Extension of last date for Continuous empanelment of private hospitals and Diagnostic Centres under CGHS
Government of India / Ministry of Health and Family Welfare / Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 108 / Dated, the 30th June. 2011 / No:S.110011/23/2009-CGHS D.I/Hospital Cell (Part IX)
Subject: Extension of last date for Continuous empanelment of private hospitals and Diagnostic Centres under CGHS
The undersigned is directed to draw attention to this Ministry’s Office Memorandum of even number dated 8th December 2010, 19th January, 2011 and 31st May, 2011, and to state that the last date for submission of applications for empanelment of private hospitals, diagnostic laboratories and imaging Centres by CGHS under Continuous Empanelment Scheme is being extended up to 31st July 2011.
2. The other conditions of the tender document will remain the same.
3. The application form for the continuous empanelment scheme can be downloaded from the website of CGHS, www.mohfw.nic.in\cghsnew\index.asp.
Source: http://msotransparent.nic.in/writereaddata/cghsdata/mainlinkfile/File390.pdf