Grant of MACPS to Goods Guards category - Railway Board Order

(Railway Board)

No PC-V/2011/PNM/AIRF/2

New Delhi, dated 05.06.2012.

The General Secretary
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi - 110055.


Sub :- PNM/AIRF item No.2/2011-regarding grant of MACPS to Goods Guards category.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the minutes of AIRF separate meeting held on  13-02-2012 against item No.02/2011 on the above subject and to state that the matter was again examined in consultation with DoP&T, the nodal department of Govt. on MACPS, DoP&T have further clarified that every financial upgradation including non-functional upgradation granted to an employee has been treated as one upgradation and is to be offset against one financial upgradation under MACPS. 

Accordingly, the grade pay of 4200 allowed to Raiways Goods Guards (to the extent of 27% of sanctioned strength) on non-functional basis with the designation as Sr. Goods Guard would be reckoned as one upgradation for the purpose of MACPS.

In view of the above position as clarified by DoP&T the demand raised by the Raliway Federation may not be acceded to.

Yours faithfully,
for Secretary/ Railway Board.

Source: AIRF


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