Decisions and Discussions : National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 17.7.2012

Decisions and Discussions : National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 17.7.2012

Highlights of discussions in the National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on 17th July, 2012

NFIR General Secretary Shri.Raghavaiah JCM Staff Side Leader, published the outcome of discussion on some important issues on its website. 

1. Special Allowance and Qualification Pay : The demand for taking special allowance and qualification pay for fixation prupose on promotion w.e.f.1.1.2006 is agreed to be considered and finalized within one month.

2. Rule 8 of Revised Pay Rules : It was agreed that taking into considereation, Recruitment Rules the Senior promotee's pay will be allowed to be fixed at the same stage (especially at the minimum of pay) thus the seniors will get the entry stage pay fixed for direct recruits.

3. Transport Allowance : Since CCA got subsumed in the Transport Allowance resulting denial of Overtime, action will be taken to review this particular aspects to mitigate the hardship.

4. Revision of Existing Allowance : Agreed to process the dobling the allowances (Hospital Patient Care Allowance etc.) Cabinet's approval will be sought. Target date for finalization is one month.

5. Commutation of additional Pension or Revision of pension in respect of post 31.12.2005 retirees : Department of Pension to make calculation for knowing the difference of amount between pre1.1.2006 and post 1.1.2006. Thereafter a view will be taken.

6. Commutation of Revised Pension : Will be examined further. Copy of Supreme Court Judgement will be given to Staff Side.

7. Revision of Base Index for Dearness allowance : Calculation sheet will be sent to Staff Side for comments.

8. Fixation of pay on promotion (shouldering higher responsibility) to a post carrying same Grade pay : Agreed to grant additional increment erstwhile FR-22-C.

9. Anomaly in the Pay Scale, Pay Band and Grade Pay - Library Information Assistant : Will be referred to Department of Culture for comments for considering allotment of Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- in PB-2.

10. MACP Anomalies : Secretary (Personnel) while appreciating the points raised by Staff Side has decided that a separte meeting will be held shortly (tentative date 27th July, 2012).

11. 15 Years Period fixed for Commutation is Arbitrary/unjustified : Official Side stated that the issue will be examined further.

12. Anomalies in the Pay Scale of Official Language Staff - Grant of parity to Rajbhasha Sahayaks : Railway Ministry's proposal for granting parity is under active consideration Favourale decision is expected.

13. Grant of parity in the case of Indian Railways Stenographers : Staff Side insisted that int he light of  Cabinet's approval for granting parity, the Railway Ministry should issue orders without referring to Minisry of Finance. It was however stated by the Official Side that this being a common category, Ministry of  Finance will have to be approached by Railway Ministry. After discussion it was agreed to expedite decision.

14. Eleven additional Items given by Staff Side in the last meeting will be proritized for further examination ad discussion.

15. Replacement of Grade Pay of Rs.4600/- with Rs.4800/- in the Railways : Official Side stated that Railway Ministry's proposal will be considered and a decision given.

16. Transport Allowance at Delhi for employees fo Faridabad, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad and Noida : After discussion it was agreed to consider positively. Staff Side also pointed out that HRA at Delhi rates are already paid to staff and hence Transport Allowance at Delhi rates should be allowed.

17. Grant of another option to the employees promoted in between 1.1.2006 and 2010 : Staff Side pointed out that the Field staff who were promoted after 1.1.2006 were unaware of the advantage of option as they were in the 5th CPC Pay Structure till the implementation of 6th CPC Revised Pay Structure and hence another option should be granted in such situation. After lengthy discussion, Secretary (Personnel) has agreed that thre is hardship involved and assured to decide favourably.

Shri. M.Raghavaiah, JCM Staff Side leader, Guman Singh, NFIR President and R.P.Bhatnagar, Working President, NFIR have participated in the meeting.


Anonymous said…
Again unjustified with LDC and UDC Cadre. What reason behind not submitted matter regarding upgradation of grade pay of LDC & UDC.
raju said…
Hope now government will take fast decesions on pending issues. most regards to committee members.
Kotresh said…
Sir what about considering of training period for increment in 6cpc?
Kotresh said…
Sir,What About " Training period before appointment for increment on 01.07.2006 in 6CPC?
Anonymous said…
Clerical staffs are the one to be rejected in each and every meeting, friends lets all come together and resort to a judcial settlement of the matter as we have no hope what so ever from this so called committees and organisations. Lets unite for a purpose and see to it ourselves that our grievances are given their due consideration.
udayachandran said…
NPA committee ne bilkhul hum sabko dhoka dhey dhiya
Anonymous said…
What about item no. 49 i.e. anomaly in the pay scales of stenographers.
Anonymous said…
Dear sir,

Reference is made to Anamoly Committee Meeeting held on 17 Jul 12.

1. It is requested that the Armed Forces Librarians under Ministry of Defence (Senior Library Information Assistants) are the higher than the Librarians, Library Information Assistants who are employed in other Ministries.

2. The Senior Library Information Assistants’s minimum required education qualifications are MA/MSc/ with BLSIc and MLISc is desirable.

3. You are requested to not to compare the Junior with Senior, fix the suitable pay fixation and do the justice accordingly.
Anonymous said…
MACP Anomoly issue in which AAOs/Seniors/Supervisory staff are cursed to bear with 4800/-GP in place of 5400/-GP, should now finally be decided by the anomoly committee. There are crystle clear decisions of CAT, Hob'le High Court and even Supreme Court on which basis the matter could be solved on fast track. Anomoly Committee members should bear in mind that delay in justice is treated eqavelent to denial of justice. So please do something that can bring back our faith in justice, that can normalize our breaths so that we can really bring back our life.

Ashok Sharma
Anonymous said…
Neither official side not staff side take minimum interest to justice LDC & LDC although 5 nos. of meetings got over. These guys are the worst sufferer among the all CG cadres. Again they get punished for their hard working. Dear friend, this is the time to rise and unite as none is behind us to support.
D. Sarma said…
May I know how long the discrepancies between Central Secretariate and Subordinate offices will continue because though the Grade pay of Rs.4200 has been replaced by Rs.4600 for the Central Secretariate staff but till date the subordinate offices are being deprived.
Anonymous said…
thank god minimum entry acept karne me govt ko 4 saal lag gae
raj said…
i think these members do not want to solve ldc/udc grade pay issue..they are not aware about the condition of this cadre...
Anonymous said…
Why Government is taking so much time for granting promotional hierarchy under MACP just like old ACP scheme. In our department promotions are very slow those who have completed 22 years of service did not promote so far. What will be steno future in Government office first MACP 2800 2nd MACP 4200 and third 4600, these three MACP just equal to one promotion. So I again request you the Government do play with the wages of group C employee as they are the most suffer due to implementation of MACP. So grant promotional hierarchy under MACP to give the justice to the Group c employees
Subir Sarkar said…
What about item no 40 i.e. Serving and retired employees in June each year are not given last increment, after completing 12 months service in June. Please let us know the date of next ANOMALY COMMITTEE MEETING. We are waiting for a favorable decision in this matter.
S.K.Singh said…

Please let us know the decision taken about agenda item No. 39 and 40.
Anonymous said…
Is it the meaning that a promotee will get minimum entry stage of Direct Recruitee on promotion
My thoughts said…
Next NAC meeting is proposed to be held on 27th July, 2012 for settling the anomalies arising in the scheme of MACP.

Promotional Hierarchy for the purpose of MACP upgradation was expected to settle in this meeting...

Still matter of ten days waiting...ok

lets see what will happened..!
PANKAJ said…
Even after Four year, they still want to discuss the matter of granting the Grade Pay of 5400 to AAO's. Doing nothing . Just sitting idle in AC rooms and thinking of another point to further postpone the matter in the next meeting.
Jabalpur Pensioner Association said…
You have not mentioned that what decision taken regarding Agenda point/Demand No 40. Our Association had already requested to you previously for the same. Please let us know the next date of Meeting.
Anonymous said…
what about promotion increment 3% to 10% hike?
Anonymous said…
Three issues related with PBORs are never highlighted.
1. POBORs in Defence services were eligible for pension @ 70% of their basic pay till Vth pay commission, But in 6th CPC it was made 50% of (pay in band+grade pay+MSP+Gp X Pay).
2. Grade pay of Gp. X Aircraft Technician Sergeant in IAF should be 4200/- instead of 2800/- to make it at par with civil counterparts.
3. If OROP is implemented all the groups (X, Y and Z) with same service length will be eligible for same pension. This issue should be looked into.
Anonymous said…
Thanks to all commitee members for minimum pay applicable to direct recruits will now applicable to departmental promotee. Govt. took almost 4 years to clear this ridiculous anomaly.
Anonymous said…
The MACP issue must be resolved in the next anomalies committee meeting to be held on July 27 as it creates huge discrepancy amongst employees. To make parity between the employees, the MACP should be on hierarchy basis as it was given under ACP scheme before 1.9.2008. The affect of MACP is only on Group C employees as they are facing huge monetary loss due to MACP scheme. For example, UDC Grade Pay 2400 and Assistant 4600, 1st MACP 2800, 2nd 4200 and 3rd 4600 - that's mean all three MACP is equivalent to one promotion. Before 1.9.2008 under old ACP scheme those UDC/Stenos who had been granted promotional hierarchy scale are enjoying Grade Pay of Rs. 4600, that is huge anomalies for those who have given MACP, thus making more poor to the lower employees. So please do justice with us by implementing MACP on promotional hierarchy.
Unknown said…
Once again injustice happened to clerical staff. From this it may please be noted that not a single union or federation are with us. We have to fight our own. Come lets get united. Otherwise our cadre will be in darkness only.
Anonymous said…
Before 1.9.2008 under old ACP scheme the promotional hierarchy scale were granted i.e. and under MACP is only meager hike 2800 that is huge monetary loss for UDC and Stenos making financially poor to the lower employees. So please grant promotional hierarchy under MACP just like it was under old ACP scheme before 1.9.2008. Hoping for justice with Group C employees for the next anomalies committee meeting to be held on July 27 on ‘MACP’ issue.
Anonymous said…
NAC meetings are only eye wash. They want to waste time and are just stratching it to the 7th pay commission. They don't want to resolve the LDC/UDC issue. LDC/UDCs are things for use and throw for Government of India. The only way is lelf for us to knock the door of the honourable court (only and last hope for us)
Anonymous said…
plz specify that wether pay fixation applied for those promotee wether there is no direct recruitment post all post are promotional. Promotee can get benifit of minimum grade pay fixed for direct recruitee
SM Kushwaha said…
What about item No. 39.
SM Kushwaha
Anonymous said…
It is so interesting that the grade pay of a Sr. auditor (after 3rd MACP),AAO ( after 4 years), AO, SAO & ACDA(IDAS)of Defence Accounts department ,are same ie.5400/-.None bothers for that-so how do we expect anything from Anomaly Committee.
ComradePK said…
My cherished hope of 5 NAC meeting will also take compassionate action for the weaker section i.e. LDC/UDC had crushed. I could not sleep last night for not a single line was mention about our grievances. Hi comrades, be strong! Let us start to fight for our own rights. We're not spineless,all of us have our own politician, bureaucrat,legal expert, etc. they will back us and defeat this bias Government policy.The higher echelons are still bend on to wash their bullshit,as-holes to serve their selfish interest by exploiting, depriving our legitimate rights.It is the pressure techtics to submit to the higher authority without question.We are ration being. We must act or succumb to this evil design. We deserves grade pay at bar with our hard work. Pl. send suggestion, information, future action plan, etc. to my email: and let us start communicating with each other to take appropriate steps in the near future. We should not always request with folded hand,let us be armed with fact,truth and action. Jesus said, " The truth shall make you free". we should not continue in this white colour job bondage
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
for MACp to library & information assistants, the O.M. No. 19(1)/1C/86 dated 24.7.90 should be taken into consideration. After categorization with this O.M., no further promotions are given to library & information assistants in some departments & the old promotional channel is blocked. As per Supreme court, every gov. servant has right to get promotion. What is about Library staff, after the above said orders. there should be promotional hierarchy in MACP in the cases where promotions are not possible or not given.
Will those Head clerks promoted as Office superintendents get an increment on promotion between 1.1.2006 to 31.8.2008 ?
sujit said…
regarding Rule 8 of Revise Pay Rules: it said if there is provision of recruitment in a particular cadre then one may entitle to get Entry Pay. This provide more anomaly. for example in Rly. A/cs there is no direct recruitment in Sr.SO(A) cadre having 4800/- so they will deprive, whereas in defence A/cs And in audit department there is provision of direct recruitment which create disparity among different organised Accounts. also in Railway Sr. Section Engineer are directly recruited in G. pay 4600/- so there minimum pay fixed at 17140/-, where as a Sr. SO(A) having previous basic pay of Rs6500/- in 6500-10500/- pay fixed at 6500*1.86+4800= 16890/- drawing less pay having 4800/-. is this not funny? In a same organisation a person having higher grade pay draw less pay then his junior in respect of service. Entry pay Should be given to all promo tee irrespective of direct provision or not otherwise it is a big joke of solving anomaly.
Arun Lal said…
MACP anomalies again postponed to 27-7-12- All National anomaly committee members from official side and staff side -please rectify the MACP

anomalies especially in the cadre of LDCs/UDCS. Due to MACP Stagnated UDCS who had completed 24 years after 1-9-2008 reduced their salary already drawn. Due to implementation of MACP a senior most stagnated UDC after 24 years may get only 2800/- grade pay -But in many departments LDC post upgraded and given 2400/- grade pay.They may get 2800/- grade pay after 10 years and 4200/- and 4600/- after 20-30 years. Hence interest of senior UDCs may be protected. At least protect the 2nACP and Salary already drawn after 01-9-2008- or give 4200/- grade pay to all senior UDCS who have completed 20 years of service as on 01-01-2006.
Anonymous said…
I think it is time that all CG and State Government employees wake up and demand time bound promotions. It should not be right of only privileged class. Vacancy based promotions have lead to frustration among the employees entering into the service from lower class i.e LDC, Stenographer or Assistant as many of them have to be contented with only 2 promotions now under this new so called MACP Scheme after more than 30 to 35 years of devotion to work.
Murli Manohar said…
Please get it implemented immediately from DOP&T so that the suffering promotees will get their due benefit i.e. minimum entry pay on their promotion
Regarding Rule 8 of Revise Pay Rules: it said if there is provision of recruitment in a particular cadre then one may entitle to get Entry Pay. The pay in respect of such officials have already been stepped to the junior appointed after 01-01-2006. Then what is the relevance of this decision. In Delhi govt. there is no direct recruitment of AAO's then the seniors promotees after 01-01-2006 will be deprived of the benefits and to bring them at par of the entry pay (although rendering the same services and having so many years of experience in govt. services) as imparted by the officers appointed in central govt. as direct recruitees.
Anonymous said…
change the gp of ACIO-II from 4200/- to 4600/- of IB(MHA)
Anonymous said…
MACP anomalies again postponed to 27-7-12- All National anomaly committee members from official side and staff side -please rectify the MACP

anomalies especially in the cadre of LDCs/UDCS. Due to MACP Stagnated UDCS who had completed 24 years after 1-9-2008 reduced their salary already drawn. Due to implementation of MACP a senior most stagnated UDC after 24 years may get only 2800/- grade pay -But in many departments LDC post upgraded and given 2400/- grade pay.They may get 2800/- grade pay after 10 years and 4200/- and 4600/- after 20-30 years. Hence interest of senior UDCs may be protected. At least protect the 2nACP and Salary already drawn after 01-9-2008- or give 4200/- grade pay to all senior UDCS who have completed 20 years of service as on 01-01-2006.
Aloysius said…
Accounts Stock Verifiers who had opted from Accounts Assistants in the same scale of pay in Railways are denied MACP on the grounds that ASV is a promotion from AA. When there is no benefit in terms of scale of pay or Grade Pay how can this be termed as promotion. Wont the Railway Board look into the anomaly and do justice to this cadre which is pending for a long time.
Anonymous said…
sir i hope that one of G.P. ie 4600 or 4800 will be abolished or merged to solve the issue of less upgradation of rs 4200 to 5400 in three macp . only rs. 1200 upgradatation in thirty years service . so please either upgrade 4200 into 4600 in all departments/subordinate offices or remove/merge one of the G.P. form 4600 and 4800. so that anomaly for these caders could be removed.
Anonymous said…
In 6-th pay commission , the Data Entry Operator post had omission, data entry operator (DEO ) cadre in all central government departments but the cadre was missed in 6pc, there is no future of the DEO cadre, no pay hike,no promotion , no cader merge and etc.., we want to know that the DEO cadre is technical or general , if technical please permit the DEO's to get promotion , if not merge with general
ARUN P A said…
For the kind attention of National anomaly committee members of staff side - please strongly take up the issue of MACP anomalies in next meeting on 27/07/12- In our central department salary already drawn by about 16 employees reduced due to implementation of MACP after 0-9-2008 by reducing the grade pay from 4200/- to 2800/- There was a clause inthe MACP order dated 19-5-2009 that no past cases reopened. But our cases reopened and salary already drawn reduced.

sarangapani L said…
kind submission before the National anomaly committee members regarding MACP anomalies- due to implementation of MACP LDCs joined during 1983 and 1984 in Central govt departments having less promotion scope suffered great loss. first ACP was given from 9-8-99 in the pre revised scale of 4000-100-6000 after 15 years of service. Second ACP given from 6-4-2009 in the revised pay band of 9300-34800 and grade pay of Rs.4200/-after 24 years of regular service. But due to implementation of MACP order dated 19-5-2009 my salary and grade pay reduced to Rs.2800/- what an injustice ----Due to an order for helping stagnated employees their salary already drawn is reducing---- These type of anomalies may occur in many central departments where promotion scope is less--- Anomaly committee may please find out a solution to help such adversely affected employees.
Anonymous said…
Sr Library Information Assistants in IIT Libraries with MA/MSc/MCom + MLISc background are getting Rs. 4200 GP in PB-2 should to upgraded to Rs. 4800 GP (Rs. 4600 GP for Library Information Assistants) and Rs. 5400 GP after completion of 10yrs service in Rs. 4800 GP as per MACP.
Anonymous said…
MACP anomalies again postponed to 27-7-12- All National anomaly committee members from official side and staff side -please rectify the MACP

anomalies especially in the cadre of LDCs/UDCS. Due to MACP Stagnated UDCS who had completed 24 years after 1-9-2008 reduced their salary already drawn. Due to implementation of MACP a senior most stagnated UDC after 24 years may get only 2800/- grade pay -But in many departments LDC post upgraded and given 2400/- grade pay. They may get 2800/- grade pay after 10 years and 4200/- and 4600/- after 20-30 years. Hence interest of senior UDCs may be protected. At least protect the 2nACP and Salary already drawn after 01-9-2008- or give 4200/- grade pay to all senior UDCS who have completed 20 years of service as on 01-01-2006.
Anonymous said…
No body bothers about the office suprintendents in subordinate offices who function as section head. They are still in the grade pay of Rs.4200/-. Is not it a denial of justice to them. Granting of sam grade pay of Rs.4200/- to the Assistants and Office Superintendents have put so many departments with promblems of maintaining hierarchy. Supervisors of central secretariate and organized accounts service and some other departments have been granted with higher grade pay. Why such a step mother treatment to Office Superintendents? is it because no representative are threre in the anomaly committee ? Will any body help them from its extinct ?
Anonymous said…
Huge disparity in pay on grant of ACP and MACP to Gr. ‘D’ Stenos/UDCs, having just one year difference in seniority [from a Rs.100 difference to Rs.5,490/- in basic only].

On completion of 12 years approved service, ACP was granted to StenoDs/UDCs of 1995 batch w.e.f 01.07.2008 and fixed their pay at Rs.18,460/- (Rs.13,860/- in pay band and a grade pay of Rs.4,600/-) as the ACP was monetarily equivalent to a promotion. Whereas, on completion of 12 years, 1996 batch Steno-Ds/UDCs were granted MACP and their pay fixed at Rs.12,970/- (Rs.10,170/- in pay band and a grade pay of Rs.2,800) There was a gap of Rs.100/- only in the basic pay between a Grade-D Steno/UDC senior to just one year as per the pre-revised pay scale of Rs.4,000-100-6,000/-. At the same time, after the introduction of MACP, this gap in the basic pay has been widened to Rs.5,490/- . It is very evident from the above the degree of disparity and difference among the similarly placed.

This unjustifiable difference in basic pay is only between Assistants/Grade ‘C’ Stenos promoted or granted ACP between 01.01.2006 – 31.08.2008 and those who were promoted or given MACP on or after 01.09.2008. This is because of the fact that Steno-Ds/UDCs granted ACP between 01.01.2006 – 31.08.2008 got the benefit of the above fixation [both Rs.6,500/- and Rs.7,450/- (pre-revised) at the time of calculating pay in the band]. The above benefit of fixation was denied to those who were given MACP after 01.09.2008. Due to this, they are also denied the entitlement for type III government accommodation and rail journey by 2AC from 01.09.2008 as they are not having the grade pay of Rs.4,200/ for availing the facility. Whereas, those who availed ACP upto 01.09.2008 are enjoying these facilities.

The Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme fails to meet the very purpose and aim behind the financial upgradation to neutralise the monetary loss due to stagnation and hardships faced by the employees. Whenever a policy or a scheme is reviewed or modified, the basic concept/motive behind is for the financial betterment of the employees and certainly not to cause any sort of loss. Even if no additional benefit is granted due to review/modification of a policy, the benefits allowed under the previous policy are at least retained. The financial upgradation under the MACP Scheme should be granted as per the promotional norms, then only it serves the very purpose of `Career Progression’.

As per DOPT OM No.20/49/2009-CS-II (B) dated 22nd June, 2011, a new grade of UDC (NFSG) and Steno-D (NFSG) in CSS and CSSS in the grade pay of Rs.4,200/- in the pay band 2 has been created. This should have been given from 01.01.2006 at least as done in the case of Assistants/PAs to minimize the existing wide gap. The said order itself questions the very existence of 10 year MACP as a new entrant to UDC/Steno-D will get Rs.4,200/- grade pay after completion of just 5 year’s approved service. Whereas, those who were given MACP on or after 01.09.2008, after completion of 10 years, under the MACP, getting a mere Rs.400/- only added to Rs.2,400 grade pay, i.e. Rs.2,800/-. Even after getting a promotion, the huge difference will be there as only a grade pay of Rs.4,600/- will be provided on promotion at present, not the next hierarchical pay scale as given earlier. Whereas Gr. ‘D’ Stenos granted ACP between 01.01.2006 – 31.08.2008 got the benefit of the both Rs.6,500/- and Rs.7,450/- (pre-revised) and the grade pay of Rs.4,600/-.

DOPT should take a serious note of this anomaly and rectify the same at the earliest in the forthcoming Anomaly Committee Meeting on MACP to be held on 27th July, 2012.
Anonymous said…
Injustice for those falling increament on july 2006:

According to recent order those emplyees falling increiment betwen between feb-june they are now getting one additional old increment, and after that the toal basic pay taken according the 6th pay fitment table. Again after they are getting one new increment on luly 2006 at the rate of 3%.

But those emplyees increment falling on july 2006 they only got one new increment at the rate of 3%and loosing one additional old increment.

Federation may kindly look this matter seriously.
anil kumar D said…
Respected sir
No clarification regarding the Increments according to their performance during CAT-I Trainees as per Trombay council of Department Of Atomic Energy dt 01-01-2000 those who joined on and after this date can grant few increments according to percentage gained in Training period.Our request to raise this point very strongly in NEXT COMING ANAMOLY MEETING GOING TO CONDUCT ON 27TH JULY 2012 .MORE OVER THESE ORDER WAS SUPPRESSED FROM LAST 10 YEARS.It came in light recently because of RTI Act,our request to respected union people to do justice to employees who joined after 01-01-2000.
Anonymous said…
in ESIC all ldc are promoted to UDC even a single LDC is not present in esic on which basis they have done this .IF they have done all these with rule and revolution so in delhi or central why it should not be implemented .
R.L Gupta said…
Respected national anomaly committe members from staff side .please fight for getting justice to employees especially LDCs/and UDCs in Cetraal govt departments- PLEASE TRY TO RECTIFY MACP ANOMALIES IN THE NEXT MEETING -SALARY ALREADY DRAWN REDUCED DUE TO MACP- I joined a Central department on 12-8-83 and regularised in the cadre of LDC on 19-11-84- First ACP got from 9-8-99 and second ACP granted from 16-10-2008 with grade pay of Rs.4200/- Consequent on implementation of MACP order dated 19-5-2009 grade pay reduced to Rs.2800/- These type of anomalies may be rectified and allow to continue the grade pay and salary already drawn by me and all other employees facing the same problem. some they may be a minority working in such departments having less promotion scope-
Kotresh said…
Dear Sir,

I have already commented my problem regarding non-counting of training period before appointment in the 6th Pay commission in 5th National anomaly committee. But no discussion or clarification or words or No suggestions found about my case in 5th national anomaly committee.

This is not my own problem sir. All Postal assistant in dept of posts who joined for regular duty on 11.01.2006 after obtained induction and practical training from 27.09.2005 to 10.01.2006.

Sir in Karnataka Circle the period of training period from 27.09.2005 to 10.01.2006(3 ½ months from date of appointment) is not considering for increment and have given our first increment on 01.07.2007 after 22 months from the date of appointment.
(Date of Appointment: 27.09.2005
Training period: 27.09.2005 to 10.01.2006
Date of Joining: 11.01.2006 (Regular Duty)
Date of 1st Increment in 6th CPC 01.07.2007 (After 22 months from Date of Appointment)
From last 4 years we are trying to get increment with
(1). GOI orders under FR26
(2). G.O.I. DOPT OM No.16-16/89-Estt. (Pay-1) dt.29-3-1993. As for these orders we are eligible to get first annual increment on 01.07.2006

No positive reply received from our accounts officers. First they have given increment but now they order to recovery all arrears and to reduce one increment in our salary and saying that we are not eligible to get first increment on 01.07.2006 as we have not completed 6months.

For all case training period is counting period increment but in our case it’s fully ignored by our audit accounts office. In 6th CPC, there is not entry saying about ignoring of training period for direct recruits and also to consider training period.

Hence we are humbly requesting your kind self to rectify our problem and discuss favorably in next National Anomaly committee and also provide any orders issued in 6th CPC regarding counting/non-counting of training period. If our case discussed favorably, we are all Karnataka postal assistant direct recruits will missing from losing of one increment entire service. We all waiting for your reply sir…………………….

Thanking you Sir
Kotresh HB
Postal Assistant, Davanagere HPO-577001
(For Karnataka PA’s losing one increment)
Anonymous said…
Injustice for those falling increament on july:

Example of X and Y (Old increment Rs.275)

X-(Increment fall on July)Old basic was 8550 on 1st January 2006. According to fitment table of 6th pay X was got 21,310 basic and also got one increment on July 2006 @3%.

Y-One year Junior from X(Increment fall on february)Old basic was 8,275 on 1st january 2006. According to fitment table of 6th pay Y was got 20,800 basic and also got one increment on July 2007 @3%.Here Y was loosing one increment on july 2006.

According to recent order(Feb-June Incement issue), Now Y is getting extra one old increment of Rs.275 on January 2006 means total basic come to in old basic 8,550, and fixed according to fitment table of Rs.21,310, means same in X on january 2006. Again Y is getting same new increment on july 2006 @ 3% means same with X.

Difference is only one old increment for Y. Why and what logic behand this(Y people). X is loosing one old increment and loosing his seniorty also. Now Y is same with X basic.

Federation may kindly look this matter seriously and please deeply analyse.
all izz well said…
Respected national anomaly committee members from staff side .please fight for getting justice to employees especially Librarian in Central govt (Autonomous)Body-Ministry of health and family welfare.I am working as Librarian.My qualification is MLISc, MPhil with master degree.My Grade Pay 2800. PLEASE TRY TO RECTIFY my Basic pay ANOMALIES IN THE NEXT MEETING. These type of anomalies may be rectified and allow to continue the grade pay. some they may be a minority working in such departments having less promotion scope-
Unknown said…
how about common Multiplier factor (MF)to all from pay band 1 to 4.
Unknown said…
Sanjay Kumar, BRO said…
Again''' injustice with LDC & UDC cadre.Respected national anomaly committe members from staff side, don't made step motherly treatment with LDC & UDC cadre . Please fightt for getting justice to employees especially LDCs/and UDCs in Cetraal govt departments. Sanjay Kumar Border Roads
geetha said…
Dear Sir,
May I point out a serious anomaly happened in our department on adoption of MACP wef 1/9/2008.
In our dept., some of the employees who were seniors and had put in more than 25years of meritorius service and who were denied promotion not because of their fault were downgraded to the grade pay of Rs.2800/-(which is not in the hierarchy of the deptal. post) from the grade of Rs.4200/- which they were enjoying on adoption of 2nd ACP. Thus, they have to suffer a monetary loss of Rs.1400/- at a stretch in the grade pay itself. This is very pathetic. While granting MACP, the hierarchy of the departmental post should be considered and not the random grade pay fixed for all the Central govt.employees. Please take this issue very seriously in the coming discussions in the anomaly committee meeting to be held on July 27 on 'MACP' issue.A favourable outcome is expected.
R.K SHARMA said…
A polite submission before DOPT authorities -I am also a victim of MACP. I joined in a central department on 7-10-1983 and regularised in the LDC cadre only on 8-4-1985. Due to less promotion scope in the department Ist ACP got from 9-8-99 onwards. UDC promotion got only during the year 2000. Again No promotion got. But second ACP granted after completing 24 years service from 8-4-1985 (date of regularisation)from 8-4-2009 with grade pay of Rs.4200/- which was a relief to stagnated employees. BUT DUE TO MACP ORDER DATED 19-5-2009 WITH THE RETROSPECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION FROM 01-9-2008 GRADE PAY ALREADY GRANTED WAS REDUCED. IS THERE ANY CAREER PROGRESSION TO STAGNATED EMPLOYEES LIKE US -SIR PLEASE PROTECT OUR SALARY AND GRADE PAY ALREADY DRAWN AND PRETTIFY THE MACP ANOMALIES FOR THE BENEFIT OF STAGNATED SENIOR LDCS/UDCS IN VARIOUS CENTRAL DEPARTMENTS AND CORPORATIONS
Anonymous said…
5 th pay commission was a boon to promotion-less low-paid employees by introducing ACP, whereas 6 th pay commission under the leadership of Justice Srikrishna denied primary justice to these employees by introducing MACP.Now this cruel MACP is hunting senior UDC's with the help of heartless highly paid bureaucrats and employees representatives through discussions. No hope plese
Anonymous said…
I understand that MACP is a relief for those who are not getting promotion to next cadre. But MACP with date 1.9.08 is curse on senior UDCs. If I get promotion to the next hierarchy, I will get a Pay under PB-2 with G.P.4200/- But MACP granted me a pay under PB-1 with G.P.2800/- after completion of 25 years. Even the newly promoted UDC are getting this PB with GP 2400/-, senior UDC with 3029 years service are getting same PB with a difference in G P Rs.400/-. Everybody turned a deaf year to our issue on introduction of MACP with a cut off date 1.9.08. We are suffering a lot. Those who joined even a day before are getting GP 4200/-. Committee may kindly look into the issue seriously and settle this anomaly. Neither getting promotions nor getting monitory benefits like others with same status, Committee can understand our feelings. Expecting a favourable decsion on 27.7.12.
DeeMet said…
It is requested to grant MACP benefits with promotional scale. Or at least ACP benefits with promotional hierarchy even after the cutoff date of 1-9-2008 after successful completion of 24 years of service. The basic pay scale of Rs. 18600 + 6600 GP for the Junior Engineers should be granted to those with the ACP basic scale of 10000-325-15200 under the 5th pay commission.

I have been issued the ACP order and granted 2nd Financial up gradation in the pay scale of Rs. 10000-325-15200 with respect to the 5th Pay Commission vide order no.93/2/2008/PCE-PWD-ADM(I I)/37 dated 11th February 2009. This has been issued after successful completion of 24 years service and the date of effect is 14/9/2008.
The ACP order is issued after completion of 24 years service. MACPS is for those who completed 20 years service. The effective dates, as per my ACP order is 14/9/2008 and 1/9/2008 is the very first day applicable under MACPS. The difference between effective dates in both the cases is hardly 14 days. This shows that MACPS circular has taken care of only 14 days and rest of 1446 days service is not considered at all (24 years - 20years = 4 years x 365 days =1460 days – 14 days = 1446 days ) , i.e. out of 48 months, only less than half month gain against over 47.5 months loss. That works out to heavy financial loss as on today and will count more as the years pass on. This is the major discrepancy or grievances which need to be redressed immediately.

It has been seen that there were many proposals from the staff side in the JCA, NAC and MACP committees meetings, but decisions is not yet taken. What I am asking is only to grant promotional grade pay after completion of 24 years and not after 20 years, maintaining ACPS.
Our constitution upholds Right to equality. But in the case of we junior engineers, though our designation, qualification, nature of work are same; the 6th pay commission created discrepancies among us. The cutoff date of 31-8-2008 has created havoc. There is a loss of almost 8000/- as on today and will count more as the days pass by. It is a black mole on the part of 6th pay commission, the major discrepancy which even after the completion of 4 years could not be regularized.
MACP order was issued on 19-5-2009 and had curtailed the benefits to the employees going back to 31-8-2008.What is this policy? What one will have to do whose ACP falls on 30-9-2008.One has to loose whole charm of life. Is it not the right anomaly which the anomaly committee could have solved long back. We have never seen anomalies to such an extent in earlier Pay Commissions.I wish at least on 27th July meeting the members of the Anomaly Committee give a thought from bottom of their heart. Let them position on the looser side and give a thought to have a proper solution.
From:Deepak Metri
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,
May I point out a serious anomaly happened in our department on adoption of MACP wef 1/9/2008.
In our dept., some of the employees who were seniors and had put in more than 25years of meritorius service and who were denied promotion not because of their fault were downgraded to the grade pay of Rs.2800/-(which is not in the hierarchy of the deptal. post) from the grade of Rs.4200/- which they were enjoying on adoption of 2nd ACP. Thus, they have to suffer a monetary loss of Rs.1400/- at a stretch in the grade pay itself. This is very pathetic. While granting MACP, the hierarchy of the departmental post should be considered and not the random grade pay fixed for all the Central govt.employees. Please take this issue very seriously in the coming discussions in the anomaly committee meeting to be held on July 27 on 'MACP' issue.A favourable outcome is expected.
Anonymous said…
May I know how long the discrepancies between Central Secretariate and Subordinate offices will continue the disparity in the Grade pay of Rs.4200 and Rs.4600. As all are Central Govt. employees, their grade pay should be protected even on transfer/unilateral transfer. Since the prices are going up, the employees who have come on transfer to other departments on their compelling domestic conditions,either by transfer or unilateral transfer their salary have to be protected by ***BASIC (PAY+GRADE PAY)*** AND NEXT GRADE PAY SHOULD BE IN THE NEXT HIGHER GRADE PAY (for example, the present GP is Rs.4600 then the next grade pay should be 4800 after completion of 10,20, 30 yrs of service) AND NOT BELOW THE EXISTING GRADE PAY. PLEASE NOTE THIS. tHIS IS HAPPENNING TO THE EMPLOYEES COMING ON TRNASFER EITHER FROM DELHI, BOMBAY, RAJASTHAN, ETC.
Anonymous said…
In case of Library professional there are two type of working staff 1. one is Library professional (means original cadre )joined directly after completion the library science course and selected by different recruitment boards & 2. Others are joined in different categories like clerks and group D after completion of several years in other department took one degree and diploma of library science and got the higher post these type of people make the life of Librarians miserable because they come library only for get easy promotion. My request to members of anomaly committee please concentrate in this matter and provide maximum benefit to cadre candidate to maintain the difference between professional and non professional. There are so many cases in departmental libraries librarian know nothing about library science.
MEETA said…
i m LIA in ASI.Due to MACP i m facing too much monetary loss . Due to MACP new rule only 4800/= GP is given to me as 2nd MACP where as our senior collegues r getting 6600/= in old ACP .our work + designation + responsibilities + qualification all are same.but MACP give me monetary loss as well as mental harassment too.where has gone justice of " SAME WORK SAME PAY".so pl do justice to us by giving me Hiararchy raise our point in next meeting of MACP .
Anonymous said…
There is only one entry grade for Group ‘A' i.e. Pay Band-3 : Rs.15600-39100 + GP Rs.5400/-. Likewise only one entry grade for Group ‘B’ i.e. Pay Band-2 : 9300-34800 + GP Rs. 4800/- should have been given. But in some Departments, Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) is in GP Rs.4600/- and in some Departments Group ‘B’ (Gazetted) has been given GP Rs. 4800 & after 4 years GP 5400 in Pay Band-3. Why this disparity?
Anonymous said…
No clarification regarding fixation of staff,who were in grade 6500-10500,and have been considered to be in grade 7450-11500,before fixation on 01.01.2006. PLEASE CLARIFY.
pradeep said…
Submission before DOPT and National anomaly committee members------
I am also a victim of MACP anomaly. My grade pay of Rs4200/- granted under ACP Schem after 0-9-2008 reduced to Rs.2800/- and salary reduced.In case ACP was continuing I may get a grade pay Rs.4200/- from 01-11-2008 onwards.Hence DOPT may allow such senior employees to OPT IInd ACP OR MACP WHICH EVER IS BENEFICIAL AND ACP DUE BETWEEN 01-9-2008 TO 31-08-2010. Hence loss suffering by senior UDCs having stagnation may be avoided. please resolve the issue of stagnated employees.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
MACP Anomoly issue in which AAOs/Seniors/Supervisory staff are cursed to bear with 4800/-GP in place of 5400/-GP, should now finally be decided by the anomoly committee. There are crystle clear decisions of CAT, Hob'le High Court and even Supreme Court on which basis the matter could be solved on fast track. Anomoly Committee members should bear in mind that delay in justice is treated eqavelent to denial of justice. So please do something that can bring back our faith in justice, that can normalize our breaths so that we can really bring back our life.
Anonymous said…
pay scale of Rs.6500-200-10500 was up graded to the pay scale of Rs.7450-11500 but only different of grade pay was granted. Hon'ble members are requested to kindly looked in the matter to fix the pay in the pay scale of 7400-11500 otherwise there is no benefit of fixation.
Anonymous said…
Asstt. Accounts Officer in the subordinate office has been given grade pay Rs.4600/- whereas Assistant in the CSS has been given grade pay Rs.4600. this is fully injustice with the Asstt. Accounts officer who has appointed after passing the exam as well.
Anonymous said…
Sir, I am in Spices Board I got second ACP on 1-1-2009 with GP 4200. But after implimenting MACP during September 2009 my Pay has been revised to GP 2800 with effect from 1-1-2009. This is totaly an injustice to me. Kindly clarify
Anonymous said…
The sixth pay commission itself had created many fresh anomalies in the case of lower level employees rather than addressing the existing ones. Vested interests of Department of Expenditure had gone one more step and created hundreds of anomalies through manipulations while framing the RP rules 2008. 90% of the anomalies are related to initial pay fixation and MACP. There are two simple solutions to the whole issues.

(a) Minimum pay should be the pay defined against grade pays under schedule-II uniformly for all categories including promotees and direct entrants retrospectively w.e.f 01-01-2006.

(b) On MACP grade pay of next higher promotional post should be considered as has been done in the case of ACP. the whole purpose of Assured Career Progression itself is defeated while granting only the next grade pay as the grade pays are not synchronized with posts. There is no logic in granting next higher grade pay which is only a mindless approach.

Another fact is that many PSUs and departments like MICR, CSIR etc have given pay fixation benefit by applying multiplication factor of 1.86 of minimum of the upgraded pre-revised scales instead of pay drawn in the existing scale for each post while adopting the RP rules 2008. Infact they have done a right thing but the central ministries were not allowed to follow this fixation formula by Department of expenditure. This dual criteria has created a huge discrimination among the employees of central ministries and the the employees of PSUs/Departments. A uniform pay fixation formula can only rectify this anomaly.
Varghese said…
When I was promoted to the post of PS(Gr.'B' Gazetted) in April 2012, no fixation benefit was given. The reason stated is I am already drawing Grade Pay of Rs. 4800 on account of MACP and hence not eligible for fixation on regular promotion. When an official is promoted from Non-Gazetted post to a Gazetted post, he is expected to shoulder higher responsibilities of that promoted post. In effect, I have been put to financial loss on promotion as I am not eligible for ex-gratia (bonus) which otherwise I was elgible for. This is an injustice because higher responsibilies are given without any financial benefit (here it is financial loss). You may take up this issue with anomaly committee.

Anonymous said…
when will all these decisions get implement in various central departments/ offices..... 17.07.2012 and today its october already...
Anonymous said…
As the name suggest this is in fact a NATIONAL ANOMALY COMMITTEE which in itself is an anomaly and is defacing and totally destructing the pay of us the "Group C" especially LDC/UDC govt. servant if you can't give us the desired grade pay at least give us the MACP at par with pre revised ACP.
Anonymous said…
what about the decisions of anomaly committee implemented in case of promotional employee because these decisions are agreed by dopt on 17.07.2012. MACP cases in comparison to anomaly of poromotional cases agreed by dopt later. Now dopt are requested to implement these cases at the earliest.
Anonymous said…
How many days to receive office order to our deptt(CRPF)to implement the Rule 8 of the Revised Pay Rules Fixation of pay on promotion - minutes of the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee held on 17th July, 2012 - reg.

Sir.... It is highly irrational that the difference of entry pay between of 4200 and 4600 grade is un proprtianate .The fixation should be done in proportionate manner.

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