KV School New Uniform 2012 - Changes has been made in the new pattern of KV School uniform

KV School New Uniform 2012 - Changes has been made in the new pattern of KV School uniform 

The 92nd meeting of the Board of Governors of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan was held on 18th May 2012. Reader are known very well that the important minutes of the meeting of BOG of KVS was already published in our site of CGEN.in. The item No.3 of 92nd meeting was review of the school uniform adopted in Kendriya Vidyalayas. The Board ws approved the proposal of new uniform designed in KVs and the details were given in the minutes.

The another meeting of 93rd Board of Governors of KVS held on 12th July 2012 at New Delhi. Item No.6 in the minutes of the meeting was the matter pertaining to the new pattern of uniform in Kendriya Vidyalays. The Board has approved for some changes in the new pattern of KV uniform which was already approved in the 92nd meeting. The main change had been made in the neck tie of new pattern of KV uniform. The neck tie has been removed from the new pattern of KV uniform. 

The following changes in the pattern of new KV uniform as follows...

1. For Junior Boys in winter session, the amendment has been made in their jackets that "Navy Blue V-neck" in thier sweaters is amended as "Grey V-neck".

2. For Junior Girls in winter session, instead of "Navy Blue" with red lining, in their sweater should be "Grey" with red stripes on the neck, sleeve and waist.

3. For Senior Boys in winter session, instead of "Navy Blue" with V-neck sweater with red stripe, amended as "Grey" with red stripe in the neck, sleeve and waist.

4. For senior girls (middle and secondary) in winter in their Jackets and sweaters, there has been made a simple change as "Grey" with red stripes on the neck and sleeve.

5. For senior girls studying between IX and XII, there is slight change in the colour of jackests and sweaters. "Grey" colour has been made with red stripes on the neck and sleeve instead of "Navy Blue".

6. In the belts, there should be KVS monogram on the buckle.

7. And the shoes for all days is common, "Navy Blue" socks with red lining for summer instead of winter and "Grey" scoks with red lining for winter instead of summer.

Source: CGEN.in


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