quarters in BSNL issued vide No. 482-16/2007-BG (Staff Qrs.) dated 30/12/2011. CGMs are allowed to allot the vacant staff quarters to the retired BSNL / DoT employees with following conditions.

i) CGMs are empowered to allot the vacant quarters to the retired employee of BSNL / DOT, if there is no immediate (say for six months) need of the quarters for BSNL employee or quarters are lying vacant for the last six months.

ii) The retired employee of BSNL / DOT concerned shall be responsible for all the acts and/or omissions of his family members residing in such allotted quarter.

iii) The allotment of accommodation should be done on the application submitted by the concerned retired employee of BSNL / DOT to concerned CGM along with attested copy of PPO.

iv) The applicant has to give guarantee of one serving BSNL / DOT employee who is not due for retirement up to six months beyond the allotment period. The guarantor shall give undertaking that in case of default in payment of rent by the applicant he shall pay the due amount or the due amount may be recovered from his salary 
The vacant quarters can be leased out to retired employee of BSNL / DOT for a period of 11months subject to the condition that the lease deed is registered at the cost of the lessee and lessee pays four months rent advance as security deposit. This will be an additional option for retired employee of BSNL / DOT in addition to existing conditions of allotment.

v) The quarters can be allotted for 2 years at a time in cases when the allottee provides guarantee. However, in this case CGMs can also Increase this period depending upon local trend with the exit clause for early vacation of the quarters by either of the parties by giving three months notice provided the condition of guarantor is fulfilled

vi) The allotment of these accommodations should be for the use of the retired employee only and his/her immediate family members will be allowed to stay with him/her i.e. wife / husband, children & their spouses and parents only.

vii) Vacant quarters of any type limiting to the entitlement of the retired employee at the time of retirement can be allotted and no sharing or sub-letting will be allowed. All the rules, conditions in FR SR Part I on this subject are applicable for such allotments also

viii) In case retired employee wants higher category of quarter then only one step above the entitled type of quarter can be allotted but the rent of allotted type [i.e. higher type] of quarter shall be payable by the allottee and other charges also shall be payable as per that type of quarter.

ix) The allottee has to apply afresh for re-allotment, if he proposes to occupy the same after expiry of initial allotment along with fresh guarantee, if policy permits.

x) Rent for the quarters so allotted will be same as already approved by BSNL in amendment to the policy for allotment of quarters to family members of BSNL employee vide letter No. 482-16/2007 —BG dt 01/09/2011. All income tax liabilities, other taxes, if any, applicable will be borne by the retired employee concerned only (copy of rent details enclosed).

xi) In case accommodation is required for allotment for any serving BSNL employee, the allottee has to vacate the quarters on 2 months’ notice. No appeal against such notice will be entertained. If the quarter is not vacated by that time, the retired employee will be liable to pay twice the actual market rent of such quarter without pre judice to legal action. A clear undertaking may be taken from the applicant that. “He/She will vacate the quarter within 2 months on receipt of notice for vacation of the quarter.

xii) The allottee will be bound by all the rules and regulations which are applicable for allotment of BSNL accommodation in the normal course regarding conduct, sharing, payment of water and electricity charges etc.

xiii) Only minimum maintenance for providing labour connected with water supply, sanitation etc will be done by BSNL and any material replacement has to be borne by the allottee himself/herself However, no addition/alteration/damages etc. will be allowed to the existing structure by allottee The major repair, if required, shall be done by BSNL Allottee shall handover quarter in the same condition as it was handed over to him/her and if any damage is found the same shall be rectified at his/her cost.

xiv) An amount equal to 3 months rent has to be taken as Security Deposit which is refundable on vacation after deducting the charges/losses, if any, payable by the retired employee.

xv) The allottee shall pay rent of each month in advance by 5th of each month and if it is not paid by that date, one month notice shall be issued to the allottee for vacation of the quarter If the quarter is not vacated within one month after the notice, necessary action for eviction will be initiated by BSNL.

xvi) The amount due, if any, will be recovered from the security deposit of the employee and notice of recovery, if recovery exceeds security deposit, shall be sent to the allottee, guarantor and DDO of guarantor. If the due amount is not paid by allottee or guarantor, within notice period, the DDO of guarantor shall be asked to recover due amount from the guarantor.

xvii) CGMs are empowered to incur expenditure on minimum maintenance/repairs necessitated before allotment to make the quarter livable. The expenditure which can be incurred on suchworks shall be limited to 3 months rental amount received as security deposit.

xviii) This type of allotment shall be allowed to the retired employee of BSNL / DOT only and in case of death of the retired employee, as the case may be, such allotted quarter shall be vacated within 2 months after the death of the allottee.

xix) CGM shall appoint a Nodal officer for maintaining the record of vacant quarters, receipt and disposal of applications from retired employee for allotment of quarters. timely collection of rent and other charges etc. A monthly report on revenue collected on account of the renting out vacant quarters should be sent to BW Cell of BSNL Corporate Office for compilation and furnishing report on revenue generation.

xx) The necessary safeguards be provided in the allotment letter to prevent unlawful use of such allotted quarters and non-payment of statutory dues like electricity, water bill and rental, maintenance etc

xxi) Rent will be increased minimum 5% per annum. However, CGMs can decide more increment depending upon local trend in market.

xxii) Service charges for Civil & Electrical maintenance shall also be chargeable under this policy.

This policy is not applicable to family pensioners of retired employees.


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