Reimbursement of cost of Newspapers purchased by the officers at their residences

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 110010

No.AN/XIV/14162/News Paper/I

Dated 15-02-2011


      Subject:- Reimbursement of cost of Newspapers purchased by the officers at their residences.

      Recently, it has come to the notice of this HQrs. office that some Controller's officers are allowing the reimbursement of expenditure on account of news papers purchased by the offices at their residence upto the level of AO/AAO, based on Ministry of Defence OM No.30002/5/95/D/Estt 2 Gen-I dated 24.8.95 & Ministry of Finace Letter No. F.1(16)-EII(A)/94 dated 13.9.1996.

2.      References are being received from other Controller's offices in this regard. In this connection attention in invited to MoF, Deptt. of Expenditure vide their OM No.1(24).EII/(A)/96 dated 04.03.97 which further clarified that the instructions issued in OM dated 13.9.1996 are applicable to officers serving the Ministires/Department only and not to attached and subordinate offices. As regards reimbursement in respect of similarly placed officers in attached and subordinate offices, it was advised that the cases could, however, be decided by those offices after consulting their FA concerned.

3.       I view of the above, it is confirmed that the directions issued by this HQrs. office vide No. AN/VI/6523/VI/Lab dated 28.6.1996 still holds good. Therefore, it is once again reiterated that the Controller's offices may buy minimum number of newspapers for use in their Main Office. The scheme fo reimbursement of expenditure on account of news papers purchased by the officeers at their residences may be discontinued.

4.       The circular is also being posted on the official website of CGDA. It is advised that the enclosures referred to above may kindly be downloaded for information and official reference if required.

      This issues with the approval of CGDA.


Source Document : CGDA


nilesh Kumar said…
Respected member of anamoly Commitee
I would like to draaw your kind attention to the anamoly between the Librarins in KV & Navodya and the Professional Assitatnt in University and Library and Information Assistatn in IITs. Sir the Librarian of KV & Navodya has drawing more than the UGC Staff and IITs staff. He is getting GP-4600 in PB-2 but the Professional Assistant of University Library and LIA OF IITs getting only GP-4200 in PB-2, while the eligibilty of Prof. Asst. & LIA is higher than the Libraians eligibilty of KV & navodya vidalyaya. This is anamoly of 6th cpc and effecting moral of Prof. Asst. and LIA,s which effect the work efficency also. Earlier the pay scale of Professional Assistant is 5500-9000 in 5th pay commission. Yhis is the injustice with us.
So therefore you are kindly requested to please look this matter positevely.

Thanking you
Nilesh Kumar
Unknown said…
Dear Sir,
Any time limit for submission of news paper bill for reimbursement

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