Adoption of Children

Ministry of Women and Child Development

Adoption of Children
During the year 2010, the total reported adoptions were 6286, out of which 5693 were domestic adoption and 593 were inter-country adoptions. The Minister of Women & Child Development Smt. Krishna Tirath stated this in Rajya Sabha today.  She said in reply to a question that guidelines for adoption have already been revised and notified on 27th June 2011 as “Guidelines Governing the Adoption of Children, 2011”.

Salient features of these Guidelines are given below (Statistics of adoptions are maintained calendar year wise).
Source of Child
·                                Mandatory declaration by CWC before adoption placement so that the source of each child is verified.
A.    Expeditious adoption process
·                                Centralized receipt of dossiers for inter-country adoption - all dossiers for inter-country adoption shall be received at CARA and then be forwarded to an agency where children are available for adoption-this would expedite rehabilitation.
·                                Special norms for adoption of special needs children for expeditious placement of such children.
·                                Permanent recognition for RIPA and AFFA unless revoked by CARA and recognition for five years for SAA. This would reduce undue delays and ensure expeditious and smooth functioning of the adoption process
B.     Safeguards and stringent post-adoption follow-up stipulations
·                                The guidelines govern adoption procedure only for orphan, abandoned and surrendered children as defined under JJ Act.
·                                In-country adoption follow-up for a period of two years
·                                Inter-country adoptions only to countries which are signatories to the Hague Convention on Inter-country Adoption (exception for Indian nationals in non-Hague ratified countries).
·                                All inter-country adoptions to proceed only after final decree under JJ Act - this would ensure citizenship of the adopted child in the receiving country.
·                                To facilitate early citizenship for the adopted child, conformity certificate to be issued by CARA in each case.
·                                Special provisions to facilitate post-adoption follow-up. Specific and stringent guidelines for disruption and repatriation cases including provision of an FD of US $ 5000 in the name of the repatriated child.
·                                Recommendation certificate by State Committee to ensure active involvement of State Government in inter-country adoption.
C.    Priority to domestic adoption
·                                Ratio of 80:20(in place of the present 50:50) for in-country vis-à-vis inter-country adoption excluding special needs children.
D.    Ethical and best practices
·                                Provision of pre-adoption foster care for inter-country adoption to provide early deinstitutionalization of the child and promote bonding.
·                                Time bound rehabilitation for children in case of revocation of recognition of any agency.
·                                No donations permitted from PAPs, adoptive parents or CARA enlisted foreign adoption agencies.
A.    Expand adoption base
·                    Linkages stipulated between SAA-RIPA under supervision of SARA to rehabilitate more children through adoption.

          As reported by the State Governments 318 agencies are recognized for processing cases of adoptions, out of which 72 agencies are recognized by CARA for processing cases of Inter-Country Adoptions.

            A system of centralized receipt of applications for inter-country adoptions has been introduced in the “Guidelines Governing Adoption of Children, 2011” to ensure expeditious rehabilitation of children.  This is also in accordance with the direction of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ Petition No. 1171 of 1982.

Source: PIB


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