Merger of grades - Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts - Scheme for filling up of vacancies - Classification of left over categories

RB/Estt. No.103/2010


No. E(NG)I-2008/PM1/15

New Delhi, Dated 22.O7.2011

The General Managers(P)
All Indian Railways &
Production Units
(As per standard list)

Sub: Implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC - Merger of grades - Revised classification and mode of filling up of non-gazetted posts - Scheme for filling up of vacancies - Classification of left over categories.

Reference this Ministry's letters of even number dt.03.09.2009 and dt.07.06.2010 on the above subject under which scheme for filling up of vacancies as existed on 31/08/2009 and as may arise till 31.12.2011, respectively were circulated to the Railways.

2. The mode of filling up Suitability with prescribed benchmark, wherever prescribed in this Ministry’s letter of even number dt.03.09.2009 should be read as ‘Seniority-cum-suitability’. All other conditions as indicated in letter dt.03.09.2009 shall remain unaltered.

3. Under the scheme circulated vide letters indicated in para 1 above, classification and mode of filling up of posts in a few categories viz. Catering Supervisors(as a few posts of catering supervisors for VIP catering and quality control exist on Railways), IT cadre.supervisors of Railway Printing presses and UPC cadres, could not be laid down. The classification in these categories has since been considered and finalized in consultation with recognized Federations, as indicated in Annexure to this letter. Accordingly, the benchmarking for filling up of vacant posts as existed on 31.08.2009 and proposed to be filled up by Seniority cum suitability, in G. P. Rs.4200 shall be 6 marks out of 15 and 7 marks out of 15 marks for posts in grade pay Rs.4600 & above, as indicated in this Ministry’s letter dt.03.09.2009.

4. The scheme indicated in para 3 above, shall be applicable for filling up of vacancies as existed on 31.08.2009. All other conditions as prescribed in the letter dt. 03.09.2009 and as have not been indicated in this letter, shall remain unaltered. For filling up of promotional vacancies arisen on or after 01.09.2009 and as may arise upto 31.12.2011, wherever posts are required to be filled up by 'Seniority cum suitability’, the instructions contained in this Ministry’s letter of even number dt 07.06.2010 shal be applicable.

4.1. The vacancies existing should be filled up immediately.

Please acknowledge receipt.

Hindi version will follow.

(D. V. Rao)
Joint Director Estt.(N)
Railway Board

Source: AIRF


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