Outcome of JCM III Level OFB meeting held on 2.8.2012 published by INDWF

Outcome and Feedback of JCM III Level Ordnance Factory Board meeting held on 2.8.2012 published by the General Secretary of INDWF on its official blog.

JCM III Level meeting of OFBoard Council meeting held at OFB Head Quarters on 02.08.2012. In this meeting Secretary Staff Side JCM Member R.Srinivasan participated and raised the points as under…


1. Extended Welcome to Chairman and DGOF, all members of OFB present and both official side and staff side for the meeting of JCM III level council.

He thanked DGOF and Chairman for giving lot more details about the organisations role in meeting the increased requirements of the Armed forces by raising the demand of Rs.46,000 crores in 11th Five Year Plan to Rs.92000 crores which shows the confidence on Ordnance Factories by MoD.  This is an encouraging trend in the present juncture as we have seen many downfalls and were facing tough situation having no sufficient load which led to diversification and taking load from outside.  We should strive hard and work together to raise the flag high by fulfilling the commitments and not giving chance to outside players to encroach into our field.  For which on behalf of INDWF and Staff side we assure our best co-operation.

The proposed welfare schemes proposed by Chairman such as annual cultural meet, Housing society, creating Hostel facility at Ambjahari and coaching centre at Kanpur are welcome.  This shows the concern of OFB on our employees, Staff and Officers.

To achieve the goals/Targets, OFB may come out with an Action Plan which can be discussed and jointly make it implementable and achievable.

Expansion by adding new organisations with OFB will boost our activities by utilising the available infrastructure.

This Bipartite participation system should be strengthened and be utilised to its best so that the industrial Relation situation may be kept in better control.

2. HAPP Trichy though originally established to manufacture Tank Ammunition but now the factory is facing raw material problem i.e. Tungsten powder import due to which FSAPDS production is not taking place.  Import action may be expedited.  RGB-60 & 12 product was successfully established by HAPP to Navy.  Load is available but the existing capacity is very less.  PINAKA production is also added.  Therefore, the draft project report in this respect for augmentation may be cleared at the earliest by which Factory can get manpower, Machineries and additional buildings etc.

3. OF Trichy was manufacturing 5.56 Rifles which has now come to minimum requirement of only 10,000.  OFT has successfully established assault Rifles which is considered equivalent to AK47.  MoD is importing Assault Rifles.  Therefore, orders may be obtained for Assault Rifles projected to OFT in respect of 30 mm Canon 105 nos, 12.7 only 15 nos this may be revised upward otherwise the Factory come to under utilisation.

4. At OF Muradhnagar Hand grenade last year load was 8.7 lakh and current year need to be produced 13 lakh nos. No supplies of orders at least immediately 5 lakh order may be given to utilised and engage the manpower.  It is understood OF Chanda is not having detonators to assemble and therefore orders/Demand was not given.  This may be noted and orders may be given.

5. 81 mm HE Bomb body forgings from OFAJ were to be supplied to OFM for machining.  Till date no order.  This may be expedited.

6. We are thankful that OFB considered and granted 1975 posts of Labourer SSK for Direct Recruitment in Ordnance Factories.  This is a welcome decision by this contract Labour engagement will reduce we should gradually do away in engaging contract labour in Ordnance Factories which is resulting in Theft, indiscipline and improper utilisation of this manpower.

7. With regard to IR situation in Ordnance Factories, earlier it was dealt by deputing Officers from OFB Personnel Division and Federation Leaders to settle the issues.  Now this is given less priority and few Factories are adopting unfair Labour practice leading to conflicts and unrest as well as victimising the Union leaders.  A Mechanism may be evolved to control and settle the Industrial Relation situation.

8. Piece work Co-relation on 6th CPC pay needs to be expedited by holding discussions at the Apex level between OFB and Federations mutually so that the proposal can be forwarded to M of D for early approval.  Priority may be given to this.

9. With regard to GSF, 4 Grade Structure in respect of IE’s has not been implemented yet on the reasons that the matter is sub-judice.  It is requested that the GSF management and OFB should take necessary steps to vacate the stay order for implementation.  Many employees are superannuating from service, the beneficiaries are loosing on an average Rs.2000 to Rs.3000 every month which is leading to frustration, kindly expedite.

10. Despite various clarifications sought by Factories and issued by OFB still many Factories are yet to implement and accord the financial benefit.  This may be monitored and the Action Taken Report may be obtained for the information of the Council.

11. There are many issues pertaining to Factories and OFB in respect of Personnel matters which are being raised frequently in all the meetings by the Staff side members and issues are pending unresolved.  It is therefore suggested to form small Working Groups to study and find out the actual reasons and suggest the remedial measures by which issues can be settled/closed and the time can be saved.  Also as it was proposed Audit in administration matters in respect of Promotions, Seniority, Reservation, Maintaining ratio in Promotion and Recruitment etc., can be maintained without any kind of manipulations. Etc.,

12. Centralised Seniority in respect of NIE’s & NGOs may be updated every year and be made available to the Factories.

13. Policy adopted in respect of Medical Officers now and the orders issued for transfers has created not only disturbance to them but also created vacuum in Hospitals particularly HVF Hospital where Surgeon, Anaesthesia and Gynaecologist and Two other medical officers are transferred.  This may be reviewed on their Children’s study, near retirement etc., and to avoid frustrations.

14. The issue of acute stagnation in the Store Keeping cadre may be considered as important and priority should be given to implement the proposal of AWATI Committee by diverting some posts of Chargeman (T) to relieve the stagnation of Storekeeping Cadre as an immediate measure.  Cadre Review Proposal is a long term relief and the immediate relief is most important.

15.  JCM members and Federation Leaders are provided the accommodation at IB.  Due to renewal of IB, the Mayur Bhawan, HANS Bhawan was constructed. But at times we are denied accommodation when approached through OFB.  It is therefore, we request at least 4 Rooms in Mayur Bhawan may be kept under the Control of OFB to provide accommodation for JCM II, III and Federation Leaders when not occupied by these leaders, during that time Factory may utilise under the intimation to OFB.

16. Ordnance Factory Board may consider to introduce Job Guaranteed Training Schemes like Journeyman Ship Training, SCT, SAT training etc for future requirements and to impart better Training so that they will be better qualified for future Supervisory posts.

17. On LTC Home town, necessary clarification may be issued by PC of A Fys for converting to All India LTC.

18. JWMs working in Factories for a longer period say 20-30 years and also in one section may be rotated within the Factory or between the Factories to avoid monopoly.

19. OCF Chandigarh we received representation that many trees have been rooted out and the timber is piled/stocked at the Factory which is not with the approval of the Forest Department which may be enquired and corrective steps may be taken.

20. Employees of MCM grade were promoted to Chargemen(T) against their objection between 01.01.2006 and after, since MCM and Chargeman (T) are drawing identical Pay it is not a promotion, only Transfer.  But Factory is treating as Promotion and refusal of promotion is not entitled for MACP Rs.4, 600/- which may be settled by reverting to MCM grade.

21. In respect of DBW and CPW for DR in SSK the desirable qualification trade background etc., may be clearly notified including the Trade Test specification as number of candidates are not available in AOCP Trades.

22. Taking into account of the present workload, the sanctioned manpower may be revised in all Ordnance Factories, the sanction should not be more than the authorisation and sometimes authorisation is less than the sanction.  This may be revised.

23. Member representing in the APEX Productivity council (APC) should be considered as equal to JCM members and if they are serving employees, they should be given all facilities and representation alike JCM members in Factories.  Necessary instructions may be issued.

24. The norms decided by OFB for allowing candidates to appear in Limited Departmental Competitive Exams may be made clear for the information of the House and also necessary amendments be made in SRO.

25. Teachers strength may be increased in Factory schools as per demand and also the applicability of RTE Act in OF Schools may be clarified.

26. Employees deputed to various locations for attending Official Duties other than Ordnance Factories should be taken care of their Overtime, Incentive Loss.  A suitable decision is required to be taken to avoid financial loss to them.

27. New Pay slips may be introduced for wage disbursement of Industrial Employees for August to be paid in the month of September.

28. Cadre review of Chargeman and JWM, a committee under the Chairmanship of Shri R.N.Ralegaonkar, AGM/OFAJ, to be constituted and the same to be undertaken

29. Direct Recruitment for the post of Chargeman for 829 posts has been sent to SSC.

30. Factories have been asked to project their requirement of Teaching staff in the Ordnance Factory Schools and a proposal will be made to MoD for Direct Recruitment sanction as per requirement of Ordnance Factory Schools.

31. MACP and PLB pending for Teaching staff is taken up with MoD.

32. Computer Classes to be arranged in Ordnance Factory Schools for the betterment of the Children studying in the Ordnance Factory Schools.

33. High level committee to be formed for Explosive Factories for discussion on Safety Points.
General Secretary
Source: www.indwf.blogspot.in


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