Safety Related Retirement Scheme Covering safety categories with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/-


RBE No.04/2012
New Delhi, dated 03.01.2012


The General Managers
All Indian Railways.

Sub: Safety Related Retirement Scheme Covering safety categories with Grade Pay of Rs.1900/-

Ref: Boards letter of even number dated 11-09-2010, 28.06.2011 and 15.07.2011.


      The issue of inclusion of some categories, dispensation of Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and relaxation of minimum educational qualification norms for recruitment under the LARSGESS has been consideration of Railway Board for some time.

2.    The matter has been considered by the Board, and in continuation of Board's letters of even No. dated 28.06.11 and 15.07.11, following decisions are communicated :-

(i)    Trolleyman of Departments other than Civil Engineering may also be included in the list of Safety categories..

(ii)   To dispense with the requirement of PET for recruitment in the relevant categories under LARSGESS.

(iii)  To relax the prescribed minimum educational qualification for recruitment under the Scheme in line with the recommendations of VI CPC and accordingly instructions have already been issued vide Board's letter No. E(NG)II-2011/RR-1/11 dated 09.12.2011 in this regard, giving (-1S) scale to non matriculates and Non ITIs.

3.    Hindi version will follow.

4.    Kindly acknowledge receipt.

(Anita Gautam)
Joint Director Estt. (P&A),
Railway Board

Source: NFIR

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