MACPS for KVS Employees - Appeal for your kind intervention for its implementation for Teaching cadre in KVS
(Reg. No. 10296)
Kendriya Vidayalaya Sangathan, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
A.S.Mazumdar |
B-81, Southend Floors |
Sh.Kapil Sibal ji
Hon'ble Minister HRD, Govt. of India
301, C-Block, Shashtri Bhavan,
New Delhi - 110 001
Sub: MACPS for KVS Employees - Appeal for your kind intervention for its implementation for Teaching cadre in KVS.
Hon’ble Sir
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan(KVS), an autonomous organization fully financed by Ministry of HRD, has accepted the recommendation of the 6th Pay Commission. How ever the three tier Financial up gradation scheme, which is referred as Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme(MACPS) recommended by the 6th CPC for the civilian employees of GOI, has been partially implemented in KVS; granted only for the non-teaching employees, Gr. A, B & C, working under it, vide KVS order dtd.9-02-2011 F11029/16/2009/KVSHQ(ADMN 1). The same order has not revealed anything regarding the implementation MACP Scheme for the teaching cadres of KVS who form the main workforce of the organization. This is nothing but discrimination and marginalization of a highly dedicated and motivated work force of teachers who have earned laurels for KVS over a long period of time by their innovative approach to quality education at the School level. KV teachers deserve the benefit of the implementation of MACPS and any reasonable consideration of the followings may further satisfy your good self on the merits in our pleadings for the same.
- 6th CPC has made special mention about due consideration to be given to teachers and nurses owing to their significant role in society. But here the teachers are not considered at all while implementing the MACP Scheme by the HRD in KVS.
- At present in KVS there is no assured time based promotion or any type of financial up gradation scheme for the employees. At least in the present context of implementation of the 6th CPC recommendations, by considering the welfare of the employees , the MACPS financial up gradation scheme should have been introduced without any delay.
Two years have passed after the implementation of 6th CPC in KVS (i.e. 2008).It is also a fact that most of the Primary teachers , Secondary and Higher Secondary teachers are retiring from KVS without any incentive and/or promotions even after their long service of 25-35 years. From the date of their entries to dates of retirement they are destined to continue in the same cadre and grade. In this context , the speedy implementation of the MACPS would have been a blessing to these teachers and could have solved the problems of ‘stagnation’ in the same cadre.
- In KVS the available selection promotion avenues are purely based on Seniority cum Merit. It is highly restricted to a limited number of senior members of the staff. Even in case of promotion, the financial benefit to teachers is meager. The newly introduced MACPS i.e. financial up gradation after every 10years- after10th ,20th and 30th years of service – to all employees irrespective of their seniority is purely based on the principle of equality. Every employee is benefited out of this new scheme. As such HRD Ministry should have speeded up the implementation of this scheme in KVS. Even if no promotion chance is given to them to higher posts, the employees would have been partially satisfied through this financial up gradation.
- As per the National Education Policy and National Curriculum Framework(NCF) the teachers are bound to shoulder heavy responsibilities and social commitment in moulding the future citizens and skill formation for the future development of India . But it is a truth that the teachers up to Higher Sec. level are low paid in our country especially when compared to the university teachers who enjoy the bounties of the UGC Scheme. There is a wide gulf between the payment and work load and ethics of these two groups of teaching personnel. Considering the foundational character of the Primary and Secondary teaching, the scheme of financial up gradation(MACP) should compulsorily be implemented in KVS.
- The Financial implications of education and human skill development will be always positive in the long run in respect of country’s economic growth and development. The brain power or human resources development is the need of the hour especially when our country has targeted to become the No 1 economic power in the coming decades as has been emphasized by the Former Prime Minister late Rajiv Gandhiji and Former President APJ Abdul Kalamji. Hence the investment in the professional growth of teaching community is essential and the introduction of MACPS would definitely promote teachers welfare thus professionalism in KVS.
- In all Central Govt. Departments the “Assured Financial Up gradation Scheme (MACPS)” has been introduced. Hence its non-implementation for KV Teachers has a demoralizing effect on them which ultimately have its impact on the education of children even as it points towards non-recognition of the role and contribution of KV teachers towards National Integration through quality education.
Sir, in the above context our earnest request is to please ensure that the teaching community of KVS are in no way sidelined vis-à-vis the benefits of Assured Financial Up gradation Scheme(MACPS). It would go a long way in solving the problem of ‘career stagnation’ a chronic disease existing in this organization for the last 50 years i.e. from the very beginning of KVS. Need not to state that KVS positioned it self as the pace setting organization in the field of National Education and National Integration due to dedicated service rendered by its Teachers.
With deep regards
Yours faithfully
Source: AIKVTA