Railway authorities allow change in the name of passenger holding confirmed reservation
Railway authorities allow change in the name of passenger holding confirmed reservation
The below information was given by the Minister of State for Railways, Shri Bharatsinh Solanki in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha on 17.8.2012 regarding the subject of change in the name of passengers in reservation tickets...
Railway authorities allow change in the name of passenger holding confirmed reservation
Passengers (Change of Names) Rules, 1990 restrict the facility of change of name by any passenger having a berth/seat reserved in his/her name to five conditions i.e. Government servant proceeding on duty, family member, students of a recognized Government institution, cadet of National Cadet Corps(NCC) & marriage party.
With a view to prevent the misuse of this facility, detailed procedure has been advised to all Zonal Railways which, inter- alia, stipulates for granting of this permission generally by a gazetted officer on production of the specified supporting documents, maintaining of record of such permission and inspection of this record periodically.
Change of name facility is not permitted on Tatkal scheme.
No complaint regarding misuse of this facility has been reported in 2012-13.
There is no proposal at present to review this scheme.