Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee – Dopt order

The next and fourth meeting of the National Anomaly Committee will be held on 5.1.2012.


F.No.11/2/2008-JCA Vol.(II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(JCA Section)

North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 2nd December, 2011


Subject: Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.

The undersigned is directed to say that the Fourth Meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out of the implementation of the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the Meeting.

2. Agenda papers for the meeting will be sent shortly.

3. It is requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting. A line in confirmation may kindly be sent at the under mentioned email address also.

(Ashok Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (JCA)
Tel : 2309 2589

All Official and Staff Side members of the National Anomaly Committee as per list attached.

List of Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee

1. Shri.Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF,
42/13, Railway Quarters,
Malad (East),
Mumbai - 400 071.

2. Shri.S.G.Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF,
Gauri Niwas,

3. Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra,
General Secretary,
All India Railwaymen's Federation,
4, State Entry Road,
New Delhi - 110055.

4. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President, AIRF,

5. Shri.Ch.Sankara Rao, Asst.General Secretary AIRF,
Railway Quarter No.566/3,
Rail Nilayam Colony,
Secunderabad 500071 (AP)

6. Shri.Guman Singh, President, NFIR,
B-9, Nand Puri Hawa Sarak,

7. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR,
Railway Quarter No.428/1,
Secunderabad - 500025 (AP)

8. Shri.R.P.Bharnagar, Working President, NFIR,
Railway Quarter No.F/3, Near Loco Workshop,
Parel, Mumabi-400012

9. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Vice President, NFIR,
Block No.112/6, Unit 2,
Garden Reach,

10. Shri.S.K.Vyas,
13-C, Ferozeshaha Road,
New Delhi-110001

Source: AIRF and NFIR

Flash News : Meeting of National Anomaly Committee


Anonymous said…
not any one important issues have been solved even more than tree yr gone so this is time to set up next pay commission
Anonymous said…
i don't understand why our union does not go to court on the issue of increment for the employee who's incriment date fall between feb to june; since anomaly cometee is even not able to give them incriment in january on the same way as july for aug to dec. In my openeon two differnt dates of incriment e.g jan and july should be agreed by the anomaly comitteeo therwise union should go to court for justice as the issue has not been solved since last three years .
p k gupta
Anonymous said…
why the anomaly comeetee is not resolving the issue of incrimet for feb to july dates . If anomaly commitee is not resolving the disparity then why union is not goingtocourt. ifunionisnotgoingtocourtthentellclearlysothatinsividualmaygotocourtforjustice.
RCC said…
A committee is a set individuals who can do nothing individually and sit to decide that nothing can be done together.Therefore any positive outcome from a committee can not be expected very soon.
Anonymous said…
I think the Secretaries are getting increments on 1st Jul even before implimentation of 6cpc. That is the reason the demand for one increment to those who were drawing inct. between Feb and Jul is not agreed to. Out of the total demand given for the NAC how many points have agreed favourably?.
jayaraj A C,Kasaragod said…
anomaly committee also is not taking a final decision on this increment issue even though 6years is elapsed after 6th CPC. As PK Gupta said it is the time to set up next CPC, when the anomaly committee will take the final decision? We the followers doubt that the union leaders do not giving much importance to this issue which affects a small section of union strength. we are ready to approach Hon.Court If the union cannot able to take up this issue seriously with the anomaly committee.

by Jayaraj AC, Kasaragod, Kerala
rahim said…
The members of the Staff side before the commencement of the anomaly meeting should think the discrimination in the Finmin order and the 6th CPC report in giving increment on the 1st day of july. When an employee complete 12 months from his last increment and retire on 30/6 will have to lose one increment. This is a great injustice to all the CGS employees. The reason for not giving increment by the Govt. is the official is not in service and a pensioner on 1.7. This is not correct because if an official works upto one day before the last working day of a month and he fails to attend the duty on the last working day, will the Govt. refuse to give him the salary if he claims latter. I dont understand this simple logic was not realized by the very big authorities.
Anonymous said…
Increment falling between 2nd Jan to 30th June, 2011 cannot be postponed to 1st july, 2006 even if recommended by 6th CPC. Withholding of increment is a listed penalty under CCS(CCA) Rules, and employees should not be victimized for no reason of theirs.
Similarly, an employee is eligible to get an increment on completion of 12 months which should not be denied to him simply as a result of 6th CPC recommendation. As per supreme court direction, no order should be enforced when it is adversely affecting the individual, especially on cumulative effect. Govt.could have over-ruled CPC while accepting the recommendations.The financial burden is very limited as the issue involved is concerning a very few section of employees.
Anonymous said…
Dear Chairman,

Please discuss the matter for allotment of Type -C accommodation for Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/-. This has already done by the Railway Ministry.
NWA, Pune
Ramachandran, NWA, Pune said…
Dear JCM Members,
It is to request that, please discuss the case of LDC & UDCs of Central Govt. subordinate offices. Due to implementation of 6CPC & MACP, the worst affected cadre is LDC & UDC. We are working hard for the development of our nation by providing all our skills and talent towards discharging of Official works with Rules and regulations which is not so easy.
Girija Shankar Saxena said…
Dear JCM Members, Apart from the other genuine demands I am bringing the most important point for discussion i.e. CSD benefits to Civilian Defence Employees after retirement. Since, there is no harm to Govt. in granting this benefit to their employees who have served for 40 or more years for country. I hope every body will agree with my this point and take the issue with Hon'ble Def Minister. Thanks
Girija Shankar Saxena
GE (U) Elect Supply, Delhi Cantt
Anonymous said…
Dear members of anomaly committee,
since inception of subcommittee, three meetings have already been hold with no result There should be one point agenda in this meeting and that should be to implement promotional hierarchy rather than Grade pay hierarchy which will solve 99% of the anomalies of LDCS AND UDC in subordinate offices where restructuring of cadre is not possible.
Otherwise Union leaders should boycott such futile meetings.
amarjeet LDC said…
Dear members of anomaly committee
Since inception of subcommittee, three meetings have already been hold with no result. There should be one point agenda in this meeting and that should be to implement promotional hierarchy rather than Grade pay hierarchy which will solve 99% of the anomalies of LDCS AND UDC in subordinate offices where restructuring of cadre is not possible. In my openion Grade pay of LDC should be 2800/- and UDC/ stenographer Gr D should be 4200. If the committee has unable to do so then it is an advice to retain ACP instead of MACP as it has adversly effect the LDCS,UDC and stenographers Gr D.
Anonymous said…
Dear Chairman/members,
The LDC/UDC cadre is crying throughout the CG departments. Please justify the enhancement of grade pay of LDC as 2800/- as govt. is carrying the pay for matric pass LDC which has been raised by SSC as Intermediate. Also the direct rcuritee UDC possess the qualification as Graduation hence the grade pay is to be raised as Rs. 4200/-. Moreover the responsibilities carried out by these cadre in offices is much more which can also be taken into account.

2) The matter of increment may be remanded because the employees became looser much whose increment falls between Feb. to June at the time of implementing 6`th CPC.
Anonymous said…
Dear sir/Memmbers of NAC
S K P said…
Dear Chairman/members,
I would like to bring ur kind attention on the following anomalies on pay fixation & request to dissolve the same in the next meeting:

1. If an employee of GP 4200 gets promotion in GP 4600 will get less pay comparatively new appointee of GP 4600 , until he reaches on pay scale of Rs.12175 with GP 4200/-. It is against the natural justice.

2. In my department, next promotion from Head Clerk to Office Superintendent is in the same GP i.e. from 4200 to 4200 with higher post and responsibility but not getting promotional fixation benefit.It is against the natural justice.

3. As per 6th CPC , pay scale of 5000-8000, 5500-9000 & 6500-10500 should be merged in GP 4600 but in my department only Hindi Translators (pre-revised 5500-9000) are getting GP 4600. No benefit got the employees under GP 4200. It is against the natural justice.
Shiv Prakash said…
R/Chr & Member NAC,
Sub:- MACPS 30 Yrs.
I want to point out here that my DOA IS 1.4.1976 & I was due my 30 yrs MACP on 1.4.2006. I have not yet granted 30 yrs MACP but it has been granted to my batchmates wef 1.9.2008 after completion of 32 yrs 5 month service.whereas dummy pay fixation should have been granted wef 1.4 2006 just after completion of 30 years service but it is not done. All monetary bebefit has been calculated w.e.f.1.9.2008.whether this it is correct or wrong ? It may be reviewed & clarified correct procedure. Please.

Shiv Prakash,
ASC/RPF /DLW/Varanasi
M.No. 09794861751
Anonymous said…
i want to invite your kind attention and get to clarification on the matter that steno and TA is appointed in the same Gr Pay 2400 and TA is promoted to Sr TA in the Gr Pay 4200 after completion of deptt. exam in 3 yrs whereas stenos are given the same Gr Pay after completing 5 or more is impartial..
it is requested to consider the matter in favour of all stenos.
thanking you

Resp.Chairman Sir and Members,

1. LDC,UDC & ASST of BRO (GREF) are worstly effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 UDC is for 2800/4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructureing has already been done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like BRO. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any Central deparment only for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE SETTLE THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.

My ID :
Unknown said…
Respected Commite members,

This is to bring to your kind notice that many "group A" officers who belong to non vacation academic staff category does not know their status and they are being treated as non teaching staff of the university (Technical Officers in old established USICs in India)after sixth pay commission.
As well UGC is trying to degrade the grace of Technical Officer Position ("Group A") to a lower grade by equifying them with S.O. and even the qualification too have been lowered.
It is of utmost important issue for you to look into this. I will be thankful to you all for this anamoly.


Senior Technical Officer,
USIC, HNBGU , Srinagar, Uttrakhand

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