Cadre review is an important aspect of cadre management. It ensures a healthy balance between the functional requirements of an organisation and legitimate career aspirations of its officers. The thrust of such an exercise is on scientific manpower projection and recruitment planning in order to rationalise the cadre structure as also to enhance efficiency, morale and effectiveness of the service/cadre. In terms of the extant guidelines, ideal periodicity of cadre review is once every five years .

The Department of Personnel and Training, being the nodal Department for cadre review of all Group ‘A’ Central Services/Cadres, has issued various guidelines to facilitate the process. Cadre Review as a subject has been allocated to the Cadre Review Division, which also acts as the Secretariat for Cadre Review Committee constituted to review individual service/cadre. The cadre review proposals are scrutinised in this Division keeping in view the  broad factors like functional requirements, stagnation at various levels, financial implications, measures for saving, organisational proficiency, etc. The proposals are then referred to the Department of Expenditure for financial concurrence and placed before the Cadre Review Committee for its approval. The Division also renders advice to the Cadre Controlling Authorities for better cadre management.

The status of Group ‘A’ Services is reviewed regularly. After first such review this year in April, all the concerned Departments were advised by the Cabinet Secretary to formulate appropriate cadre review proposals. Further, Para 1(ix) of the Government of India, Department of Expenditure Resolution No.1/1/2008-IC   dated 29 August,  2008, whereby its decisions on the recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission have been conveyed enjoins upon all the Cadre Controlling Authorities to review the services/cadres under the administrative control within a year. The Cadre Controlling Authorities have been reminded again October 2008.

There are 58 Central Group ‘A’ Services, out of which 44 services are due for cadre review this year, i.e., 2008.  The cadre review proposals of five of the remaining forty four Group ‘A’ Services are already under active consideration. These are Indian



Defence Service of Engineers and Military Engineering Service (Surveyor Cadre), Military Engineering Service (Architect Cadre), Indian Inspection Service and Indian Supply Service The progress is being monitored constantly.

The Cadre Review Division also compiles and analyses statistical information of all the Central Group ‘A’ Services. The inconsistencies, if noted during the analysis, are brought to the notice of the concerned Cadre Controlling Authority. This exercise is undertaken on half yearly basis in January and July every year. The data as on 1st January, 2008 has already been compiled and analysed. The detailed report in this regard is also posted on this Department’s website. However, it has been decided that the next analysis would be done only after completion of cadre review of all the services envisaged in the Government’s Resolution mentioned above.



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