List of common abbreviations frequently used in Central Government Offices

We have compiled the common abbreviations, which are frequently used in Central Government Offices as follows...


1. A.O. : Accounts Office
2. A.O. : Accounts Officer
3. A.Os : Accounts Officers
4. A.Os. : Accounts Officers
5. “A” : Accounts
6. Asstt. : Assistant
7. A.C.A. : Assistant Controller of Accounts
8. Art. : Article
9. A/C : Account
10. ADG/SP : Additional Director General/Service Project
11. Ack. Due: Acknowledgment Due
12. AG : Accountant General
13. AT : Acceptance of Tender
14. Adj. Vr.: Adjustment Voucher
15. AT No/SO No. : Acceptance of Tender Number/Supply Order Number
16. AT No. : Acceptance of Tender Number
17. BSR : Broken Seal Register
18. CPM : Critical Path Method
19. CRMR : Charge, Receipt, Minus Receipt
20. CB : Cheques and Bills
21. CEA, IR : Children Education Allowance, Interim Relief
22. CCA : City Compensatory Allowance
23. CSR/TR : Civil Service Regulation / Treasury Rule
24. CIA : Chief Inte-arla Auditor
25. "C" Section : Costing Section
26. Col. : Colonel
27. CR Voucher : Certified Receipt Voucher
28. CPt : Cubic Foot
39. DA : Dearness Allowance
30. Dy. GM : Deputy General Allowance
31. DA : Dearness Allowance
32 . CCA : City Compensatory Allowance,
33. HRA : House Rent Allowance
34. DGI : Director Accounts Department
35. DP Section : Data Processing Section
36. Dy. Manager : Deputy Manager
37. DDG/SP : Deputy Director General/Service Project
38. DOS : Director of Riddance Services
39. DCA : Deputy Controller of Accounts
40. D (D) Vr. : Deficiency (Discrepancy) Voucher
41. D of S & D : Director of Supply and Disposal
42. DV : Disbursement of Voucher
43. DPS : Daily Payment Sheet
44. EDP : Electronic Data Processing
45. EL : Earned Leave
46. Ftr. : Factories
47. Fire Wood (Ord) : Fire Wood (Ordinary)
48. FR Part I : Financial Regulation Part I
49. GM : General Manager
50. GMs : General Managers
51. Gr. I : Grade-One
52. Gr. II : Grade-Two
53. Govt. : Government
54. G.P. Fund : General Provident Fund
55. GB : Garrison Engineer
56. HQrs. : Headquarters
57. I. Es : Industrial Employees
58. I. Note : Inspection Note
59. Issue Vr. : Issue Voucher
60. I.P.W. : Individual Piece Worker
61. IT : Idle Time
62. I/c : In Charge
63. IPW/GPW : Individual Piece Worker/Gang Piece Worker
64. IPW/PW : Individual Piece Worker/Piece Worker
65. IFD : Inter Factory Demand
66. ID Schedule : Inter Department Schedule
67. IBM 1401-M : International Business Management 1401-M
68. ID List : Inter Department List
69. IFD Items : Inter Factory Demand Items
70. Jt. GM : Joint General Manager
71. KOD : Kind of Document
72. LTC : Leave Travel Concession
73. LP : Leave with Pay
74. LPC : Last Pay Certificate
75. L.P. Bills/LP : Local Purchase Bills/Local Purchase
76. LAO : Local Audit Officer
77. LAOs : Local Audit Officers
78. LAOs Hand Book : Local Audit Officers Hand Book
79. LP/CP/FP : Local Purchase/Central Purchase/Foreign Purchase
80. MRO : Military Receivable Order
81. MT Vehicle : Motor Transport Vehicle
82. M/s : Material Section
83. MES : Military Engineering Service
84. M.C. Note : Military Credit Note
85. MI Slip : Material Inward Slip
86. MT Store : Motor Transport Store
87. NIES/NGOs : Non Industrial Employees/Non Gazetted Officers
88. NDA/NSB : Night Duty Allowance/Night Shift Bonus
89. NMD : Non Military Department
90. OTA : Overtime Allowance
91. OM Pt. VI : Office Manual Part VI
92. OM Pt. II Vol. II: Office Manual Part II Volume II
93. PM : Punching Medium
94. PW : Piece Worker
95. P+DA+CCA : Pay+Dearness Allowance+City Compensatory Allowance
96. Pay+DA+CCA : Pay+Dearness Allowance +City Compensatory Allowance
97. PW Profit : Piece Work Profit
98. PSA Schedule : Priced Store Account Schedule
99. P&AO : Pay and Accounts Office
100. PAOs : Pay & Accounts Offices
101. PSA : Priced Store Account
102. PSS : Priced Store Schedule
103. PSL : Priced Store Ledger
104. PSA Adjustment : Priced Store Account Adjustment
105. PSA Code : Priced Store Account Code
106. PAR : Package Accounting Register
107. PD Ledger : Priced Production Ledger
108. PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Technique
109. Qty. : Quantity
110. Q 1 and Q 2 : Quantity One and Quantity Two
111. R&D : Research and Development
112. RT. Vr. : Receipt Voucher
113. Rly. Receipt : Railway Receipt
114. Rt. Vr. No. : Receipt Voucher No
115. SWO Drafts/SWODs: Supplementary Work Order Drafts
116. Sr. A.O. : Senior Accounts Officer
117. SO (A) : Section Officer (Accounts)
118. "S" Section : Store Section
119. State A.G. : State Accountant General
120. S or D Services : Stock or Deposit Services
121. SV Group & AO : Stock Verification Group and Accounts Office
122. SV Group : Stock Verification Group
123. S.O. Rate/AT Rate: Supply Order Rate/Acceptance of Tender Rate
124. TA/LTC : Travelling Allowance/Leave Travel Concession
125. T Section : Transportation Section
126. TA : Travelling Allowance
127. TB : Tuberculosis
128. TA/DA : Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance
129. TDE : Technical Development Establishment
130. TPC : Tender Purchase Committee
131. V1 and V2 : Value-One and Value-Two
132. Vr. : Voucher
133. Vr. No. : Voucher Number
134. Wt. No. : Warrant Number
135. WO No./WO : Work Order Number/Work Order
136. WC Act/CSR : Workmen Compensation Act/Central Civil Service Regulation
137. BMP : Basic Metallurgical Project
138. HAPP : Heavy Alloy Penetrator Project
139. A & E : Ammunition and Explosives
140. Fys : Factories
141. AFA-I : Assistant Financial Adviser-I
142. AFA-II : Assistant Financial Adviser-II
143. Dy. Director/PAC: Deputy Director/Public Accounts Committee
144. Accounts (Fys) : Accounts (Factories)
145. Member (Pers.) : Member (Personnel)
146. PERS Div. : Personnel Division
147. Member/P&MM : Member/Planning and Material Management
148. P&MM : Planning and Material Management
149. Member TS : Member Technical Development and Services
150. TS Division : Technical Development and Services Division
151. DPS : Data Processing Section



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