4th Meeting of National Anomaly Committee
Flash News : Meeting of National Anomaly Committee.
The next meeting of National Anomaly Committee will be held on 5th January, 2012.
The last, third meeting of National Anomaly Committee held on 15th February 2011 in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Personnel). The list of participants who attended the third meeting of the National Anomaly Committee as follows...
1. Shri.U.M.Purohit, Secretary (Staff Side)
2. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Member
3. Shri.R.P.Bhatnagar, Member
4. Shri.Guman Singh, Member
5. Shri.C.Srikumar, Member
6. Shri.S.K.Vyas, Member
7. Shri.R.Srinivasan, Member
8. Shri.K.K.N.Kutty, Member
9. Shri.S.G.Mishra, Member
10. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Member
An important Office Memorandum[F.No.11/2/2008-JCA Vol.(II) dated 2.12.2011] has been issued by the Department of Personnel and Training regarding the meeting of the National Anomaly Committee.
The 4th meeting of the National Anomaly Committee to discuss the anomalies arising out the implementation of the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission is scheduled to be held on Thursday, the 5th January, 2012 at 3.00 P.M. in Room No.119, North Block, New Delhi, Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training will chair the meeting. The Agenda points for the meeting will be published shortly.
The list of Staff Side of the National Anomaly Committee as follows...
1. Shri.U.M.Purohit, President, AIRF, 42/13, Railway Quarters, Malad (East), Mumbai - 400 071.
2. Shri.S.G.Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF, Gauri Niwas, Mavaiya, Lucknow.
3. Shri.Shiv Gopal Mishra, General Secretary, AIRF, 4, State Entry Road, New Delhi - 110055.
4. Shri.Rakhal Das Gupta, Working President, AIRF, P.O.Bongaigaon, Distt.Bongaigaon, Assam.
5. Shri.Ch.Sankara Rao, Asst.General Secretary AIRF, Railway Quarter No.566/3, Rail Nilayam Colony, Secunderabad 500071 (AP)
6. Shri.Guman Singh, President, NFIR, B-9, Nand Puri Hawa Sarak, Baisgodam, Jaipur-302019.
7. Shri.M.Raghavaiah, General Secretary, NFIR, Railway Quarter No.428/1, Chilkdlguda, Secunderabad - 500025 (AP)
8. Shri.R.P.Bharnagar, Working President, NFIR, Railway Quarter No.F/3, Near Loco Workshop, Parel, Mumabi-400012
9. Shri.K.S.Murthy, Vice President, NFIR, Block No.112/6, Unit 2, Garden Reach, Kolkata-43
10. Shri.S.K.Vyas, 13-C, Ferozeshaha Road, New Delhi-110001
Source: www.cgstaffnews.com
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Please discuss the matter of AI to those employees whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006. If seriously calculated, the affected individuals are very much sufferer during service and even on retirement. Thanks.
Girija Shankar Saxena
O/Supdt, GE (U) E/S Delhi Cantt
Kindly discuss the matter regarding Entry Pay should be given to Promotive Assistant Audit Officer as compared to Direct recruited Assistant Audit Officer.
R. K. Keshari
Please discuss the matter of AI to those employees whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006. If seriously calculated, the affected individuals are very much sufferer during service and even on retirement. Thanks.
Durga Prasad Shaw, Section Officer(Retired), Ministry Finance, Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal, Kolkata.
With regards,
consequent to the merging of 5000, 5500 and 6500 scales of V pay commission, pays are fixed with a grade pay of 4200. subsequently it was ordered that pay scale of 6500 is to be fixed with a separate grade pay of 4600. likewise is it possible that 5000 and 5500 can be given separate grade pay. Also to mention that those who join in 4200 grade pay will get under ACP the grade pay of 4600 and 4800 after the completion of 10 and 20 years which is meager. cant this be changed?(atleast from 4600 to 5400)
Kindly discuss the matter of those employees whose Date of Next Increment was between Feb to Jun 2006 and take appropriate favourable orders as an one time measure. This is postponement of increment and it should not be happened. And the affected individuals are very much suffering during service and even on retirement. So Kindly take favourable necessary action and discuss and obtain necessary favourable decision and orders. Thankyou.
I request you to please discuss the matter in the next JCM concerning the DNI between Feb to June 2006. Thousands of employees/pensioners will benefit if the JCM is decided to take a favourable action.
Pl also discuss various problems of Central University employees, including unfavourable service conditions and pay parity with Central Secretariat/Ministries staff in various posts. The University staff are also selected after going through the written, trade test & interview. But they have denied pay parity with the Central Secrtariat staff, particularly SOs & Senior PAs. This may please be brought to the notice of the appropriate authorities. Even pay scales/G.P. are different in certain same categories in Central Universities
Working in a Central University in Delhi.
The matter pertaining to DNI between Feb to June 2006 may please be discussed so that several thousands of pensioners will be benefited. Is it not the right of the employees to draw theincrement from Feb to June 2006?
Kindly consider the case sympathetically.
Kindly consider the plight of certain categories of employees in Dept. of Inf. Technology. Earlier there was cadre Rs.4500-7000 and the promotional cadre was Rs.5500-9000 and later Rs.6500-10500. However, just before the implementation of the RP, the cadre Rs.4500-7000 was merged with Rs.5500-9000. Due to this, those employees served in the cadre Rs.4500-7000 and got promoted to Rs.5500-9000 were not given any extra weightage. Once the Pay Scales were implemented, these two scales were put in to one Grade Pay RS.4200/- (in PB-2). Those who have worked more than 12 years were in the same Grade Pay of a new entrant/or those who are getting promoted from the pre-revised scale of Rs.4000-6000. This is a big anomaly and no one care about these categories of employees, since they are unorganised.
kindly take-up the issue of the officials like us very seriously whose DNI falling between Feb and June-2006.If it is not possible to make a decision through anomaly committee meeting, allow us to approach Hon.court against this discrimination.
Adesh Gupta
I am working in Central Board for Workers Education (CBWE), Nagpur as AD (OL). My Grade Pay is Rs. 4600/-. CBWE is an Autonomous Organisation under Ministry of Labour and Employment of Govt., of India.
Though I have made several representations to the Ministry through my organization, the Ministry has not granted the revised pay scale saying that the Ministry of Finance has not extended the pay scales to the Official Language Staff working in Autonomous Organisations.
Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) are also Autonomous Organisations under Ministry of Labour and Employment of Govt., of India. They have implemented the 6CPC recommended pay scales to their Official Language Staff on par with CSOLS Pay scales.
Why the discrimination among different Autonomous Organisations of the same Ministry?
Though our organization is spread across the length and breadth of the entire country having 58 offices, only 4 posts are there in the Hindi Section and that too at Head Office. Hence we are unable to raise our voice in absence of any union or strength to do so.
I humbly request your good self to look into our matter sympathetically and help us to be placed on par with our official language fraternity so as to work with dignity and honour.
The upcoming meeting of anomoloy committee is the only hope for the group c employees i.e. LDC, UDC whom they are worstly effected cadre of union government after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900 and 2400 for LDC AND UDC respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 and UDC is for 4200 just as other department where restructureing has been already done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any deparment only working for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE TAKE THIS MATTER ON PRIORITY.
Kindly take up the issue with the committee regarding fixation of Grade Pay of Group B Gazetted Officer alike Section Officer and Gp B Offr of other ministry.e.g. Ministry of Finance grant their Gp B Officer the Grade Pay of 4800 and after 4 years 5400 but the Gp B Officers in Ministry of Labour like Labour Enforcement Officer and Welfare Administrator still continue with Grade pay of 4600 without any NFU.
Thanks and please raise the issue in next meeting.
Abhimanyu Lenka
I am junior engineer since my joining date 20-10-1984 in S&JJ deptt. Now Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) Govt. NCT ,Delhi. IN 6TH CPC THEIR ARE SO MANY ANOMALIES WHICH SHOLD BE REMOVED. GP SHOULD BE PROPOTIONATELY increased eg in the pay scale of 5000-8000 all (whose BP 5000&those Bp7850)get the same GP.INCREMENT SHOULD BE 5%.IN MACP IT IS worse than OF PREVIOUS ACP. IN MACP JE WILL GET GP FROM 4200 TO 4600 TO 4800 TO 5400 WHILE OTHER (JOIN BEFORE 31-8-1984) WILL GET 4200 TO 4600 TO 6600 TO 7600.HOWEVER THEY PERFORM THE SAME DUTIES WHICH IS AGAINST THE GOVT OWN POLICY.SAME WORK&POST BUT SALARY DIFFERENCE ABOUT Rs 6000/-WHICH WILL BE UP TO 24000/-AND TOTAL LOSS OF ABOUT Rs 39 LAKHS. In 2 nd ACP the scale jumps from 8700 in 6500-10500 to 10000 in 10000-15200 gain of Rs1300+DP+allowances while in 2 nd MACP GP jumps 200(4600 to 4800) only. Instead of increases by 1.86+GP it losses. Is it justified? ENGINEER SHOULD GET 25%AS TECHNICAL ALLOWANCE. THE PREREVISED PAY SCALE OF7450 SHOULD GET POINT TO POINT INCREMENTS. THE GP OF 7450 SHOULD BE IN THE SAME RATIO OF 5000 SCALE IE APPROXIMATE BE 6000/ SIR YOU ARE REQUESTED TO LOOK THE MATTER SERIOUSLY TO PREVENT JEALOUS & HATRED AMONGST EMPLOYEES .AND ALSO I HAD NOT GOT THE PROMOTION SINCE JOINING (20-10-84)THOUGH I AM ELIGIBLE AND FIT FOR PROMOTION SINCE 13-09-88.It is suggested that in MACP Of 10-20-30 should be amended to 12-24-30 with same PB&GP as promotional for 12-24 and for 3rd macp after 30 may be next GP of hierarchy for all, does not violate the rule same post same work same salary as against 10-20-30. It is prayed/appealed to look into genuine anomaly and do the justice. It is humble requested to look into anomalies in CPC&MACP peronnaly.
Item Pay as on 2nd MACP after 1-09-08 DA-16%
Pay as on 2nd MACP on 1-01-11 DA 51%
Pay as on pre 2nd macp JE Those join post 01-09-84 JE Those join pre 01-09-84 JE Those join post 01-09-84) JE Those join pre 01-09-84
Pay Band 17310 17970
18600 19370
Grade Pay 4600 4800
6600 4800
Basic Pay 21910 22770
25200 24170
H R A(30%) 6573 6831
7560 7251
DA 3506 3643
4032 12327
TA 1856 1856
3712 2416
Total 33845 35100
40504 46164
Difference 1255
Item Pay as on 2nd ACP
Pay as on pre 2nd ACP JE Those join post 01-09-84 JE Those join pre 01-09-84
BP 8700 10000
DP 4350 5000
CCA 300 300
H R A(30%) 3915 4500
DA 6134 7050
TA 400 800 800
Total 23799 27650
Difference 3851
Girija Shankar Saxena,
GE (U) Elect Supply Delhi Cantt
1. Kindly consider the grievances of employees like me about whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006 and postponed to Jul 2006 in VIth CPC. If seriously calculated, the affected individuals are very much sufferer during service and even on retirement. Other hand VIth CPC given undue benefit to employees whose DNI between Aug 2006 to Dec 2006 by preponding their AI wef 01 Jyl 2006.
2. LDC,UDC & ASST of BRO (GREF) are worstly effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 UDC is for 2800/4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructureing has already been done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like BRO. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any Central deparment only for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE SETTLE THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.
Resp.Chairman Sir and Members,
1. Kindly consider the grievances of employees like me about whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006 and postponed to Jul 2006 in VIth CPC. If seriously calculated, the affected individuals are very much sufferer during service and even on retirement. Other hand VIth CPC given undue benefit to employees whose DNI between Aug 2006 to Dec 2006 by preponding their AI wef 01 Jyl 2006.
2. LDC,UDC & ASST of BRO (GREF) are worstly effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 UDC is for 2800/4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructureing has already been done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like BRO. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any Central deparment only for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE SETTLE THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.
Resp.Chairman Sir and Members,
1. Kindly consider the grievances of employees like me about whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006 and postponed to Jul 2006 in VIth CPC. If seriously calculated, the affected individuals are very much sufferer during service and even on retirement. Other hand VIth CPC given undue benefit to employees whose DNI between Aug 2006 to Dec 2006 by preponding their AI wef 01 Jyl 2006.
2. LDC,UDC & ASST of BRO (GREF) are worstly effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 UDC is for 2800/4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructureing has already been done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like BRO. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any Central deparment only for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE SETTLE THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.
please discuss matter regarding MACP of library staff, which should be in promotional hierarchy of post as per DOPT vide letter number 35034/1/97-Esst(D)(Vol. IV)dated 10.02.2000 under point of doubt 19. the categorization of libraries pay scale by ministry of finance office memorandum number 19(1)/IC/86/, dated 24.07.1990 i.e. entry grade pay Rs.4200.
1st up-gradation GP Rs.4600, 2nd up-gradation GP Rs.6600, 3rd up- gradation GP Rs.8700. in our dept. library employees fulfill promotional and direct RR norms.
regarding absorption of contingent period of service followed by regularization without break should be counted for the purpose of MACP. the similar action has already been done by Indian railways, vide letter no. PC-V/2004/ACP/1, dt. 31.03.2004 and PC-V/2009/ACP/2, dt 25.02.2010.
further discuss the matter of employees whose DNI was between February to June 2006. retirement should be granted once a year in December, as increment is due in July.
please approve and finalize our cases from DOPT in the 4th national anomaly committee.
with regard.
It is requested to rake up the issue of granting MACP to Inspectors -RPF fixed in scale PB-II, 9300-34800+4600 GP asper 6th CPC report.The Inspectors RPF has been granted next MACP in GP of 4800 as per GP heirarchy whereas the grade pay 4800 is not existing in the promotional heirarchy of RPF deptt.All Insp. are promoted as ASC in group-A,PB-III, 15600-39100+5400.The RPF cadre has also been placed in GP-4800 which is not existing in the promotional structure of RPF deptt.The GP heirarchy can not be treated as carrier progression of RPF Insp. under MACP. In the earlier meeting Official side wanted the particulars of those cadres which are going to face the problems due to GP heirarchy, hence Staff Side is requested to high light the issue of RPF staff working under Ministry of Rlys in the coming meeting of NAC dated 05.01.2012.Pl.
With regards
Insp.RPF/ Ambala
E-Mail add-spsr@gmail.com
Traffic Running Staff are badly affected after the vi pay commission was out. The cadre has only two Grade Pay ... i.e Rs. 2800/- and Rs. 4200/- which is very negligible for the cadre...
please seee that at least Rs 4600/-grade pay is being sanctioned for the Traffic Running Staff...
S. K. Bhowmik, Pass Guard, Santragachi, S. E. Railway.
1. Kindly consider the grievances of employees like me about whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006 and postponed to Jul 2006 in VIth CPC. If seriously calculated, the affected individuals are very much sufferer during service and even on retirement. Other hand VIth CPC given undue benefit to employees whose DNI between Aug 2006 to Dec 2006 by preponding their AI wef 01 Julyl 2006.
I also suggest the NAC to sympathetically consider their case and approve giving them one increment on 1st July 2006 as a one time good gesture.
This will not create any further anomalies ,as feared in the case of giving one increment in the pre-revised scale.
Hoping the NAC will do the favour and justice and with THANKS.
1. Work/assignment:
Work/assignment like proper and prompt documentation, record keeping, typing work and presently good computer operating etc. done by the LDC/UDC which is required high skill and mental ability with knowledge.
2. Promotion opportunity :
As per recruitment rules LDC/UDC is promoted against the post in the hierarchy after completion of required regular service but most of the time LDC/UDC is not getting the promotion upto 10 years after completion of required regular service in the post due to non availability of higher post in the hierarchy.
For example : as per rule a LDC is required at least 5 years regular service in the grade for promotion to the post of UDC but he is not getting promotion due to non availability of the post after completion of 15/16 years of regular service, after that he is promoted to the post of UDC in this situation he is required 10 years regular service in the post of UDC for promotion to next higher post in the hierarchy.
The MACP is not helpful in the situation because the MACP seems like a band-aid on cancer tumor not a surgery.
Keeping in view of above, it clears that the present grade pay is keeping for LDC/UDC is not justified. Hence, the grade pay of LDC/UDC should be increased i.e. 2400 for LDC and 2800 for UDC w.e.f. 01.01.2006.
No proposal to merger of dearness allowance with Basic Pay
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:-
(a) Whether Government has plans to increase dearness allowance effective from January, 2011 for Central Government employees with a rate that commensurate with the inflationary trends and plights of working class in the past few months;
(b) If so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefore;
(c) Whether Government has any proposals to declare DA as Dearness Pay when it will cross 50 per cent, as it was done during the 5th Pay Commission;
(d) If so, the details thereof; and
(e) If not the reasons therefore?
(a)&fb): Increase in Dearness Allowance payable to Central Government employees with effect from January, 2011 will be worked out on basis of accepted formula which is based on the recommendation of 6th Central Pay Commission.
(Ch (d) & (e): No proposal to declare DA as dearness pay, after DA crosses 50% is under consideration of the Government. The Sixth Pay Commission did not recommend merger of dearness allowance with Basic Pay at any stage. Government accepted this recommendation vide Government of India Resolution dated 29.8.2008.
Why has Department of official Lanuage not implemented the order no.1/1/2008-IC,Government of India,Ministry of Finance,Department of Revenue,New Delhi dated 13th Nov.,2009?Whereas Directorate of REVENUE INTELLIGENCE,7th Floor,D Block,I.P.Bhawan,I.P.Estate,New DELHI,itself and many other departments have granted their jr. hindi translators the grade pay of 4600 on the basis of the above said orders?where the confusion lies?why some Departments are implementing this order and some are not implementing? PLEASE CLARIFY.PAYSCALES SHOULD BE IDENTICAL FOR THE SIMILAR POSTS EVERYWHERE.Please discuss the matter in 4th anomaly Committee Meeting sheduled on 5th jan 2012.
Read more here: http://entrance-exam.net/pay-scale-for-junior-hindi-translator-in-government-jobs/#ixzz1h4iP4KoV
My ID is w.rajanikant@gmail.com
Thanking you.
Prakash said...
Grade Pay of LDC and UDC should be increased as 2400 and 2800 because :
1. Work/assignment:
Work/assignment like proper and prompt documentation, record keeping, typing work and presently good computer operating etc. done by the LDC/UDC which is required high skill and mental ability with knowledge.
2. Promotion opportunity :
As per recruitment rules LDC/UDC is promoted against the post in the hierarchy after completion of required regular service but most of the time LDC/UDC is not getting the promotion upto 10 years after completion of required regular service in the post due to non availability of higher post in the hierarchy.
For example : as per rule a LDC is required at least 5 years regular service in the grade for promotion to the post of UDC but he is not getting promotion due to non availability of the post
1) One additional increment for the eligible staff whose old increments falling in between Feb 2006 to June,2006.
2) MACP on promotional hierarchy mode as the very purpose of extending 3 benefits by 6th CPC has been defeated with next higher grade pay.
3) Fixation factor for lower cadre should also be increased at par with PB-4.
4) Considering increase of transport allowance or at least to give 25% extra at par with other allowances as and when DA crosses 50%.
5) Dilution of qualifying service on promotion from one cadre to another as the qualifying service prescribed in lower cadres is very high than the higher grade pays.
Resp.Chairman Sir and Members,
1. Kindly resolve the matter about AI falls between Feb to Jun 2006 and which has been erroneously postponed to Jul 2006 by VIth CPC. VIth CPC has done a great discrimination between employees whose DNI falls during Feb to Jun 2006 and Aug 2006 to Dec 2006. It is not understood as the VI CPC why not AI of employees whose DNI falls during Feb to Jun 2006 preponding wef 01 Jul 2006 as done for IA falls during Aug 2006 to Dec 2006. Such type affected employees like me should be given one AI at old rate wef 01 Jan 2006 and then re-fix their pay in VI CPC to meet the natural justice.
2. LDC,UDC & ASST of BRO (GREF) are worstly effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 UDC is for 2800/4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructureing has already been done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like BRO. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any Central deparment only for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE SETTLE THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.
My ID : drbindu67@gmail.com
Financial ACP MACP Net loss
Upgrada- Promotional Hierar- interm
tion Post GP chical of GP
RS. Rs. next Rs.
GP Rs.
Entry 4200/- 4200/- NIL
First 4600/- 4600/- NIL
Second 6600/- 4800/- 1800/-
Third 8700/- 5400/- 3300/-
Please consider our case and provide all three financial upgradation in hierarchy of post under MACP for the benefit of the employees.
Thanking you with sincere regards.
old 6500/- scale has been merged with 7450/- logically 7450 has been down graded to 6500
kindly do justice
Please discuss the matter of Annual Increment to those employees whose DNI was between Feb to Jun 2006. they are getting very less as compare to employees of DNI in Jan 2006
You are requested to consider the following:
The Fifth Pay Commission had revised the pay scale of Rs 1640 to Rs 5500 and also not given the mutatis mutandis increments. The increments were foregone for every three years of service.
Thereafter the scale of Inspectors of Income tax was revised to Rs 6500 and consequently that of Income tax Officers to Rs 7500 but with no arrears. This came into effect from April 2004. Thereby further monetary loss was suffered.
The Sixth Pay Commission inflicted a further blow by splitting the ITO scale into 4800 and 5400 grede pay when there existed no such different cadres. While other cadres were bunched this was the one which was split.
The persons who had already put in 4 years of service had to litigate for two years to get the benefit of an anamoly increment to be fixed at Rs 5400
Now on completion of 20 years and no promotions to ACIT being effected the stand that two financial upgradations have been received hits the direct recruit Incpectors hard.
Will at least pay matters carry some sense of justice and logic>
Government resolution of acceptance of Pay Commission report speaks the rampant partiality. Many category of Group A officers have been placed in PB-4 who were earlier placed in PB-3 by the pay commission. DA for 100% neutralization of price index is being extended to Group A- officers also which was 70% till 4th Pay Commission(1996).
The difference is extremely high between Pay Band-3 and Pay Band-4. There should have been an intermediate Pay Band at the range of 28000-60000 which has been avoided. At lower level the difference between two pay bands is only nominal of about Rs.100/-
Pay Band- 2 has been created after merging the pre-revised scales of 5000-8000, 5500-9000 and 6500-10500- and Pay Band-3 has been created after merging the pre-revised scales of 8000-13500 and 9000-13500. For arriving the minimum of the Pay Band-2 only the minimum of the lowest pre-revised scales merged (5000) has been taken (5000 x 1.74-later changed to 1.86) where as for Pay Band-3 minimum of the highest pre-revised scales merged (9000 x 1.74) has been taken. Now the pre-revised scale of 6500-10500 has been taken out and merged with pre-revised scale of 7450-11500 and given the grade pay of 4600/-. However, minimum pay as fixed as per the existing fixation formula of employees in position as on 1.1.2006 will be less than that of entry pay specified for direct recruits of grade pay of 4600/-. Pay commission has not derived a separate fixation formula where merging of two or more scales has been taken place. Pay fixation in the revised scale is allowed to be done by pay drawn in the existing scale multiplied by 1.86 in all cases. In many cases the pay specified for corresponding grade pay for direct recruits is much higher than that of the pay fixed as per the fixation formula of existing employees. While framing the Revised Pay Rules 2008, department of expenditure has sidelined the main concept of merging of scales and inserted common fixation formula for all.
Branch Manager (Retired)
ESI Corporation.
It is very sad to hear that, 6CPC & MACP worst affected cadre i.e. LDC’s& UDC’s issues are not included in the discussion of 4th anomaly committee.
It is learnt from sources that Govt. may decide to clear the increment issue between June and February as an one time measure in the meeting of the Anomaly Committee scheduled on 5th January 2012. This has been a long standing demand of the employees who lost one increment as a result of implementation of uniform increment date of 1st July after the sixth C.P
we are the employee in one of the central govt dept under the min of I&B after commencement M A C P we are the top most looser who joined the dept after August 1984 as the prior employee has got 6600 G P and after they will get 7600 in next ACP where as we are at the 4800 G P and got 5400 in this M A CP and in next will get 5400 again. so this highly injustice with us being on the same post and same joining in the difference of only one month, we get great pinishment in future please look in to matter
kindly take up the issue, of dni between feb to dec, again. if no other way is suitable to solve the problem then two dni should be opted e.g jan and july. I think this formula will have no discripancies.
Respected NAC members pl discuss the undermentioned matter in ur next meeting.
That Sir, I, Shri Barindra Lal Bose, Auditor promoted to Asstt. Audit Officer (Commercial)on 4.2.09 after passing the SOGE(Commercial) Part II Exam held on June 2008 and transferred to O/o the Pr. AG(Audit), West Bengal for which my basic pay was fixed rs.9300/- i.e. the minimum pay in the PB-2(rs.9300-34800) with Grade pay Rs.4800/-p.m. A batch of direct recruited AAO(Com) was joined the same office who is junior to me as per gradation list having basic pay Rs.13350/- i.e. the minimum entry level pay for that post w.e.f august 2010. Now my question is whether I may be allowed to stepping up of my pay at par with them in accordance with their date of joining i.e. august 2010 or not?
In my personal view Grade pay LDC should be 2800/- and Grade pay of UDC and Stenographer Gr D should be 4200/-.
All the Members,
sir, Please take up the matter regarding to the minimum entry pay on the basis of Grade pay, like direct entry. why should one employee will wait for the years for a stepping up of his/her pay ? And, what about where there is no direct entry. It means no direct entry and no stepping up. After merging three scales and putting them with minimum of pay in pay band is not appropriate for the promotees. They are losing a big amount per month in consideration with their just seniors, who fixed their pay scales as per on or before 31-08-2008. And above all this difference increase every six month which is creating a bad working atomsphere among the officials. Therefore it is requested to consider this anomaly on priority basis with the official side.
I am serving as Circle Organiser (Group-B Gazetted direct entry Executive Officer)with GP-4600/-&
1st MACP in GP-4800/- in SSB/MHA/
We are Biggest looser/least advantegius post under GOI as we are getting GP-4600/-inspite of staus of group -B Gazetted.
It is important to mention that our collegues/CO's who have compeleted 12 yrs service as on 31.08.2009 have ACP in 5400/- & will get 6600/-& 7600/- in 2nd & 3rd MACP WHERE AS remaining CO's will be getting GP of 4800/-,5400/- in PB-2 &5400/- in PB-3 during 30yrs of service which denies the rule of SAME WORK-SAME PAY, Accordingly Anomaly arises to DARKEN our future .
Now you are requested to consider sympathetically our case andtake up with JCM/NAC sothat Anomaly in MACP may be settlled, However we have already lost a lot by getting GP of 4600/- inspite of being group -B Gazatted Officer with direct Entry through all india competition by erst while SSB ( Special Service Bureau) under CABINET SECTT /GOI
Sarvesh Kumar Yadav, CO/SSB/MHA
Email- sarveshyadav70@yahoo.in
1) Jan 1973 Entered into Group –C Service (Junior Engineer),recruitment thru Employment Exchange. Qualification: Diploma
2) Aug-1984 Acquired higher qualification-i.e Graduate. Deptt- No incentive granted.
3) Nov 1989-Promoted to Group- B ( Asst.Engineer) .
4) Aug 1999 Granted 2nd ACP as per Vth PC.
5) Promoted to Group- A ( Asst. Executive Engineer) in Nov 1989.
Scale: 8000-13500
6) 6th PC, Scale: PB-3; 15600-39100, Gr. pay –5400, NO MACP benefits granted due to Group-A.Also not allowed the parity of 2 years on non-functional basis with the Indian Administrative Service (IAS).
Retired from Govt. Service on Superannuation in Jan 2011.
(Is it a SIN to be SENIOR and also acquire higher qualification while in service?)
1) July 1978 Entered into Group –C Service (Junior Engineer),recruitment thru Employment Exchange. Qualification: Diploma
2) No up-gradation in qualification.
3) No promotion
4) Granted Ist and IInd ACP as per Vth PC.
5) No promotion, continued as JE.
6) 6th PC, Scale: PB-3; 15600-39100, Gr.Pay 6600/-Granted IIIrd MACP under VI th PC.
(Junior & Lower qualification- have been granted IIIrd MACP and granted higher Grade pay of Rs6600/-)
Kindly discuss the matter of those employees whose Date of Next Increment was between Feb to Jun 2006 and take appropriate favourable orders as an one time measure. This is postponement of increment and it should not be happened. And the affected individuals are very much suffering during service and even on retirement. It is beyond to understand their mistakes for which they have not granted annual increments even after 13-17 months. So Kindly take favourable necessary action and discuss and obtain necessary favourable decision and orders. Thankyou.
Sir (s)
Recently Punjab Govt. granted Grade pay of Rs.2800/-& Rs.3200/-in the cadre of Clerk (LDC) in ratio of 50%:50% and also granted ACP 4-9-16 years of service. Is Centre is poor than Punjab State which cannot afford Grade Pay even equal to state Govt.
Recently Punjab Govt. revised the Grade Pay of Clerk (LDC) from Rs.1900 & Rs.2400/- to (Rs.2400/- & Rs.3200/-) in the ratio of 50:50 with ACP of 4-9-16 years respectively. Is Central Govt. is poor than State Govt. which cannot afford Grade Pay even equaivalent to State Govt.
Kindly consider the plight of certain categories of employees in Dept. of Inf. Technology. Earlier there was cadre Rs.4500-7000 and the promotional cadre was Rs.5500-9000 and later Rs.6500-10500. However, just before the implementation of the RP, the cadre Rs.4500-7000 was merged with Rs.5500-9000. Due to this, those employees served in the cadre Rs.4500-7000 and got promoted to Rs.5500-9000 were not given any extra weightage. Once the Pay Scales were implemented, these two scales were put in to one Grade Pay RS.4200/- (in PB-2). Those who have worked more than 12 years were in the same Grade Pay of a new entrant/or those who are getting promoted from the pre-revised scale of Rs.4000-6000. This is a big anomaly and no one care about these categories of employees, since they are un organised.
It is a surprise to note that how the honorable members are so silent on this burning issue?
When the two grades of 5000 & 5500 were merged without any mercy how the honorable members are so silent in those meetings?
Don't you feel that initial grade pay Rs,4600 in the merged two grades of 5000 & 5500 is highly justified.
In the MACP, why Don't you feel that 8,16,24&32yrs is the right way to encourage the morale of the employees who are not getting the single promotion even after 26-28 years of sincere service?
Please read the comments on dated 21.12,2011 at time 9.34 PM for financial loss of library stream in term of Grade Pay under MACP as:-
Financial Up gradation/ APC Promotional Post Grade Pay/MACP Hierarchical Next Higher Grade Pay/ Net Loss in term of Grade Pay/ Pay Band.
With sincere regard.
This is to bring to your kind notice thst many "group A" officers who belong to academic category does not know their status and they are being trated as non academic non teaching staff (like my case On paper in UGC I am an academic teaching staff (Technical Officer USIC) whereas my University JNU is not giving me all the benefits and grade pay for which I am entitled to)and UGC or even the concerned University is not revealing the list of said designations of the officers which come under "other academic staff of University.
As well UGC is trying to degrade the grace of Technical Officer Position ("Group A") to a lower grade by equifying them with S.O. and even the qualification too have been lowered. Only GOD knows what UGC is planning? whereas it is said everywhere even the LDC is coming up. Why this behaviour.
It is of utmost important issue for you to look into this. I will be thankful to you all for this anamoly.
Varsha Sharma
Technical Officer,
JNU, New Delhi
This is the last hope for upgradation of the pay band and grade pay of ministerial staff ie. LDCs and UDCs.
Till date no one has taken up the case for upgradation of the pay of LDC and UDCs.
All are requesting for upgradation of the pay in respect of higher grades/posts but no is fighting with heart for the upgradation of the grade pay of LDCs & UDCs. This cadre is worstly affected during last two pay commissions. Besides the lesser pay, the new scheme of ACP has given more loss to this cadre.
You are also requested to take up the case for MACP to given the grade pay of next promotional post instead of next grade pay.
You are reqeusted to take up the case for upgradation of the grade pay of LDC to Rs 2800 and UDC to Rs 4200/- and also take up the case for meger of the post of LDC & UDC with grade pay of Rs 4200/-
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours sincerely
Rajkumar Verma, LDC
Central Govt
and members of the
LDC,UDC & ASST of SSB (SASHASTRA SEEMA BAL ) MHA are worst effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc, presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatory compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2800 and UDC is for 4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructuring has already been done ie. Income Tax, EPFO etc, there is no uniformity in Central Government departments nowadays, because government has discriminatory attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like S.S.B which is and subordinate office of Ministry of Home Affairs.(GOI). Every Government employee and officer working in any Central department only for solely for the GOI, then why is so discrimination towards we people as the ministerial cadre is thought to be back bone of the departments . I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE LOOK INTO THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.
In my personal view Grade pay of LDC should be 2800/- and Grade pay of UDC and Stenographer Grade D should be 4200/-.
New Delhi
We all should come in a forum and create a twitter or facebook front against the ill will of Govt side and staff side both.Media will be attracted to highlight the issue. Else they will not think on right path because their close relatives are not facing the said problem.
Join for honour and dignity.
(iv) Anomaly in fixation of pay of a direct recruit and promotee.
While applying Rule 8 of CCS (RP) Rules, 2008 the pay of direct recruits and new entrants is fixed at higher stage when compared to the existing employees who were promoted in the same grade, especially in PB-II with GP 4600/-. The anomaly should be removed by incorporating a provision that in case after 1.1.2006, if a promotee’s pay is getting fixed at a stage lower than that of a direct recruit as given in Section 2 of the First Schedule of the CCS (RP) Rules, then the pay of the promotee should be fixed at the same stage as that of a direct recruit/new entrant so that the existing employees pay is protected at par with the pay given to a new entrant. This was the demand of the Staff Side.
The official side had clarified that stepping up has been granted to bring senior promotees at par with directly recruited juniors. The stepping up will only remove the anomaly partially. The following needs to be considered: -
In case where there is no directly recruited junior available the promotee has to wait for a junior direct recruit to join and only after that he can ask for stepping up. The availability of direct recruit junior may take years and the person has to bear the unnecessary loss till a junior DR joins. Further, that stepping up would be only from the date the junior draws his pay – what about the period for which a person will work at an upgraded scale (higher post) but will receive less pay. Stepping up is provided in exceptional cases and not resorted to as a matter of principle. Secondly, in some cadres there is no direct recruitment to particular grades. In these cadres the stepping up is not possible since there is no direct recruit available.
Therefore the Staff Side should not agree with the contention of the Official side of granting of stepping up in this matter and demand that the anomaly should be removed by incorporating a provision “that in case after 1.1.2006, if a promotee’s pay is getting fixed at a stage lower than that of a direct recruit as given in Section 2 of the First Schedule of the CCS (RP) Rules, then the pay of the promotee should be fixed at the same stage as that of a direct recruit/new entrant so that the existing employees pay is protected at par with the pay given to a new entrant”.
Kindly take up the matter of CMDs who were not granted the ACP scheme and take up the matter of merger of Grade I and Special grade and three grade structure of promotion after 9 years and 18 years. respectively as grade II and special grade.TIME BOUND PROMOTION may granted to Civilian Motor Drivers (Staff Car Drivers) as CMD Special grade forthwith who are completing 3 years in the grade of CMD grade I .
The grade ratio of CMD (Special grade) may be revised into 40% instead of 5% with the implementation of three grade structure by merging the CMD Gde I and Special Gde into one grade in the ratio of 30:30:40 as the 40% senior most CMDs are having more than 24 years of regular service
we, feel that nobody understand our problem as the CMDs have no platform to submit problmes so kindly take up our case at least this time. we are facing financial loss since 1996.
sir, you are requested to kindly look in to the matter of upgradation/merger of LDC and UDC. The cadre of LDC and UDC are worstly affacted in the present RRs specially the emplyees whose completed their 10 to 20 years of service. Because their maximum service period has aready passed without any promotion and remaining some period will be passed in the CHAKRAVIEW of RR 2008, if you not consider the upgradation/merger. Therefore you are again requested to kindly consider the upgradation/merger in view of their work/assignment/ responsibilities/qualification/ mode of recruitement.
LDC & UDC are the most effected officials in this pay commmision. I humbly request you to kibndly discuss the grade pay of LDC&UDC and boost up the grade pay of LDC as well as UDC positively. So, that LDC&UDC are the key role in civilian administration office4s. I look forward to the positive view.
The grade pay of LDC should be 2800 and UDC to be 4200. Already some of the department have fixed the grade pay of Rs.4600 for Assistants. I am strongly objecting present grade pay of LDC and UDC. When one LDC is selecting for the post after two tier examination and thereafter skill test he is drasing less grade pay than the constable (GP 2000) latter selecting on matriculation whereas one LDC with the Intermediate. When UDC is selecting with the minimum qualification Graduation their grade pay should be atleast 4200. Now a days the responsibilities of LDC and UDC is increaseed but their grade has not been upgraded. It is shameful to the Govt. when the peon is drasing 1800 grade pay and how it is justified the grade pay of LDC Rs.1900. Morever LDC&UDC of some of departments are doing stenographic duties (as most of the cases dealing the computers)in addition to their regular duties.Hene were are humbly requesting the govt. to upgrade the grade pay of LDC and UDC as early as possible.
I therefore, request the Staff Side Members to take up this issue seriously and effectively with the official side of the NAC and to place a favoaurable report before the govt. for immediate rectification of the anomaly. I strongly represent on behalf of the Clerical Staff and demand the following:
(a) The initial grade pay of the LDCs sholuld be Rs.2800/-
(b) The initial grade pay of the UDCs sholuld be Rs.4200/-
I would be very grateful the Secretary of the Anomaly Committee.
On account of merger of scales group B Gazetted officers in central govt. is drawing Gr.pay Rs.4600/- compared to Group C who received MACP.(drawing GP Rs.4800/-and Rs.5400/-)in AIR/Doordarshan
Please remove this anamoly. Request that, All Group B Gazetted staff may be paid 5400/- GP
It is brought to your notice that in our department the Gr. B. Gazetted Officers are paid GP.4600(AO) WHEREAS in some other minisrty these AO cadres were paid 5400/- GP . (Some of the Group C are getting higher GP of 5400/- through III MACP
Please remove this anamoly.
Praveen Dureja
Sangeet Natak Akademi
Ministry of Culture
New Delhi
i am a school teacher in delhi govt. appointed from march 2000
in the pay scale 5500-9000 in 6th cpc as on 01.01.2006 my pay fix as (6375*1.86)+4600= 16460 but a new Direct recruite on 01.01.2006 fix at 12540+4600=17140 in my cader Direct recruite joined in march 2008 and fix at 17140.if he joined on 01.01.2006 he draw 17140.but i am not fix at 17140 why my steppingup granting from 01.01.2006
The 60% of official have get their increment during the month from Feb to June are suffered loosing one increment due to implementation. WHEN THE OFFICIAL having increment during December get advanced to JULY, THOSE WHO GET INCREMENT FROM FEB TO JUNE were loosing one increment by postponing increment to 18 month ie NEXT JULY. RESULTING THIS ANOMALY THESE OFFICIAL loosing one increment for entire service and also entire life of Pension .Hence I request the concerned kindly settled this anomaly by giving increment advanced to Janury 1996
sir, I cannot understand that why do not take positive action in the matter of upgradation/merger of LDC & UDC while the facts like work assignment/responsibility/ Mode of appointment/qualifications etc. of the cadre knows very well. Therefore, I again request to you that please take action and fix the grade pay of LDC as 2400 and UDC as 2800 w.e.f. 01.01.2006 and an order passed at the earliest so that the employee of the cadre are feel relax and motivation.
It is my humble request to all of you, please look into the matter regarding:
Semi-Professional Assistants in University Libraries and School Librarians minimum educational qualifications are equal; Work of job is same but grade pay different. This is big discrepancy in the pay scale/grade pay of Semi-Professional Assistants (SPA) in University Libraries, after implementation of 6th CPC.
Discrepancy in Up gradation in 6th CPC
Semi-Professional Assistants in University Libraries School Librarians
1. Pay Band PB-I (5200 - 20200) PB-II (9300 - 34800)
2. Grade Pay 2800
The Semi-Professional Assistants in University Libraries are placed in Pay Band I (5200 - 20200) and the grade pay of Rs.2800/- and school Librarians placed in Pay band II (9300 - 34800) and the grade pay of Rs.4600/-.
Educational Qualification
Semi-Professional Assistants in University Libraries School Librarians
minimum educational qualification B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.+ B.Lib.Sc. B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.+ B.Lib.Sc.
It is stated that the Semi-Professional Assistants in University Libraries and School Librarians require minimum educational qualification (3 year Graduation degree + one year Professional degree)i.e .B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.+ B.Lib.Sc. Above minimum educational qualifications are equal, but grade pay different.
This big anomaly may kindly be looked into seriously. I request to the National anomaly committee (6th CPC) to render natural justice to the Semi-Professional Assistants (SPA) in University Libraries .Hence it is justified that the Semi-Professional Assistants in University Libraries deserve to be placed in the same grade pay.
Hopping for the favorable outcome in the next NAC meeting.
Vandana Agnihotri
Semi-Professional Assistants.
I request you all to get sanction of grade pay of POST in hierarchy for MACP scheme.
I served for 21 years on same post i.e from 1988 to 2009 as a technical officer. As I got two promotions earlier, I was not given any ACP benefit. Now only 200 Rs. upgradation with effect of MACP I am going to get such little difference in my grade pay. And this third upgradation too after completing totally 35 years of service.
I will be thankful if you get sanction from authority, heirarchy of Grade pay of POST for all three upgradations while applying MACP scheme.
Thank you,
S J Gandhi
Thanks and please raise the issue in next meeting.
with regards P.K.Gupta
In my personal view Grade pay of LDC should be 2800/- and Grade pay of UDC and Stenographer Grade D should be 4200/-.
6th CPC recommendations are implemented in Govt. of India and various Ministries and departments, and many Autonomous Organisations. But the same are implemented in Ministries like HRD and othe ministries are different ways. In JNV and KV TGTs are allowed PB 2 with GP4600 the same into Library Professionals with same qualifications are allowed PB2 with GP4200 in the same Ministry under NITs and IIMs are diferent to different. Pls tell What is the meaning of Educational Qualifications and what is the recommendations of 6th CPC?
In my personal view Grade pay of LDC should be 2800/- and Grade pay of UDC and Stenographer Grade D should be 4200/-.
Agenda Item No. 44-
Sub-Anomaly in the Pay Scale / Pay Band and Grade Pay of Library Information assistants.
Respected Chairman Sir and Hon'ble Member of NAC/JCM, Kindly discuss above anomaly.
Library Information Assistants and School Librarians minimum educational qualifications are equal; nature of service is same but grade pay different. This is big anomaly in the pay scale/grade pay of Library Information Assistant (LIA), after implementation of 6th CPC.The Library Information Assistants are placed in the grade pay of Rs.4200/- and school Librarians placed in the grade pay of Rs.4600/-.
The above referred anomaly existed in the 5th CPC too. That is, school librarians were placed in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000/-, where as the Library Information Assistants were given the pay scale of Rs. 5000–8000/- initially. After some time this anomaly was removed by the Ministry of Finance vide its Office Memorandum No. 71/3/2001-IC, dated 21. 2. 2002, and placed in the pay scale of Rs.5500-9000. Above pay scale implemented in railways RBE No. 204/2003 Railway Board letter No. PC-IV/2002/Imp/2 dated 27/11/2003.
It is stated that the Library Information Assistants and School Librarians require minimum educational qualification (3 year Graduation degree + one year Professional degree)i.e .B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.+ B.Lib.Sc. Above minimum educational qualifications are equal, but grade pay different.
This anomaly may kindly be looked into seriously. I request to the National anomaly committee (6th CPC) to render natural justice to the Library Information Assistants (LIA). Hence it is justified that the Library Information Assistants deserve to be placed in the grade pay of Rs. 4600/- (from 01/01/2006).
Hopping for the favorable outcome in the next NAC meeting.
The Chairman and Hon,ble Member NAC
Subject.: Adding of Professional Assistant in agenda Item No - 44 regarding the anomaly in the Pay Scale / Pay Band and Grade Pay of School Librarian and Library and Information Assistant in IITs Library System.
Respected Chairman Sir and Hon'ble Member,
We would like to draw your kind attention upon the agenda item no.- 44, which will be discussed on the next NAC meeting which is scheduled to be held on 05-01-2012. Sir, we are the Professional Assistants serving in the different Central Universities facing the same problem like the Library and Information Assistants in IITs. We would like to request you kindly discuss the matter regarding Library and Information Assistants and add the Professional Assistants with the School Librarian in agenda Item No. – 44.
The Comparative Pay Structure and qualification of School Librarians and Professional Assistants are as under:
School/Institution Post Qualification 5th CPC 6th CPC
School Library (KVS+NVS) School Librarian 3 year Graduation degree + one year Professional
degree)i.e.B.A/B.Sc/B.Com.+ B.Lib.Sc Rs. 5500-175-9000 Rs 9300-34800
University Library Professional Assistant MA /M.Sc. / M. Com. + B.Lib. Sc. or BA / B. Sc. / B. Com + M. Lib. Sc.
with 2 years experience.
Rs. 5500-175-9000 Rs. 9300-34800
Further this is to also inform you that the existing Recruitment and Promotion Rules of the most of the Central Universities, there is no provision for the carrier advancement for the serving Professional Assistants in University Library System but PAs were benefited with 8000-275-13500 and 10000-325-15200 after completion of 12 years and 24 years of their services respectively in 5th CPC. After implementation of 6th CPC, the Professional Assistants and Library and Information Assistants are placed in the grade pay of Rs.4200/- in University Library System and IITs and School Librarians have been placed in the grade pay of Rs.4600/-. MACP in 6th CPC has only provision to change the Grade Pay of Rs 4600, 4800 and 5400 after completion of 10, 20 and 30 Years of services respectively. This is not only the loss of money, effecting morale also.
In view of the above fact, you are kindly requested to please consider agenda item – 44 again and remove this anomaly so as to provide justice to the Library and Information Assistants and Professional Assistants.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours
Professional Assistants
point no. 6 - Merger of All Accounts Services
In this connection, It is highlighted that I am working in a Autonomous Body in the pay scale 7450-225-11500 as per 5 th pay commission and the Board has granted me grade pay Rs. 4600 only as per 6 CPC against 7450-225-11500. Whearas the Organised Accounts Cadres got grade pay Rs. 4800 against old scale of 7450-11500.
It it my humbly request to kindly discuss this matter also
It is very kindness of the Seniors who granted grade pay 4600 against the old scale of 6500-10500 but unfortunatly they have not thought about who have got grade pay 4600 against old scale of 7450-11500.
Kindly think about those employees who have working 7450-11500 but they demoted after granting grade pay 4600 against 6500-10500.
With the recommendations of 5th CPC, and D B Chathopadhyaya committee report accepted by the Govt. and issued OM for the common implementation of Library staffs in various ministries and departments, the said O M directed that Junior and Senior LIBRARY INFORMATION ASST.Scale of pay 5000-8000, 5500-9000 clubbed and upgraded the scale of pay 5500-9000,designated as Senior Library Information Asst.But Unfortunately the said O M did not implemented many departments, and denied the scale of pay for Library Professionals, Library Professionals having Degree in any subjects and Degree in Library Science also, In Central Secretariat and other Autonomous Orgn. Like NITs and IIMs an SSLC holder can Promoted Junior Superintendent post with 5500-9000 Scale of pay (Pre revised) 3 Years Diploma holder promoted Asst.Engineer, Foreman,Instructor , Supervisor and other Supervisory posts with 5500-9000 scale. But a Library Professionals denied these opportunities. Library Is the HEART of every Institute the Universities, Organisations,Library Professionals Provide latest Informations to our Scientists, Scholars, Who Knows about these facts? But somebody knows Like APJ Sir.
The previous ACP Scheme was based
on “Promotional Hierarchy”. After 6th CPC, the MACP Scheme is based on Grade Pay Hierarchy. The Grade Pay has created many anomalies within a single cadre. It was informed that there are three sections in Central Water Commission in the Cadre of Assistant Director-II/SDE.
1. First Section.
Assistant Director-II/SDE who joined in the Department as Junior Engineer before August 1984 & who have already availed two up-gradations under ACPs on completion of 12/24 years with grade pay of Rs.5400/- and also availed 3rd financial up-gradation under the MACPs in the grade pay Rs.6600/- and also got arrears from 01.01.2006.
2. Second Section.
Assistant Director-II/SDE, who joined in the Department as Junior Engineer after August 1984 who have already availed one up-gradation under ACP after completion of 12 years of service, after that forcefully implemented the 2nd financial up-gradation after completion of 20 years of service under MACP with grade pay of Rs.4800/- w.e.f. 01.09.2008. Even, arrears have not been paid to the employees who have completed of 20 years of service before 01.09.2008. After that, 3rd MACP after completion of 30 years of service they will get only grade pay Rs.5400/-. The above affected cadre of AD-II/SDE will never get grade pay Rs.6600/-.
3. Third Section
Assistant Director-II/SDE who joined in the Department as Junior Engineer in the year 1999 and afterwards got promoted as Assistant Director-II/SDE with grade pay Rs.4600/-.
Giving magnanimous monetary advantage to part of the cadre and disadvantage to others and denying earlier individual representations saying the demand should come from entire cadre is unjustified as only the affected would represent the same but the beneficiary does not need.
This is quite discriminatory financial up-gradation among the same cadre – same work and is therefore quite anomalous. Hence, like First Section of AD-IIs, Second Section of AD-II’s and Third Section of AD-IIs also would want to allow the same system of scheme i.e. 12, 24 & 30 years basis i.e. 1st, 2nd ACP & 3rd MACP which will be more beneficial than that of 10, 20 & 30 years of MACP Scheme.
If 12, 24 & 30 years scheme is implemented among the same cadre, the said anomaly would be automatically removed to the satisfaction of every employee.
If the proposed scheme of 12, 24 & 30 years is not implemented, the anomaly could not be removed and the purpose/aim of the National Anomaly Committee to eradicate anomalies in the 6th CPC would not be fulfilled.
Hence it is requested to look into the matter for doing needful.
Thanking you sir,
Velaga Kumari, Assistant Director-II,CWC,Nagpur
satinder kumar
Some of Group-A officers on direct recruitment are stagnating in the same post due to isolated posts in various departments without any promotional avenues with only source of MACP for financial upgradation. For those employees, is it not appropriate to think for modifying/ curtailing period under MACP scheme to those under privileged in career development or to shift them to deficient departments of staff for same posts so that they will get promotion avenues.
may kindly be discussed for the post of sub-inspector , in Vth pay commission grant 5500-9000 and vi th pay commission upgraded grade pay 6500-10500 with GP 4200. after that the mof ordered on 13-11-2009 and grant the GP 4600. but the decision is not implemented in MHA.
so please discussed.
I want to draw yr kind attention towards anomaly arises due to upgradation of 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 In those department where there was earlier permotion cadre were 6500-10500 to 7500-12500 like India Meteorological Department where a person has to spend about 28 years service to get permotion from GP 4200 to GP 4600 and 5-8 years from 4600 to 4800(pre revised 7500-12500)
since in some othr department people get permotion from gp 4200 to 6600/7600 dring the same period i mean in some department permotion prospects are very poor also some departments have anomaly that some staff in the same department got 6600/7600 gp nder old ACP before pay commission and others are in Gp 4800/5400 by new MACP so it is great anomaly to remove. In my openion GP 4800 should be abolished. this will atomatcally setteled all issues related staff and ths staff like IMD will also be benifitted who got permotion after a long time.
I think pay commision g idelines also spport eqality to all staff.
I want to draw yr kind attention towards anomaly arises due to upgradation of 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 In those department where there was earlier permotion cadre were 6500-10500 to 7500-12500 like India Meteorological Department where a person has to spend about 28 years service to get permotion from GP 4200 to GP 4600 and 5-8 years from 4600 to 4800(pre revised 7500-12500)
since in some othr department people get permotion from gp 4200 to 6600/7600 dring the same period i mean in some department permotion prospects are very poor also some departments have anomaly that some staff in the same department got 6600/7600 gp nder old ACP before pay commission and others are in Gp 4800/5400 by new MACP so it is great anomaly to remove. In my openion GP 4600 and4800 should be merged. this will atomatcally setteled all issues related staff and ths staff like IMD will also be benifitted who got permotion after a long time.
I think pay commision g idelines also spport eqality to all staff.
p k gupta
After implementation of 6th Pay commission the worst effected group is LDC/UDC, Government has recommended 75% directo recuitment in the posts of Assistant. What about LDC and UDC's who are waiting since 15 to 20 years event thery are well qualified (Graduates and post graduates0 1st upgrade all the LDC and UDC who are in service who are graduate and post graduate.
LDC,UDC & ASST of BRO (GREF) are worstly effected cadre after implementation of 6th cpc,presently grade pay of 1900, 2400 & 4200 for LDC,UDC ASST respectively given is very much discriminatary compare to other post of group D and B of BRO as well as other Deptt/CPMF. My personal opinion in this regard is that LDC post should given grade pay of 2400 UDC is for 2800/4200 and ASST is for 4600 just as other department where restructureing has already been done ie. income tax, epfo etc,there is no uniformatiy in central government departments nowdays, because government has discrimanatry attitude against non revenue departments of GOI like BRO. Every govenemnt employee and officer working in any Central deparment only for soloely for the GOI, then no reason for discrimanation. I HUMBLY REQUEST TO YOU ALL PLEASE SETTLE THESE MATTERS ON PRIORITY.
The DOPT has also issued a notification for grant of grade of Rs.4200/- to CCS Staff but for the autonomous organization and other central government departments, the said grade pay is not implemented.
Kindly look into the matter and the same may be taken up in the ensuing meeting of anomaly committee.
I am presently working in an autonomous organization of MHRD. I am Stenographer Grade D in the grade pay of Rs.2400/-. After completion of 10 years service I got my first ACP in 2010 and was granted next grade pay of Rs.2800/- with an increment.
Earlier, under the ACP scheme of 5th pay commission, i was eligible for promotional heirarchy but in the 6th pay commission, I am in great financial loss and likewise my other colleagues were also in great loss.
The DOPT has also granted NFSG of Rs.4200/- to the stenographers Grade D of CCS. This is a great partiality to the employees.
Kindly take up the matter with Government of India so that the affected employees like me can get the benefit.
Is this also valid for those whose data of Joining falls between 02-01-2006 and 30-06-2006 because they got their first increment after about 13-18 months( If some one joined on 02-01-2006 then she/he would have got his 1st increment after about 18 months).
Please clear this point.
Also If these employees have not been included in this agenda item then this should be treated a new anomly that should be answered immediately while resolving this agenda item.
Grade pay issue of LDC and UDC seems to be still far to be solved,,,,,, government is just concerned wit increasing the pay of MPs they have no time to think abt the poor clerical cadre,,,,,, respected all representatives we need to take up this case to the government in some other way,,,,, LDC and UDC must brings in PB-2 9300-34800 GP 4200,,,,,, the cadre is having very key role in functioning of department,,,,,, please raise the issue once again,,,,,,,,