LTC Entitlement of Fresh Recruits : Clarification on Home Town and HQ to be same...

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi cantt- 10

Dated: 12/02/2013

All CsDA/PsDA/I (Through CGDA Mail server)

Subject: LTC entitlement of fresh recruits.

This is regarding admissibility of All India LTC to fresh recruits, where the HQr’s and Home town happens to be same.

2. In terms of Para 4 of DoP&T O.M.No. 31011/4/2008-Estt (A) dated 23.9.2008 - a fresh recruits have been allowed to travel to their home town along with their families on three occasions in and to any place in India on the fourth occasion in a block of four years reckoned from the initial date of joining Govt. service for the first time”.

3. A reference has been received from one of the Controller office regarding admissibility of All India LTC to fresh recruits at anytime during the four year block.

3. The matter was referred to MoD(F) to take up the matter with DoP&T who have since clarified that - ’Fresh recruits would be entitled to All India LTC only in the fourth occasion i.e in the fourth year of a Block irrespective of whether their home town and HQrs are same or different . Thus they cannot avail All India LTC at random.”

4. All Controllers are advised to regulate the claims accordingly.

(Chitra Mahendran)


Reference Orders :



A.S. Mahapatra said…
a central government employee having place of posting and home town is same wheather he is entitled to avil J&K or NE in place of HTLTC or not
Unknown said…
A central govt employee who is retiring on superannuation on 30.06.2014 whether he is eligible or not to avail LTC for the block 2014 - 2015

Unknown said…
A central government employee whose home town belongs to NER .Can he/she travel to by air under LTC 80 rule 1988 when the person is on leave.
Pius said…
I am an central govt. employee joined in the month of Aug 2011. Can I take LTC for (family and myself) other than Home Town (Any where India)for the block year 2010-2013 (Extended upto 2014)
prabhu said…
When can an employee who has joined in Feb 2011 avail all india ltc? can he avail in 2014 his fourth year of service?
Unknown said…
i am a central govt employee joined in the month of Dec 2009. Can i take LTC for (family and my self) other than Home Town (any where India) for the block year 2010-2013(Extended upto 2014)

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