Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Leave Travel Concession (LTC) matters – Dopt

Establishment division of Department of Personnel & Training has published an another useful ‘Frequently Asked Questions and Answers’ regarding the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for Central Government employees.

Department of Personnel & Training Establishment (A-IV)

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Leave Travel Concession (LTC) matters




1. How are the claims of LTC be adjusted in case of delayed submission?
Where advance has been drawn, the claim for reimbursement shall be submitted within one month of the completion of the return journey.

Where no advance has been drawn, the expenditure incurred shall be submitted within three months of the completion of the return journey.

Administrative Ministry/Department concerned can admit the claims in relaxation of the provisions subject to the following time limits without reference to DoPT:

(a) Where no advance is taken, LTC Bill submitted within a period not exceeding six months; and

(b) Where advance has been drawn, claim for reimbursement submitted within a period of three months after the completion of return journey (provided the Govt. servant refunds the entire advance within 45 days after the completion of the return journey. Rule 14 of CCS(LTC) Rules,1988 read with -

O.M. No. 31011/5/2007-Estt.A dated 27th September, 2007
2. Can a Govt. servant visit NER or N&K on more than one occasion on conversion of Hometown under the relaxation allowed for LTC visits to NER/J&K?
Govt. servant who has availed the benefit of Home Town conversion to NER/J&K in one block (say 2006-2009) can again visit NER/J&K in the new/next block (say 2010- 2013) subject to availability of LTC in a allowed particular block so long as the relaxation is in force.

1. O.M No. 31011/4/2007-Estt.(A) dated 02.05.2008

2. O.M No. 31011/4/2007-EStt.(A) date 23.04. 2010

3. O.M No. 31011/2/2003-EStt.(A) dated 18.06.2010

3 . Can a Govt. employee avail of air travel to NER/J&K in case of All India LTC if his Home town and the Headquarters are at the same place?
Both NER and J&K scheme of LTC allow relaxation for air travel on All India LTC to all categories of employees to the extent specified in the DOP&T’s O.M 31011/4/2007- Estt.(A) dated 02.05.2008 and DOP&T’s O.M 31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dated 18.06.2010 even if the Hometown and the Headquarters are same.
Whether Govt. servant who has already availed one Home Town LTC in the current block can avail LTC to visit NER?
Yes, he can avail it against All India LTC.
5. Can a Govt. servant avail the benefit of visiting NER/J&K twice in a particular block of 4 years?
Yes, a Govt. servant can visit NER/J&K by conversion of his Home Town LTC and also by availing All India LTC subject to validity period of the scheme and fulfilling of other conditions.
6. Can a fresh recruit avail the benefit of Home Town conversion to NER/J&K?
A fresh recruit Govt. servant can also avail benefit of Home Town conversion to NER/J&K against one of the three occasions of Home Town available to him in each block.
7. Can fresh recruit avail of conversion of Home Town to visit NER/J&K under the relaxation allowed for visiting NER/J&K?
Any Govt. employee can avail of the relaxation for visiting NER/J&K and convert one Home Town LTC for such visit in a block of 4 years as long as the relaxations continue.

1. O.M No. 31011/4/2007-EStt.(A) dated 02.05.2008

2. O.M No. 31011/2/2003-EStt.(A) dated 18.06.2010

Can a fresh recruit Govt. servant avail of All India LTC anytime during the 4 year block?

It can be availed only the block and not at random.
9. Whether Carry over of LTC is allowed to fresh recruits?
Carry over of LTC is not allowed to fresh recruits as they are eligible for every year LTC for the first 8 years of service.
10. Who is a fresh recruit entitled for LTC every year?
A person who has joined service for the first time is treated as a fresh recruit for the first eight years.

O.M. No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 23.09.2008.
11. How the LTC entitlements of fresh recruits are regulated in the first eight years?
On completion of one year, the Fresh recruit can be allowed 3 Home Town LTC and 1 All India LTC in each block of Four years in the first 8 years.

O.M. No. 31011/4/2008-Estt.(A) dated 23.09.2008.
Whether Dependent parents of fresh recruits can avail LTC for the journey from Home Town to Headquarters and back?
No, the dependent parents of fresh recruits can not avail LTC for the journey from Home Town to Headquarters and back.
13. Whether claims for reimbursement can be allowed for road journeys by bus/taxi or other vehicle operated by private operators?
LTC Rules do not permit reimbursement for journey by a private car (owned/borrowed/hired) or a bus/van or other vehicle owned by private operators. LTC facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by Govt. or any Corporation in the Public sector run by the Central or State Govt. or a local body. Rule 12(2) of CCS(LTC) Rules,1988 read with-

DoPT’s O.M. NO. 31011/4/2008-Estt.A dated 23 September, 2008
Whether airfare of children whose full fare is charged by the airlines is reimbursed?
If full fare has been charged by the airlines and paid by the Government servant, the same will be reimbursed.
Can a Govt. servant use the service of travel agents for LTC purpose?
Yes, but it should be limited to M/s Balmer Lawrie and Company and M/s. Ashok Travels and Tours.
16. What is the definition of family for LTC?
For LTC purpose, family consists of

(i) Spouse of the Govt. servant and two surviving unmarried children or Step children.

(ii) Married daughters, who have been divorced, abandoned or separated from their husbands and widowed daughters residing with and wholly dependent on the Govt. servant.

(iii) Parents and/or step parents residing with and wholly dependent on the Govt. servant.

(iv) Unmarried minor brothers as well as unmarried, divorced, abandoned, separated from their husbands and widowed sisters residing with and wholly dependent on the Govt. servant provided their parents are either not alive and are themselves wholly dependent on the Govt. servant.

Rule 4 of CCS(LTC) Rules,1988 read with

O.M. No. 31011/4/2008- Estt.(A) dated 23.09. 2008.
17. What are the dependency criteria?
A member of family whose income from all sources, including pension, temporary increase in pension does not exceed Rs.3500 from 01.09.2008 and Dearness relief thereon is deemed to be wholly dependent on the Government servant.
18. Can parents/children residing at other places avail LTC to visit the Govt. servant at Headquarters and go back?
No, reimbursement of LTC claims being restricted to the entitlement for journey between Headquarters and place of visit, the , amount reimbursable in such cases is nil.

O.M. No. 31011/14/86-Estt.(A) dated 07.05.1987


devendratanna said…
How will be LTC claim settled for J&K if journey is performed by direct flight from H.Q. to J&K instead of Delhi to J&K. Whether it is admissible. And if how will be the fair be restricted.
Anonymous said…
I am a govt. employee with grade pay Rs.4600/- posted in Delhi and want to visit North east on LTC. I have come to know that from Bagdogra to Gangtok, journey can only be performed by taxi/jeep. I want to know whether fare of taxi is reimbursible under LTC scheme. Raj
Anonymous said…
Thanks, it is very useful for all central Govt. emp. I want to ask some questions related to my service where I can type in this website.
Anonymous said…
I have just leave my Central Govt. job I was governed with old pension scheme. I have joined state Govt. job through direct rectt. and applied through proper channel. my date of joining in State Govt. is 01-03-2012, now what will be the date of increment in my case.
Padmini Jain said…
Please tell:

I joined in 2009. As per the LTC rules for fresh recruits, i can take 3 Home town adn I any where in India in my first two blocks of joining.

However, being unaware of this scheme, I have taken one Anywhere in India in the entire block. This means I used the older version of two sub blocks- one HT and one AWI option.

Now My question is, can I use the new order of 3 HT and AW India in my next bloock of 2014-18?

ie: Can I use the two year block scheme in the first 4 years of my joining and the new every year scheme in the next four year? ... ??
Padmini Jain said…
I am a new recruit- joined in 2009.
I am using my LTC as per the old rules ie. one Anywhere in India and one Home Town in the current 2010-13 block. As I was unaware of the new Every year option.

Can I now use the new Every year scheme available to me in the next Block 2014-18?
Or will i have to stick to the two yer block scheme?

Padmini Jain
faransqi said…
faransqi said…
Could i have a break journey while proceeding to a destination station or while coming back under LTC 80. Say Jammu-Delhi-Mumbai-Goa and back while proceeding I take 3-4 days break at delhi and while coming back i take a 3-4 days break at Mumbai.Is it in order
Anonymous said…
my home town is andaman nicobar.and i am working in jamnagar, travel structure is jamnagar to chennai(by rail)and ship/air to port blair.unfortunately there is no train run for chennai from i could make my trip as jamnagar to ahmedabad,and ahmedabad to chennai.(break journey)my office saying that they can't pay the actual fare of break journey,they can only pay the direct ticket. fare.they are saying true or i will get the actual fare?
vijaylakshmi said…
is NCR cover in LTC home town and if yes please tell the area covered under NCR...!!!
vijaylakshmi said…
How much radius of the town of uban limit of a bigger city is considered as the HQrs and beyond which only considered for Home town LTC????
Unknown said…
if the headquarters and home town is in the same place, whether an individual is entitled to convert his home town LTC for journey to J&K / NE
knv said…
I would like to take LTC NER up to Gangtok. Nearest airport is Bagdogra. No state transport facility is available for going to gangtok from Bagdogra. In this case can I travel by Taxi or by Helicopter from Bagdogra to Gangtok and back?.
faransqi said…
SNT or Sikkim Nationalised Transport buses do ply from siliguri and takes approximately 2 1/2 hours to gangtok. Taxi fare is not admissible on LTC.
Such type of questionnaire guidelines are very much useful to beneficiary as well as to regulatory authority
Moirangthem Dhananjoy Singh said…
I am a Group-B (Gazetted) Central Govt. Servant posted in Kolkata, and my spouse who is a State Government Servant is working at Imphal, Manipur which is also my hometown. I have a query - whether my spouse can avail Home Town LTC for a block of
2 years (2010-11, 2012-13.....) from Imphal to Kolkata as outward journey and vice versa.

Yours faithfully,
Moirangthem Dhananjoy Singh
Geological Survey of India, CHQ,
29, J.L. Nehru Road, Kolkata- 700016

Email :
Mob: 09433289933
faransqi said…
Could any one post LTC-80 rates for OCT- DEC 2012, or guide where could one download it from
Unknown said…
How will be LTC claim settled for J&K if journey is performed by direct flight from H.Q. to J&K instead of Delhi to J&K. Whether it is admissible. And if how will be the fair be restricted.
faransqi said…
Dear Vijay Kumar,
You have to mention your H.Q. Till 2012 one home town LTC in a block of 2 yrs could be availed to J&K. The conditions of shortest route applies in all LTC the fare is restricted to NAICL rates claims to mention on superscription J&K LTC against home town LTC. Clarifications for 2013 are still awaited.
thomas said…
What is the rule regarding a central govt.servant claiming LTC for her spouse who is a retired central govt.employee?
Kindly clarify with relevant rules.
Anonymous said…
I am a retired central government employee. I have availed LTC for the block year 2010-2013 for Andaman visit. Due to constraint of time I had to perform a portion of journey by private bus. # Private bus journey is not allowed for LTC journey.

Reference; FAQ Link:

13. Whether claims for reimbursement can be allowed for road journeys by bus/taxi or other vehicle operated by private operators?
LTC Rules do not permit reimbursement for journey by a private car (owned/borrowed/hired) or a bus/van or other vehicle owned by private operators. LTC facility shall be admissible only in respect of journeys performed in vehicles operated by Govt. or any Corporation in the Public sector run by the Central or State Govt. or a local body. Rule 12(2) of CCS(LTC) Rules,1988 read with-

DoPT’s O.M. NO. 31011/4/2008-Estt.A dated 23 September, 2008

My LTC bill has been forfeited for performing journey by private bus details of journey by private bus are as follows:-
[1]From Chenaguri-18/06/2012-18:30 hrs To Sagardwip-18/06/2012-20:15hrs-13 Kms, By Private Bus, ord, Fare: Rs.69, for 3 adults, Bus No. WBG 5603
[2]From Sagardwip-20/06/2012-08:00hrs To Chenaguri-20/06/2012- 09:10 hrs-13 Kms,By Private Bus, ord, Rs.69, Bus No.WB-03-4561.

I request you to please clarify that: In LTC if portion of journey performed by a private bus is not admissible; as such bus fare will not be reimbursed. But if such journey is made under compelling situation, the entire LTC claim is forfeited.

I am fervently waiting for your kind response.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

Anonymous said…
I am medical officer with delhi health services and havent availed any Ltc for the block 2010-13.Can I avail my home town in 2013 for the block 2012-13 and then can avail All India LTC in 2014 for block 2010-13 which can be extended till dec 2014.plz help as I had enquired from my offce also and everybody is advicing different things.
faransqi said…
The LTC begins from the start year of your service in blocks of two years . Now in one year you may avail Home town LTC and in other All India LTC or vice versa. howevwer no extension of ltc is allowed beyond 01 JAN if the onward journey is not performed that too with permission of HOD.
Please refer my queries regarding forfeiture of LTC Bill 2010-2013 on 05 November, 2012, March 15,2013 and March 23, 2013. I hoped that some one will clarify this issue. DOPT's LTC rule and related FAQ's do not say that for performing journey by private bus will entail forfeiture of LTC Bill. The part of journey performed by private bus will not be reimbursed.
In journey availing LTC under compelling conditions traveler may have to travel by private bus for non availability of approved bus, delay in availability of approved bus or other factor. In this condition if total LTC Bill is forfeited then its indeed a complication. DOPT's LTC rule and supportive faq's do not cite anywhere that performing journey by private bus will forfeit total LTC Bill.
My LTC Bill has been forfeited as I have availed a very short distance private bus journey. I would like to know whether its sheer misinterpretation of LTC rule or in reality such forfeiture applicable. Silence of PAO,DOPT authorities do not reveal the fact. PG Portal registered complaint too has failed to draw desired clarification.
I look forward towards your expert opinion for benefit of all.
Sincerest regards
Arvind Nigam said…

We are serving in CRPF. Details are as under:-

1) Appointed as an LDC in Aug’76. pay scale 260-400
2) Passing the departmental test, appointed as SI/Steno (Combatised) (Steno Grade-III) in Oct’81. Pay scale 330-560
(revised scale: 1400-2300)
3) Promoted as Insp/Steno (Steno Gr.II) in Oct’93. Pay scale 1640-2900
(revised scale: 6500-10500)
4) Granted ACP in Oct’05 (for the rank of SM/Steno) Pay scale 6500-10,500 +200 Spl pay (Rank Pay)
5) Promoted as SM/Steno (Steno Gr.I) in Aug’07 Pay scale 6500-10,500+200 Spl pay
6) Group ‘B’ Non Gazetted revised pay PB-2 : 9300-34800+GP 4800
NB:- Special pay Rs 200/- recovered with reference to new pay scale w.e.f. 1-1-2006
7) Promoted as Senior Private Secretary Gr ‘B’ Gazetted (Civilian)
(Assistant to DG/Special DG and Addl. DG). pay scale: PB-2: 9300-34800+GP 4800
(pre-revised scale 7500-250-12000)

Our humble submission is as SM/Steno (combatised) we were placed in PB-2 9300-34800 +GP 4800 and on promotion as Senior Private Secretary (civil) again placed in the same PB-2 Gr ’B’ , whereas the lower rank/junior post, the feeder post SM/Steno (Gr.I) (combatised) assistant to IG and SM/Ministerial are now being promoted as Asstt. Comdt/PS and Asstt. Comdt/Ministerial respectively given PB-3 15,600-39,100 +GP 5400, Group ‘A’ Gazetted. Thus, we have been facing great financial loss and inequality. Clinical analysis of the matter reveals that there is an anomaly in the pay scale in between prior and post Pay Commission. SM/Steno is the feeder post in the case of promotion for the post of Sr. PS/AC (PS), whereas the pay scale for SM/Steno and Sr. PS remains same, which is not only wrong, but also against the natural justice.

Normally, every Govt employee is eager to get a promotion in his/her service career i.e. called advancement of an employee from one grade to another grade, but here we have not received UPGRADATION/ higher pay. We, therefore humbly request you to please guide us whether it is a fit case to debate for enhancement in Pay Band/Grade Pay, keeping in view of the case of a promotion in order to remove the anomaly or else? Kindly enlighten us and oblige.
Pradeep Singh said…
Im a central government employee with a grade pay of Rs. 6600/-
Recently i traveled from Chandigarh to Dehradun on official visit by ordinary bus (distance 193 km, Fare Rs. 152/-). The fare of Rs. 152/- has been disallowed in my TA claim as the bus ticket was not attached. As i have traveled below my entitled class of accommodation (AC Bus) is it necessary to attach bus ticket for claiming the milade for the journey by ordinary bus?
Regarding forfeiture of my total LTC Bill for performing a part of journey by private vehicle I tried to draw attention of the competent authorities, through several representations, PG Portal registered grievances, blog posts/comments at CG Employees News on Nov 05, 2012, March 15, 2013,March 23, 2013,April 03,2013 and April 14,2013 etc. My LTC Bill is forfeited on 18 October, 2012 by PAO, Geological Survey of India, NR, Lucknow. Competent departmental authorities endorse PAO's wrongful decision as such my PG Portal registered grievances have been disposed of without rhyme and reason. DOPT prefers silence. 7 months has lapsed seeking DOPT's clarification followed with 18 reminders since 25 April, 2013 through PG Portal grievance. But, DOPT has maintained silence. Dy. CGA, O/o the CGA has intervened but concerned PAO seems to have ignored it. God knows when justice will prevail. Soliciting comments, help and support from expert members to come out of the prevalent stalemate situation.
faransqi said…
Dear Kalyan Ghosh,
Cancel your previous bill and resubmit with corrections as.Rs 0 claim for journey performed by Private car, and balance claim for the journeys performed .
You may require ex- post facto sanction for journey at this stage too.please obtain this also beforehand resubmit the claim.
If this is turned down you may go in for RoG / statuory complaint against paying offce.thereafter.
Anonymous said…
sir, As per LTC Rule I can avail one Home town and one All India LTC for the block of four year. I have availed only All India LTC in the block year 2010-2013 in the month of December 2013. I have not availed Home town LTC. Sir, I want to know whether I can avail extended Home town LTC this year for the block year 2010-13.
A.K. Bhatt

faransqi said…
Simple calculations one cannot avail 2 ltcs in one year. Thats it.
Diwas Sharma said…
I've travelled to south India from kolkata, to avail my LTC. Iam entitled for AC three tier fare.I travelled in different classes of train as follows...
1.Kolkata to Chennai- 3A
2.Chennai to Madurai- 3A
3.Madurai to rammeswaram- by bus (Tamilnadu state transport corp)
4.Rammeswaram to Kanyakumari- Sleeper class
5. Kanyakumari to kolkata- general class.

Can I claim the reimbursment with the sleeper, general and bus tickets? In general class(2nd seating)tickets passenger name is not there, Is it authenticate my claim for the return journey?

Diwas Sharma
faransqi said…
Traveling below entitled class is permitted in LTC. Be it multiple journeys via shortest route to the declared destination. Yes you may claim entire travel provided the dates also corroborate the journey. Your claim must spell out the modes clearly and bear the tickets numbers. It is you who ultimately sign for the correctness of your claim and your controlling officer only countersigns to authenticate your signature.
Unknown said…
I have left my family at my home town. Please let me know can my family visit to my duty place and go back against LTC for two years block ie 2014-15. I have not availed any LTC yet against this block.
Anonymous said…
sir,i am a cent. govt. teacher posted in NER. my home town is AGRA. can I avail home town LTC in place of Oll India LTC.
faransqi said…
Mr kishore :Yes
Anonymous: Yes
But limitations of ltc apply
Unknown said…
Sir, i am going to be retired on 31 July 20104 so can i avail LTC block year 2014-17 anywhere in India
Unknown said…
Pankaj Gupta said Sir i availed hometown conversion ltc from lucknow to jammu, i travelled from lko to amritsar by entitled class of train, and from amritsar to jammu by entitled class of another train due to non availibility of air seat, my deptt is not ready to pay me fare from amritsar to jammu, instead they are paying lucknow to jammu direct route fare. Please clarify.
Unknown said…
Sir, i ( 4600, IIac class) availed conversion of hometown ltc from lko to jammu via amritsar,i travelled from lko to amritsar by IIac train, and amritsar to jammu by another train IIac due to non availability of air seat, is train fare from amritsar to jammu is payable or not
Unknown said…
Yes, you are entitled for reimbursement by 2nd AC from Lko to jammu via. Amritsar
Unknown said…
Im a central government employee posted in Haryana State and my home town is at imphal .Can I avail LTC reimbursement under LTC.80 once in a block year.Plz tell regarding this...
faransqi said…
Dear mr pankaj gupta ltc via shortest route is applicable that's why you are given this deal.please seek prior permission expressed in case you want to take specific route or circular journey.
Dear nelson
you may avail the same if your grade pay permits ltc 80.
Rahul said…
I am central govt employee and joined in June 2008. My home town is same as my HQ. I have not availed any LTC till now. But now (in July 2014) I want to avail the All India LTC in the block year 2010-2013. Can I get the benefit of extension period i.e. upto Dec 2014 or not as I have not completed 8 years of govt service? Plz guide
manoj said…
I am a Postal employee and joined in nov 2008. I have availed home town LTC for 2010-11 and 2012-13 now i want to avail Any where India LTC for the Block year 2010-13 under extension period upto 12/2014. Can I get the benefit of extension period i.e. upto Dec 2014. Plz help...
Manoj, Tiptur Head Post Office-572201
Anonymous said…
Can I ask a question related to HRA?
If yes my question is :
Can I avail two quarters(of lower grade) at a time in case that I am a higher grade central govt. employee and only lower grade of quarters are present there in the city where I have been given govt. quarter.
@rahul u avail benefit of grace period because u joined before 01.09.2008
Neeraj said…
dear Sir. I am posted abroad Ministry of External Affairs. I applied for LTC fare from Delhi to Mumbai and travelled by Air india (entitled class). From Mumbai I travelled on my personal expense to my station of posting abroad. I submitted claim for one-way journey under LTC fare reimbursement. However, there are no clear guidelines in such scenario. If any body has any clue..I will be grateful
Murali said…
Sir, Please clarify Home town LTC entitlement of a Central Govt employee who is a resident of Jammu and Kashmir and not entitled to travel by Air on LTC when he is emmployed at other part of the country. Can he travel by air between Delhi/Amritsar and J&K by air?
Anonymous said…
how many days before starting journey advance can be drawn on availing ltc on home town on air ticket?
Anonymous said…
I travelled with my wife and daughter from Delhi to Ahmedabad in a batch. Me and my wife returned back within fifteen days, while my daughter stayed there for three months. I want to avail the LTC for all of us. But my department is refusing it for my daughter. What is the ruling position.
Unknown said…
one govt servent received sea passage for the year 2015and he purchased ltc80 tickets.but he did not get full money.some amount reduced his claimdue to some marginal rate of ltc80 on this particular date by can he get deducted amount?
Unknown said…
I am travelling to varanasi via mumbai on LTC. Can I stay for two days in Mumbai and again continue journey for varanasi.
Jiten said…
I am central government employee &my grade pay is 4600/-.I want to know regarding ltc for port Blair, via Chennai.I live in Delhi, if I go to Chennai from Delhi by indigo flight, then can I claim my flight fare in train fare.
faransqi said…
No Mr Jiten Private airlines travel is not permitted on ltc unless waiver due to non availability on national carrier isn't obtained. However no claim is admitted by traveling by private airlines unless specifically mentioed sectors or waiver is obtained
Anonymous said…
My LTC claim for 2014-15 in 2016 is forfeited as I submitted bill after 6 months of journey performed. My Leave encashment is also recovered.
Please clarify whether I can once again apply LTC for 2014-15 in 2016 as my prvious claim is forfieted.
Anonymous said…
I have apllied for LTC and my advance is also been approved. If at any moment I cancel my LTC how will the amount be recovred from me?
Unknown said…
i have availed LTC from delhi to goa for the block year 14-17 on 19th june 2017 and i am going to retire on 31st dec 2017. thus can i avail any kind of LTC.(Hometown LTC or north east LTC) ?
Anonymous said…
I am a central government employee and my wife is working in a private company.Can I avail her HTC along with me as there is no provision of HTC in private company and some part of money from our CTC only is put in the LTA. And in that also they give just tax redumption on the amount of ticket that is purchased from our money only from our CTC.
Unknown said…
I am a central government employee and have joined in 5/6/2008. From 2009 I was eligible for the new recruit rule of 2 blocks of (each four year) in which 3 home town and I all India LTC is mentioned. As per my joining date and the 4+ 4 years block year for new recruit, my LTC period ended in 2016. Now in 2017 can I apply for home town LTC under the regular LTC rules? Or I will be only eligible from 2018.
S Chatterjee
If any one can give some clearity, please write to
Unknown said…
Please guide me...
Sir, I want to avail Home town LTC from 25 Dec 2017 to 2 Jan 2018.
Can i claim the Home town LTC for Year 2017 ?
Unknown said…
I am a central government employee. I had alredy avalied LTC 2014-17 block. Now I am claimed for LTC 2018-21 block. But I performed forward journey on December 2017 and return journey in January 2018. Am I eligible for LTC 2018-21 block?. If eligible or not, please mention with O.M number.
Unknown said…
I am central govt employee(KVS Employee in punjab). I have applied for Departmental promotion Exam and my exam centre is chennai. My Question is that can i avail LTC during that Exam.

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