Promotion of Personal Assistant (PA) of CSSS to the Private Secretary (PS) Grade of CSSS on ad-hoc basis- reg.

No.4/2/2011-CS.II (A)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi

Dated the 12th August 2011


Subject:- Promotion of Personal Assistant (PA) of CSSS to the Private Secretary (PS) Grade of CSSS on ad-hoc basis- reg.

In continuation of this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 8.6.2011 on the above mentioned subject, the undersigned is directed to say that on the basis of information received so far from the Cadre Units, the Competent Authority has decided to nominate the PAs whose names are given in the Annexure to this OM and post them to the Cadre Units indicated against their names for their promotion to the Grade of PS of CSSS on adhoc basis after having been found b'fit' by the DPC and clear from vigilance angle.

2. The ad-hoc appointment of these officials shall take effect from the date they assume charge of the post of PS in the respective Cadre Units. The adhoc appointment shall not confer on the appointees any right to continue in the grade indefinitely or for inclusion in the Select List of PS for regular appointment or to claim seniority in the PS Grade of CSSS. The period of adhoc promotion would be upto 30.9.2011 or till the regular Private Secretaries become available, whichever is earlier.

3. The Cadre Units are requested that the officers shown in the list at Annexure may be relieved, immediately so that they can take up their assignment as PS of CSSS on adhoc basis in the allocated Cadre Units. A copy of the relieving/promotion orders issued by Cadres concerned may be forwarded to this Department immediately.

4. Cadre Units are also requested to furnish full details of vacancy remaining unfilled as on 1.9.2011 in the PS Grade to this Department immediately, so that the same can be filled up by promotion on adhoc basis.


Under Secretary to the Government of India

Pl. click here to view the Annexure to O.M.No.4/2/2011-CS.II (A) dated 12.8.2011


DOPT Orders


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