Requirement of LTC-80 Certificate


Office of the Controller General of Defence Accounts,
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010


dated:- 15/09/2011

Sub:- Requirement of LTC-80 Certificate

It has come to the notice of the HQrs office that some audit offices under the jurisdiction of PCsDA/CsDA are insisting on the requirement of LTC-80 certificate when the Air entitled officials are paying airfare for traveling on LTC in Air India which happens to be less than the LTC-80 fares.

The matter has been examined in the HQrs office and it is stated that requirement of LTC-80 certificate may not be insisted upon. The LTC fares are promulgated on official Air India Website periodically and the same can be downloaded through URL to deal with such  cases. The recent fare revision for LTC is updated on 01st Sept’ 2011.

The onus lies with the audit authorities to keep the LTC rates updated which is revised from time to time by Air India authorities and make payments accordingly.


(A.K Sethi)



More order regarding LTC-80


Khagesh Kumar said…
only base fare and fuel charge is mentioned in the web fare pdf documenth however PSF, ADF, service tax is not included in tabular form. Hence there is some difference between actual amount charged by the Indian airline and LTC fare arrived with the help of web fare pdf chart. If it can be slightly modified, will be more helpful.
Pramod kumar said…
Rajdhani Train stopage is not at my native place, but i booked my ticket till next station to my native. In such case how much amount the audit officer will be deducted

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