Employment News Weekly Updates : Job Highlights (14 JANUARY 2012- 20 JANUARY 2012)
Government Job vacancies highlighted in ‘Employment News’ for this week from 14 –01-2012 to 20-01-2012.
A new list has been released on the official website of ‘Employment News’ contented the new Government vacancies in various departments.
Job Highlights (14 JANUARY 2012- 20 JANUARY 2012) :-
1.Union Public Service Commission invites applications for various posts.
2.Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, New Delhi requires Specialists Grade –II.
3.Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, New Delhi requires Staff Nurses, Radiographers, Laboratory Assistants, Nursing Orderly, Dresser, Dialysis Technicians, Library Assistants etc.
4.Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority, New Delhi requires DGM, AGM and Accountant.
5.State Bank of India invites applications for appointment in Clerical Cadre posts.
6.Staff Selection Commission notifies Junior Engineers (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Quality Surveying and Contract) Examination, 2012.
7.Ordnance Factory, Muradnagar requires Durwan.
8.Indian Coast Guard invites applications from Men and Women to become officers in Indian Coast Guard-02/2012 Batch.
9.Manipur University requires Professors and Associate Professors.
10.DSC Records, Kannur (Kerala) requires Peon (MTS)
11.Steel Authority of India Limited, Burnpur requires X-Ray Technician Trainee Pharmacists (Trainee), Optometrician (Trainee), Audiometrician (Trainee), Physiotherapists (Female) (Trainee), Staff Nurse (Male and Female) (Trainee) and ECG, Echo and Colour Doppler Tech (Trainee).
12.Engineers India Limited, New Delhi requires Professionals in various fields.