Central govt employees’ retirement age to be extended by 2 years to 62 - Financial Express

Central govt employees’ retirement age to be extended by 2 years to 62 - Financial Express

The government is planning to extend the retirement age of all central government employees by two years — from the current 60 to 62 years. Sources said that an in-principle decision has been taken in this regard and the department of personnel and training (DoPT) has begun the work to implement the same. A formal announcement to this effect is expected this year itself.

The last time the government extended the retirement age of central government employees was in 1998. It was also a two-year extension from 58. This was preceded by the implementation of the 5th Pay Commission, which had put severe strain on government’s finances. Subsequently, all state governments followed the Centre’s policy by extending the retirement age by two years. Public sector undertakings followed suit too.

The decision to extend the retirement age is well-timed both politically and economically.

The UPA government reckons the move would be a masterstroke. At a time when it is buffeted by several corruption cases, it is felt that the extension of the retirement age will go down well with the middle classes. Economically also, the move makes sense because by deferring payment of lump sum retirement benefits for a large number of employees by two years, the government would be able to manage its finances better.

“An in-principle decision has been taken to increase the retirement age by two years within this year itself. This would reduce the burden on the fisc from one-time payment of retirement benefits for employees including defence and railways personnel,” an official involved in the discussion said. With the fiscal consolidation high on the government's agenda, this deferment would come handy.

There’s some flip side too if the retirement age is extended by two years. Those officials empanelled as secretaries and joint secretaries would have to wait longer to actually get the posts. And of course, there is the issue of average age profile of the civil servants being turning north.

It is also felt that any extension is not being fair with a bulk of people who still look for jobs in the government.

However, officials point out that at least it prevents an influential section of the bureaucracy to hanker for post-retirement jobs with the government like chairmanship of regulatory bodies or tribunals.

“As it is, a sizeable section of senior civil servants work for three to five years after the retirement in some capacity or the other in the government,” said a senior government official. The retirement age of college teachers and judges are also beyond 60.

As per a study, the future pension outgo for the existing Central and State government employees is estimated at a staggering Rs 1,735,527 crore or 55.88% of GDP at market prices of 2004-05.



Anonymous said…
Raising the retirement age of central govt. employees will block the job opportunities of unemployed youths for two years which are in need of job and have more energy to serve the country than the person of 60+. Moreover, govt. will get the services of fresh recruitees by paying about40% emoluments which are being paid to 60+ officers/ official. Promotion avenues of existing staff will also be blocked by two years which may cause frustration and reduce the efficiency of work.
Anonymous said…
youth of India is all ready Jobless..they are working with very poor fixed pay.. privatization in Government jof is just like fashion..unrest is already..Just to save skin for the political interest & current bureaucracy, youth of india will disappointed by the govt. and brain drain will continue and our nation will go backward for few years
Its a time to utilized our youth in the Interest of Nation
D K Bhatt
Anonymous said…
UPA Govt. should keep in mind that majority of voters are youth in India and this decision might give them some central govt. employee vote but majority of youth will vote against UPA.
Anonymous said…
Being government service enhancement of 62 years not a wise decision on government end. It should be the same as it is the age of 60. It directotly hampers the prospects of young blood who will be in the race to get job in public sector for sure.
Anonymous said…
The argument of unemployment is absurd. At the age of 60 a person is filled with experience and he is an asset for the country at this stage is relived from job just to sit idle and draw pension without any activity is a great loss and the matter becomes important when we know now a day due to on crease in life expectancy the people are very much active and healthy .So in the interest of nation the retirement age should be increased by at least two years ie to 62
Dr K K Yadav
Anonymous said…
Relating youth unemployment with extension of retirement age is absurd . A person of 60 is filled with experience of his job and is an asset for the govt .Retiring will make him to sit idle at home and feed on the pension . the present health condition further support this because usually at 60 a person is quite healthy and active. Youth are not /should not be dependent on govt jobs only/or any other jobs they should be trained /taught to be self dependent
Dr K K Yadav-BHU
sastry said…
Central government employees retirement age enhanced to 62 from 60 years.

If the announcement comes this month (June 2013), it will benefit maximum employees. The official date of birth for many employees is 1st July, though their actual DOB is different. This was done to avoid one academic year loss at entry to 1st standard of school admission.

When DOB is 01-07, they retire on 30-06, and if DOB is 2nd July, they retire in July. Losing one increment due in July, even after working for 365 days by superannuating in June is a sad thing. Justice can be done to some extent, if the 62 years order comes this month for those retiring in June.

I also feel, retirement can be made uniformly in July, irrespective of the month born and age can be 62. For example born any time in 1954, retirement can be July 2016 and born during June to December 1953, retirement can be July 2015 etc.

Nothing can be done probably for those who retired on or before 31-05-2013.
Anonymous said…
The above citizens are correct the youth should get the opportunity to serve India.This is a waste of time all the 60+ employees are mentally fixed to retire from the job well before. Even this move is against youth of the India. If the govt. wants to give extension they may go head with defence, industries but not in universities.
Anonymous said…
Raising the Retirement Age from 60 to 62 years will not serve any purpose to the Nation except some monetory gain to the employees who would get extention. Rather steps should be taken to fill up the vacancies with fresh blood, with newer pay scale (viz. Fixed pay approproriate to the post)to reduce the unemployment and catch the vote. Extension to retirement age from 60 to 62 years would be nothing but pouring oil in oily head and nothing else.
Unknown said…
I'm a central govt employ but, I'll definitely oppose this decision, it not only spoil the opportunity of job less youth also effects the career progression of working employs. It only benefits who are in verge of retirement and in higher position.
Anonymous said…
hthe comments on such sensitive issues should be un biased analytical and logic. Before I come to the point let me clarify retirement age of central university teachers is 65 so this decision is not for university teachers. If we leave politics on one side then there are two factors 1-economical9payment of retirement benefits and salary of retiring employee minus pension) is always in national interest. 2. socioeconomic -affecting employment generation and hampering promotion avenues of juniors ---it is only for initial two years then every thing comes on stream line.Dr K K Yadav BHU
Srinivass said…
i am a central govt employee i am oppose the decision to take retirement age from 60 to 62 years. A large number of young generation waiting for jobs hence i am requesting the govt to do not take like this decision.
Anonymous said…
Please fill up all the vacancies first,then remove inefficient people from job by retiring them if they are of age 55 or 30 years of service,then extend the retirement age of the persons who joins late in service who has not overall 30 years of service before retirement.If retirement age is extended, recruitment age must also be extended. And the persons who are on extended service the must be designated like GM(ext), DG(ext) etc. so that normal promotion should not be blocked.
Anonymous said…
There is so many young youth are waiting for a Government jobs. Why the government is extend the age of retirement of Central government employees from 60 to 62?

State govt and pvt organsation retirement age is 58 than why it should be 62 for central govt. employees. should india's youth apply for out of country?

The retirement age of Central Government should be 55.... Politician mind it.
Why so hue and cry ? Some sensible central Govt. employees are opposing the increase of retirement age from 60 to 62, friends,if you are so concern about the youths, please remember that you have every scope to take voluntary retirement with full pension after 20 years service. Please do that . Also demand that the politicians should retire at the same age to give the scope to the youths.
Anonymous said…
Increase in retirement of age to 62 will be an unfortunate decision on the part of Govt. Even at the age of 60 no one is capable to do work All are sitting idle and taking salary without work. Already there is problem of unemployment the position will aggravate further and youth will be on road and for this the politicians will be responsible.
Anonymous said…
Those People at the verge of retirement already mentally prepared to retire. Further extension will benefit them monitory as they all busy with counting the money for DA hike, increment etc. It is completely injustice if the decision is taken to extend the services. It is all political gimmicks, it wont fetch the progress to our Nation.
Anonymous said…
how many govt. jobs are there? just under 1 crore.the retiring age for all should be 50years why 55 years?for politicians and ministers also there should be age limit.see the amount of money which can be deffered for two years. very good move by Govt.
Anonymous said…
Those who oppose the extension of retiring age from 60 to 52 years, please try to take a survey of Govt employees, they will find that maximum govt employees (Group"C" & "D") are from very mediocar family and due to their family burden they are late marriage and at the time of their retiremet (60 yrs) they are having sons/daughters of under age (16 to 20 yrs). Therefore, if 2 years of service are extended by the government, it will be a God's blessing on them and the percentage of this category of govt servents are not ignorable. So, on the plea of polical issues and employment of young blood, please donot oppose the govt's decesion, if taken.
With thanks from a Central Govt Employee.
Anonymous said…
there is no opportunity for young and youth people of India in govt service .by raising the retirement age again govt is blocking the employment for young generation and creating the unemployment and increasing the criminals and crime.Instead of raising the age of retirement they should decrease the retirement age to 55 .
Anonymous said…
Mere govt jobs can never accomodate youths of the nation.Wide range of jobs in private sector, plus self employment are the only solution.Expertise of serving employees must be utilized for 2 more yrs.
Unknown said…
Average span of life increased to 70 years in India hence the retirement age be raised to 65. This will not hurdle in getting jobs by youths under government establishments.Recruitment is a routine and est
ablished procedure. Raising age will reduce fiscal deficit by saving on lump sum payments on pension.
Anonymous said…
bad news
Anonymous said…
People at the verge of retirement are in fact not paid by the Govt. their deposits plus retirement benefits and pension all together equals the emoluments they are drawing. Same time retirement has hardly anything to do with the fresh recruitment, as it is backlog in recruitment is so much that itself is sufficient if cleared in time. Why not to talk about value added services and efficiency in spite of mind boggling arguments
Anonymous said…
Enhancement of retirement age from 60 to 62 is essential and benefit to Govt and employees.It is also necessary to enhance the age limit for Govt.job for two more years
Prashant said…
this is very good decision taken up by central gov. because if university teacher get benefit of 65 year who do nothing but harassment of student.on the other hand employee of different field get retirement on 60 year only.if this age limit is not increase then it will be matter of employee exploitation and exploitation of human rights.
Anonymous said…
if the ruling government would like to satisfy the government people and get their votes by increasing retirement age the party will definitely loose the votes of other non government people and waiting for govt. jobs . so do not play any politics
don't increase the retirement age and spoil youths.
N.R.Sharma said…
In my opinion when the government decides to increase the retirement age from 60 to 62 years of age in any month, it should be made effective from the same month. Government decides to increase the retirement age for two reasons.Firstly if, as a result of some study, government thinks that the present generation is active and useful even after the age of 60 years, government may increase the retirement age. Secondly if government finds it difficult, due to bad financial condition of the country, in paying thousands of employees retiring in a month, it becomes compulsion for the government to increase the retirement age.Therefore in my opinion if the government decides in principle to increase the retirement in the month of June the same should be implemented in June only. If it is implemented any time after June, this will be gross injustice to the employees retiring in the month of June because neither the health condition of Government employees nor the financial condition is going to change even after June. On the contrary as promised by the Finance minister, the Financial Condition is going to improve due to reformative steps taken by the government and better monsoon. Therefore if at all government is implementing its decision to increase the retirement age ,it should be implemented from the month of June only. I also request various central Government employees union / Association to pressurize the Government to implement the decision from June 2013 only so that thousands of employees retiring in the month June 2013 will also be benefited otherwise injustice will be done on these employees for no fault of their.
Anonymous said…
This is not positive decision because it will increase more unemployment in the country and it should be reduced from 60 to 58 because after 55 a govt. servant get lazy & always feels tired. Thanking You.
A. N. SINGH,BSF said…
Government must not take more time to decide to enhance the retirement age by two years, as well experienced huge men/women will retire by June'13. It is not understood when state govts are raising the age why Central govt is unable to take decision?
Anonymous said…
it is a very good decision
I am a central Govt senior officer but I feel retirement age should be decreased to 58 rather tan increasing it.

What experience, I am an M.Tech Engineer in my salary two young blood can be accommodated. After 50 years most of the people passe time only.

We need working and energetic hands. Brilliant and manipulator gets extension themselves, hence no need to increase retirement age.

Vipul Luckhnavi
web channel : "vipkavi"
Anonymous said…
to increase the retirement from 60 to 62 is hundred percent negative decision. This is burden on the national & youth interest etc.
Also a part of Youth said…
Its a very good decision. and it should be announced & implemented this year itself. By doing so the goverment can defer the huge expences made at the time of retirement of an employee and the same can be utilised for improving food security and the economy of the country.
No doubt youth have more energy to work for different fields but senior employees or 60 + have skills, experience and also efficiency to do their jobs in an organised way and they can also train the new and young employees. Also todays senior citizens are more health conscious and have more efficiency and energy . So health factor cant be taken as a comparison between the youth and 60+ employees.Hence its a right decision of the government to extend 2 years.
Anonymous said…
Raising retirement age is definitely a retrograde step particularly in a country like India where un-employment problem is in its peak. Secondly this country is engulfed with corruption instead of decreasing the administrative expenses on the elected representatives who are sitting on the ivory tower and availing all free facilities. Over and above leading the nation to a status of most corrupt country through the scams. Latest of such action is the rising the price of natural gas exorbitantly which may make Ambanies a 16 lac crore more profiteer. The NDA govt raised the retirement age and experienced the blow from the unemployed youth. UPA is also going to face the same fate if such blunders are made with the misleading advice of partisan trade unions and hypocractic bureaucracy. It is totally ironic when on the one hand govt is spending a large amount on National Employment guarantee scheme and on the other hand making blunders and reducing employment chances through retrograde policies like raising retirement age. Why can't the govt make some healthy policy such as retirement would be made on the basis of service rendered like wise in armed forces. eg. for gazetted posts it would be 33 years of service or 62 years of age and for non-gazetted posts it would be 30 years of service or 62 years which ever is earlier in both the case. Any way it will be in the interest of UPA if such blunders are not repeated otherwise the young voters will make a history.
B k mishra said…
Please do not worry. The retirement age to 62 is a day dream. It will only be done when GOI is unable to pay the retiring people. This had happened in 1963 after china war and in 1998 after pokhran neuclear blast followed by american sanctin against india. No such conditions are in the near future. So why worry about thinking increase in age for retirement.
Srinivass said…
Thank for giving replay. Worry about enhancement of retirement age because so many young people are walking for employment in indian roads as i am a central employee i dedly appose retirment age 60 to 62 my vote for retirment age for 58 years only.
Jony said…
good news for hard working workers.

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