Official Minutes of the meeting held at CGEWHO Chennai (Phase II) Project

Official Minutes of the meeting held at CGEWHO Chennai (Phase II) Project

CGEWHO has published the official minutes of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of CEO, CGEWHO at Chennai (Ph II) project on 23.8.2012.

Minutes of the meeting held under the Chairmanship of CEO, CGEWHO at Chennai (Ph II) project on 23 Aug 2012

A meeting under the Chairmanship of CEO, CGEWHO was held in Chennai (Ph II) project site on 23 Aug 2012, wherein 42 beneficiaries were also present (list placed at Annexure I).  During the discussions, following officials of CGEWHO were also present :
a) Sh M Narayanan, Director (Tech)
b) Sh Gagan Gupta, Asst Director (Tech)
c) Col G Chandrasekaran, Project Manager, Chennai (Ph II)

2. The points raised by beneficiaries were discussed as under :
i) Confirmation on completion of all works in all the DUs (37 blocks) between approved 27 blocks and unapproved 10 blocks  by CMDA  – It was explained that all the defect rectification works shall be completed by 31.10.2012, for all blocks notwithstanding the 
receipt of completion certificate from CMDA as well as non deposit of the final payment by certain beneficiaries. 

ii) Certificate on quality certification by a third party quality agency – It was explained that action is in hand towards obtaining a consultancy from a reputed engineering institution towards obtaining quality audit of the works completed.

iii) Clearance Certificate from CMDA for left out 10 blocks – It was informed that work is in hand towards obtaining Completion Certificate for 10 blocks and CGEWHO is monitoring the progress regularly. It was  also  informed that CEO had met the Secretary, Urban Development, Govt of Tamil Nadu also in this regard on 23 Aug 2012.  It is expected that the proposal towards its issuance of  GO shall be forwarded to Govt of Tamil Nadu shortly by CMDA as per the panel approval. 

vi) Interest waiver, 1.5% contingency reserve fund waiver and compensation for delay to be considered – In this regard, it was explained that there is no provision towards waiver of interest as well as compensation for delay as the organisation is functioning on no profit no loss basis and as per the policy of the organisation, it is not feasible to accede to this request.  With regard to the contingency reserve fund, CEO explained that the matter had been taken up with the Governing Council in its 49th meeting held on 3rd
Aug 2012.

vii) Display of time frame for completion in every block – It was agreed that the schedule towards completion of all blocks with regard to defect rectifications shall be displayed at site.

viii) Car parking refund to be made without any further delay for whoever withdrawn – In this regard it was intimated that in the case of beneficiaries who have not been issued with the possession letter, the activity is done simultaneously.  However, with regard to 
the beneficiaries who had already made the payment and  are having the possession letter towards the car parking the issue shall be looked into the decision shall be taken accordingly.

ix) Charging of electricity should be only on transfer of EB Card in the name of allottee and title – In this regard, it was explained that beneficiaries shall have to get the connection of individual DU transfer  in their name as per TNEB Rules. Till that time the charges towards electricity shall have to be paid by the beneficiaries.      Accordingly, it was suggested that action towards  transfer may be taken up by the beneficiaries on a priority basis and PM shall give necessary assistance towards transfer.

x) The safety of electrical wiring and fixing is to be certified by a safety officer  – In this regard, it was explained that TNEB being statutory authority towards giving power connection has already given connection after proper  verification.  No further certification is required.

xi) Physical manpower deployed by the contractor should be checked and recorded. No bogus booking for effecting payment should be allowed  – It  was explained that the payments are released to the contractor, as per contract only on work basis.

xii) CGEWHO and the contractor to change their adamant attitude officials towards resolving problems faced by the allottees to get qualitative and defect free DUs  – All beneficiaries should contact the Project Manager towards handing over/ defect 
rectification etc. as PM is responsible to complete these activities.   On realizing the certain administrative lacunae, CGEWHO has deputed one Asst Director (Tech) from H.O. to be available at site to oversee all the activities so that all requirements are completed positively by 31.10.2012. The progress achieved after  the above arrangement is quite encouraging.

3. It was conveyed that all the DUs shall be handed over and the issue with regard to the defect liability period shall be reviewed again after obtaining the Completion certificate from CMDA, for balance 10 blocks.

(M Narayanan)
Director (Tech)


Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,
I am working in Central Govt Residing in Quarters, 9 years more no own house or plot so Please Guide me how to get LIG through Govt or any authorised Agent it may be helpful..

Thank E-mail ""

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