Date of next increment : National Anomaly Committee agenda item No.5(v)

Date of Next Increment Issue

Date of next increment : National Anomaly Committee agenda item No.5(v)

Employees whose DNI falls between 1st February to 1st June(Pre Revised Scale)...

The point regarding the anomaly relating to Rule 9 of the CCS (RP) Rules, 2008, concerning the date of next increment has been discussed in second and third Anomaly Committee meeting and in the fourth meeting also the point will be taken for discussion.

The Staff Side reiterated their demand that employees whose date of next increment falls between 1st February to 1st June may be given an increment, as a onetime measure, in the pre revised pay scales.
The NFIR and AIRF describe the issue individually on its website…

Item No.5(v)
AIRF : Rule 9. Date of next increment
It is seen after going through the stipulation in the above rules that a person whose increment falls on 1.1.2006 will get the increment on 1.1.2006 in the pre revised pay scale and will get the next increment in the revised pay structure oh 1.7.2006 i.e. on expiry of six months.
Similarly those, whose next increment is between 1st July 2006 and 1st December, 2006 would also be granted next increment in the revised pay structure on 1.7.2006. On the other hand, the persons whose increment dates are between 1st Feb. 2006 and 1st June 2006 have to wait for more than 12 months to get the next increment on 1.7.2006. This is quite anomalous. In the case of those who retire during the period between 1st Feb. and 30th June, they will suffer a loss of one increment perpetually thus affecting their pension.
It is, therefore proposed that the persons whose increment falls between 1stFebruary and 1st June, 2006 may be given one increment on 1.1.2006 as a one time measure.

NFIR : Rule 9. Date of Next Increment
Regarding the date of annual increment it cases of employees whose increments dates are between 1st February 2006 and 1st June 2006, the official side agreed to reconsider this matter.
Deptt. of Expenditure is of the view that the staff side should confirm that their request for grant of an increment in the prevised scale would not have repercussions on any other category and not lead to any further demands.

Requisite particulars were received from some Ministries/Departments. Accordingly, this Department had, with the concurrence of Deptt. of Expenditure, approved relaxation in para 8 of the Deptt's O.M. No.51016/2/90-Estt.(c) dated 10.09.1993 in respect of 231 reported cases of CL-TS to enable their regularization in the PB-I with grade pay of Rs.1800/-. Similar relaxation was also accorded in respect of proposals received from some other Ministries/Deptts.


Girija Shankar Saxena said…
Dear Sirs and friends as well, It is really a good news in this New Year Please accept my warm wishes on this account. Thanks.
Girija Shankar Saxena,
GE (U) E/S Delhi Cantt
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Item No. 44

Sir, It feels very shocked that the case of librarians were neglected when it compared with the other institutions. Serving in the Armed Forces feels something special. But, the Professional Librarians are ignored.

The school librarians are ahead of the Colleges/ Training Institutes in the Armed Forces.

The entry level of school librarians are Graduate with Diploma in Library Science. Whereas, the Central Govt/ Armed Forces librarians Master Degree with B LISc/ M LISc.

You are requested to find the anomaly in the pay of librarians.
Anonymous said…
Dear Sir,

The decision to grant next increment to those whose increment was due between 02 Jan 2006 and 30 Jun 2006 will remove the injustice done to these employees. A large number of juniors who dre their last increment on 01 Jan 2006 got their increment in the new scale on 01 Jul 2006 also whereas the seniors who got their last increment on 01 Feb 2006 had to fight to get their pay fixed at par with their juniors.

Hope the new orders are issued early.

Burmee said…
I opted for 6 pay from my second ACP date that is 13 jan 2007. Igot increment in Jan 2007 in the pre revised scale and next increment was given in JULY 2008,that is one and a half year later. Will I get increment in JULY 2007 in the wake of latest decision in the 4th Anomaly Committee. Can someone clarify please. Burmee AE DUSIB DELHI GOVT
Ganesan said…
can somebody helm in my issue. my increment falls on 1st january. i worked from january to june 14th after which i went on leave and joined only in august 2009. will I get the increment. please update.
Amit Kumar said…
I am appointed in Central Govt. service on 08 Mar 2008 & my next increament fall due on 07 mar 2009. After issue of 6th CPC report my first increament fall on 01 Jul 2009. Clearly i was suffered for appx 4 months for my first increament. Can i also get an additional increament on behalf of recent anomoly committe report on 05 jan 2012. Please somebody clear it as soon as possible.

Amit Kumar
Anonymous said…
This is a great news for all employees whose increament fall between february to june during 5th pay commission. please accept my heartiest wishes for this success.
Anonymous said…
There are a few government servants who got stagnated or received first stagnation increment on 1st April 2005 and are expecting (infact received) the next increment in April 2007 only. For these servants the exisiting pay fixation is extremely disadvantageous. Eventhough Sri Krishna committee originally recommended stagnation period to be considered for award of additional fixation increments, the pay fixation clarification circular issued by GOI refused to accept this and stated that there is no difference between regular increment and stagnation increment.
If we consider the plight of those servants who will get their next increment as per 5th CPC only on 1stApril 2007 the loss in (service as well retirement)benefit is extremely high. The GOI therefore should consider awarding an increment in SPC for those unfortutnate servants on 1April 2006 and grant the same benefits granted to those servants who havenot stagnated.
Anonymous said…
dear sir,we joined rly on dt 12 jan2009 & after training upto dt 28 july2009, finally appointed on dt 29 july 2009.our 6 months in services were not completed upto 1 july 2009(12 days short).so increment is not provided to us on 1july 2009 & provided on july 2010. what its benefit will be given to us??
Anonymous said…
NAC agenda item No.5(v)". What about employees promoted after 01.01.2006 and ist increment falls between 01.01.2007 to 30.06.2007 and same for year 2008 or their after but before 6CPC report comes under picture means Sep-08 and increment date falls between 01st Jan to 30th Jun of year 2007-08 whether the same cases would be considered for one time increment?
Jitendra CHD said…
Happy new year to all...

Its really a glad news...
Anonymous said…
increament will be given/earned on 1st july. the person born on 1july is reall unlucky.after earning his increament he will super annuate on 31st june. should be looked into.
veerendra said…
this is good news for Govt.employees whoes DNI between Feb. to June before 2006.But this recomandation when implemented?
Dear Sirs/madams- thank you for committe considered our long anomoly, My batch officers who joined in Jan 15th 1999 and we are getting the every increment in january 1st but after the 6th pay commission announced the our increment fell in july month we are depressed due the same year our next batch officers who joined in Nov 1999 and at present we are in same salary, in previous salary we are in one increment more(as per 6th pay who joined in jan 02 and dec 31st both are one and the same. it clearly shows some mistakes are in 6th pay)
with Regards G.Venkatesh.
Unknown said…
What for the person whose pre-revised increment month was July?

Assume one person get increment in June and another person get increment in July, after new decision a person having increment in June will go far ahead from the Person whose increment falls in July.

This is also anomaly..............

Please do something........
Dr.S.R.Yadav said…
Kindly clarify whether i can be benefited for the new increment order or not? My details are as under:-
(1). My Basic pay was Rs.8100 in the pre revised pay scale of Rs.6500-200-10599 as on 31.12.2005 with Date of next increment due on 01 March, 2006.
(2) As on 1.1.2006 the above scale was upgraded as 15600-3900 with GP-5400 in PB-3.
(3) Before this new increment order my pay was fixed on 1.1.2006 - Rs.15600 + 5400=21000 with DNI 1.7.2006.
Kindly clarify what is my New BASIC PAY as on 1.1.2006 after getting one increment.
Hoping for an early reply pl.
Dr.S.R.Yadav, Asstt.Director(Official Language),Hyderabad
Due consideration has been been given in fixing the pay of employees on 1.1.2006. I have avidly gone through all the circulars. Similar kind of thinking is required for, at the time of superannuation. Person superannuating on in July/August etc are entitled for increment on 1st july. Pl look at the case of those poor employees who are retiring on 30th June/ 31st May/ 30th April etc. There service of 12/11/10 months have become redundant. It is there, submitted that all those employees who have completed 6 months service or above after the increment on 1st July they will be given one increment at the time of superannuation for pension and other superannuation benefits.
ssreddy said…
Iam retired employee of kvs. I was retired on 3oth june 2011. I received my increment on 1st july 2010as per 6th pay commission guidelines. By 1st july ie., 30th june 2011 i completed mandatory requirement for getting my increment. Am I not eligible for getting increment before my retirement on 30th june 2011. kindly clarify.

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