Grant of Family pension to dependent parents of deceased Armed Forces Personnel

Office of the Principal Controller of Defence 
Accounts (Pension) 

Circular No. 484

Dated: 11.07.2012

The OI/C,
Records PAO (ORs)

Subject : Grant of Family pension to dependent parents of deceased Armed Forces Personnel.

Reference : This Office Circular No.217 bearing No. Gts/Tech/0113-XLI dated 25.11.1998.

A copy of GOl, MOD letter No.1 (2)/2012/D (Pen/Pol), dated 15 May 2012 is enclosed for information and further necessary action.

2. It has been clarified by GOI, MOD that in the case deceased Armed Forces Personnel is not survived by a widow/widower or child, the dependent parents become directly eligible to receive family Pension. In case where a deceased Armed Forces Personnel is survived by a widow / widower or child and position changes subsequently because of death or remarriage of the spouse and / or death or ineligibility of child /children including disabled child, the dependent parents become eligible for Family Pension. However in terms of this Ministry’s letter No.17(4)/2008(2)/D (Pen/Pol) dated 12.11.2008, a childless widow subject to dependency criteria is entitled to the Family Pension even after remarriage. In such an event, the parents of the deceased Armed Force Personnel become entitled to the Family Pension only after the childless widow dies or when her independent income from all sources becomes equal to or higher than prescribed dependency criteria under the rule.

3. In view of the above you are requested to verify your records and initiate Ordinary Family Pension claims of the affected personnel as per the provision of above Government letter to G-4 Section of this office supported with Sheet Roll,OFP claim and income certificate.

Please acknowledge receipt.

D.C.D.A. (P)

Source :


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