Railway Minister gives assurance to settle the pending issues of Railway employees...

Railway Minister gives assurance to settle the pending issues of Railway employees soon...

Railway Minister gave assurance to NFIR to settle all the pending issues of Railway employees soon, the NFIR General Secretary wirtes a letter to all affilated union members regarding the meeting with the Railway Minister on 12.11.2012. We have reproduced the contents of the letter here for your kind information...

National Federation of Indian Railwaymen

No IV/Mr/Corres. /2012 
Dated: 12/11/2012
The General Secretaries of
Affiliated Unions of NFIR.

Dear Brother,
Sub: - Pending issues — NFIR’s meeting with the Hon’ble Minister for Railways, Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal on 12th November, 2012 — reg.

The President and the General Secretary/NFIR met Hon’ble Minister for Railways on date and discussed various matters including pending issues agitating Railway employees. The core issues discussed with the Railway Minister are listed below:

(i) Pending important issues of Railwaymen relating to VIth CPC: -

a. Merger of Technician -II with Technician -I with Grade Pay Rs.2800/- (PB-I).

b. Revision of entry grade of Station Masters — to be revised to Rs.4200/- (PB-2).

c. Replacement of Grade Pay Rs.4600/- with Rs.4800/- (PB-2) w.e.f. 01/01/2006.

d. Rectification of various anomalies of VIth CPC in the case of running staff e.g. Loco Pilots, Guards etc., on promotion to higher grade posts shouldering greater responsibilities. Allotment of Grade Pay of Rs.4800/- to the Loco Pilots and Grade Pay Rs.4600/- to the Guards category.

e. Allotment of entry Grade Pay of Rs.5400/- to the Group ‘B’ Gazetted staff.

f. Placement of JA Grade Officers in PB-4 with effect from 01/01/2006.

g. Grant of parity in pay structure for Stenographers category in Indian Railways.

(ii) Absorption of the staff working in Quasi-Administrative Offices/Organizations in the Railways against Group ‘D’ vacancies — DC/JCM item No.27/2006.

(iii) Implementation of LARSGESS — Appointment of wards of safety staff duly adopting compassionate appointment procedure.

The response of the Railway Minister has been very positive and he has assured NFIR that efforts will be made to settle the above issues soon.

The Attention of affiliates is also invited to NFIR’s letters No.IV/MR/Corres./2012, No.11/IB and No.11/34/8 dated 02/11/2012 in this regard.

Wide publicity may be given among Railway employees.

General Secretary


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