ORDNANCE FACTORY BOARD (OFB) - Cadre restructure of Store Keeping Staff in Ordnance Factories

ORDNANCE FACTORY BOARD (OFB) - Cadre restructure of Store Keeping Staff in Ordnance Factories

A proposal has been sent to Ministry of Defence to get its approval on Cadre restructuring of Store Keeping Staff in Ordnance Factories. Staff Side demanded to review the Cadre of Store keepers and remove the acute stagnation in various levels of meeting. Accordingly the issue has been examined by this Department, a proposal has been made and forwarded to MoD to obtain approval. The complete order is published on the official blog of INDWF today. 

We have reproduced the order and given below for your ready reference.


KOLKATA – 700001

Sub: Cadre restructuring of Store Keeping Staff in Ordnance Factories Organisation.


After the implementation of the VIth CPC by the Govt. of India, there is a growing demand from staff side to review the Cadre of Store Keeping Staff in the Ordnance Factories Organisation.

2. Accordingly the issue has been examined with the following terms of reference.
i) To examine the stagnation profile of existing Supervisor(Stores) and Store Keepers.
ii) To examine any other issues related to the career progression brought out by the Indian Ordnance Factories Non-Technical Supervisory Staff Association.
iii) To suggest a viable cadre structure proposed in the Non-Tech. (Stores) discipline for the Supervisors (Stores) and Store Keeper.
3. Consequent upon the implementation of the 6th CPC the cadre structure of Store Keeping Staff in the OF. Organisation is as follows :-

Name of the Post Pay Band and Grade Pay Sanction Strength Residency period post 6th CPC
Store Keeper PB-1 G.P. Rs.1900 1076 Nil being a DR Post
Supervisor(Stores) PB-1 G.P. Rs.2400 827 8 Years
Chargeman (Stores) PB-1 G.P. Rs.4200 725 10 Years
JWM (Stores) PB-1 G.P. Rs.4600 317 5 Years

4. There is acute stagnation in the Store Keeping cadre. For promotion from Storekeeper to Chargeman (Stores) the residency period required is 18 years. About 394 employees are stagnating far from date of holding Store Keeper post. Relatively, stagnation amongst Supv(NT/S) is much more as compared to stagnation amongst Store Keepers. In Store Keeper post 9 years is 69 and for Supv. the said no. is 165. One of the main reasons for stagnation is reduction in the sanction strength of Chargeman (S) due to abolition of Posts during ADRP.

5. Also, the Cadre review of stores stream has not been undertaken for a long time. There is considerable stagnation at the level of Supv.(NT/S) as stated earlier. For Supv.(NT/S) with a strength of 827 posts there are about 363 promotional posts of CIM(S), which is another main reason for acute stagnation.

6. After implementation of the recommendation of the 5th CPC different intergrade ratios were prescribed for Technical and Non-Technical Supervisory Staff in the Ordnance Factories Organisation vide M of D letter No.44(1)/2002/III/D(Fy-ll) dt. 01.10.2002 (copy enclosed). For Non-Technical Supervisory Staff the ratio for JWM & CJM works out 30:70, where as for Technical Supervisory Staff i.e. JWM(T) and C/M(T) the ratio is 40:60, which also puts non-technical staff in a disadvantageous position as far as career prospects are concerned.

7. Considering all the above facts; the revised stature is proposed to be as follows.

Post Proposed Strength Proposed Ratio
JWM (Stores) 417 14
Chargeman (Stores) 894 30
Supervisor (Stores) 834 28
Stores Keeper 834 28

8. The financial implications of the cadre restructuring is as follows.

Grade PB & G.P.
in Rs.
Mid point
of the
PB Plus G.P. in Rs.
Present Sanction Strength Proposed Sanction Strength No. of
posts proposed
to be created
or surrendered
Financial implication per month
Store Keeper PB-1, 5,200-20,200 G.P.1900/- 14600 1076 834 (-) 242 (-)242x14600 = (-) 3533200
Supervisor (S) PB-1, 5,200-20,200 G.P.2400/- 15100 827 834 (+)7 (+)7 x 15100 = (+) 105700
Chargeman (S) PB-2, 9,300-34,800 G.P.4200/- 26250 725 894 (+)169 (+)169x26250 =(+) 4436250
JWM (S) PB-2, 9,300-34,800 G.P.4600/- 26650 317 417 (+)100 (+)100x26650 =(+) 2665000
Total :-
2945 2979 (+)34 (+)100x26650=(+) 3673750

The financial implication per annum works out to Rs. 3673750 × 12=Rs.44085000/-. For matching saving, it is proposed to surrender 254 posts of Labourer in the pay band-i, Rs. 5,200- 20,200/- and G.P. Rs. 1800/-, (financial implication per annum for 254 posts of Labourer = 14500 x 254 x 12 = Rs. 44196000). This will result in savings of Rs. 111000/- per annum.

9. Ministry of Defence is requested to kindly approve the above proposal for cadre restructuring of Store Keeping Staff.


Source: INDWF

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