Dopt Clarification Orders on Joining Time Rules

Dopt Clarification Orders on Joining Time Rules : Dopt has issued some clarifications as in the type of Questions and Answers.

Joining Time Rules 

SI. No. / Frequently asked Questions / Answer 

1. Whether Joining time / Joining Time pay is admissible in case of technical resignation of a Government servant to join another Government organization? 

For appointment to posts under the Central Government on the results of a competitive examination and or interview open to Government servants and others, Central Government employees and permanent/provisionally permanent State Government employees will be entitled to joining time. 
A Government servant shall be treated on duty during the period of joining time and shall be entitled to joining time pay equal to the pay and allowances like DA, HRA, CCA, drawn before relinquishment of charge at the old post. But temporary Central Government employees with less than 3 years of regular continuous service, though entitled to joining time would not be entitled to joining time pay. {Rule 4 (4) of CCS(JT) Rules}

2. When can the unutilized joining time be credited as Earned Leave? 
Rule 6 (1) of the CCS (Joining Time) Rules provides that when a Government servant joins a new post without availing full joining time by reasons that— 

(a) he is ordered to join the new post at a new place of posting without availing of full joining time to which he is entitled; or 

(b) he proceeds alone to the new place of posting and joins the post without availing full joining time and takes his family later within the permissible period of time for claiming Travelling Allowance for the family, then the number of days of joining time admissible under sub-rule (4) of Rule 5 of the Central Civil Services (JT) Rules, 1979, subject to a maximum of 15 days reduced by the number of days of joining time actually availed of shall be credited to his leave account as earned leave. 

3. Whether joining time can be combined with leave? 
Rule 6(2) of the CCS (Joining Time) Rules provides that Joining time may be combined with vacation and/or regular leave of any kind or duration except casual leave.

Source :


Anonymous said…
Suppose a person joins a new post of placing without any orders to join immediately without availing joining time
and also joins he proceeds alone to the new place of posting and joins the post without availing full joining time and not in a position to take his family within the permissible period of time for claiming traveling allowance for the
Define permissible period of time
Will the un-availed joining time will be credited to his EL if not why?
Anonymous said…
suppose one relieve from duty on friday and he is entitled to 10 days joining time but he wants one day EL on monday...............
will EL granted or not?????
Unknown said…
Suppose a person on transfer relieved on Tuesday and availed joining time of 10 days and 10th day is Friday then when would he may rejoin?
On Monday?

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