Conclusion of Special Recruitment Drive launched for filling up the backlog reserved vacancies of Persons with Disabilities

No  36038/2/2008-Estt. (Res)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P G  & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

Dated 26.5.2011
North Block, New Delhi


Subject- Conclusion of Special Recruitment Drive launched for filling up the backlog  reserved vacancies of Persons with Disabilities.

The first  sentence  of  this Department's  OM  of  even  no.  dated  19.5.2011 may be replaced by the following:

" The  undersigned  is  directed t o   refer  to this  Department's  OM  of even number  dated  27  11.2009 whereby a Special Recruitment  Drive for  filling up the backlog reserved vacancies of Persons with Disabilities was launched".

(K. G.Verma)
Director (Res)






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