Financial assistance for Setting up RTI Cells - Dopt Orders

Dopt orders 2012 : Financial assistance for Setting up RTI Cells

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

North Block, New Delhi – 100001
Dated : 2.8.2012


Subject : Financial assistance for Setting up RTI Cells

The undersigned is directed to refer to O.M. of even number dated 19.5.2011 regarding setting up RTI Cells in the Public Authorities and a one time grant of Rs.50,000 by DOPT for procuring a computer, scanner, printer, etc under the Centrally sponsored scheme "Improving transparency and accountability in the government through effective implementation of RTI".

2. It is reiterated that Ministries/Departments desirous of availing the facility of financial assistance mentioned above, may send their proposals in the proforma enclosed to Director(IR), Room No.280, North Block, New Delhi-1 by post or through email at

3. O.M. dated 19.5.2011 referred to above is available on the website of DOPT (persmin > OMs & Orders > RTI)

(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the Govt of India



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