Filling up of vacancies in the cadre of Accountants on deputation basis
Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts
Principal Accounts Office
Ministry of Home Affairs
Room No.217, North Block,
New Delhi-110 001
No.10-64/Dep/Req/Pr.Ao/MHA/Admn/10-11/3718 |
dt.18.02.2011 |
CIRCULAR NO. 441 /2011
Filling up of vacancies in the cadre of Accountants in the Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- & LDCs in the Grade Pay Rs. 1900/-both in the Pay Band –I (Rs. 5200-20200) on deputation basis
Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts, Principal Accounts Office (Admn),Ministry of Home Affairs proposes to fill vacant posts of Accountants in the Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- and LDCs in the Grade Pay Rs. Rs. 1900/- both in the Pay Band-I (Rs.5200-20200) on deputation basis in the Pay & Accounts Offices located at Delhi & Regional Pay & Accounts Offices located outside Delhi, i.e., in Chennai, Patna, Lucknow, Kolkata, Shillong. The period of deputation will be initially for a period of three years which can be curtailed or extended as per the requirements of the Organization. The terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in terms of DOP&T OM No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay II) dated 17th June, 2010 as amended from time to time.
The period of deputation including the period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other organization / department of the Central Government shall ordinarily not exceed 03 years.
Applications are invited from willing candidates having age not exceeding 56 years as on the last day of receiving of applications, i.e., 60 days from the date of issue of this circular (I) Other Organized Accounts Service (or) Other Central and State Govt. Departments. The eligibility condition for the post of Accountant is holding analogous post on regular basis (or) candidates in the pay band-I (Rs. 5200-20200) plus Grade Pay Rs. 2400 having minimum 02 years service in the grade (or) LDCs in the pay band-I (Rs.5200-20200) plus Grade Pay Rs.1900 having minimum 05 years of service. The minimum qualification for the post of Accountant is Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university. The candidates should be well versed with Accounts / Establishment / Administration work etc. Preference will be given to candidates with knowledge of computers. For the post of LDCs, officials of appropriate grade with five years service having typing speed of 30 w.p.m. in English or 25 w.p.m. in Hindi preferable computer literate.
The application in the prescribed proforma as in Annexure – I along with Certificate of the Employer in Annexure – II may be sent to this office through proper channel along with vigilance clearance certificate and attested copies of ACRs for the last 05 years so as to reach this office within 60 days of the issue of this Circular. Incomplete applications will not be entertained. Names of only those candidates, who can be relieved immediately on selection, may be forwarded.
S/D. dt.18.02.2011
23092409, 23093759
1. Name of applicant :
2. Post held at present along with pay scale of post :
3. Date of entry in the Govt. service :
4. Date of Birth :
5. Date of appointment in the present grade & whether officiating or substantive:
6. Educational Qualification :
7. Present pay drawn :
8. Whether SC/ST
9. Details of work done during last 3 years(Period nature of work done) :
10. Name and address of present employer. :
11. Preference of place of posting : 1………2……..3…….4……
I hereby understand and undertake that in the event of my selection to that post in question, I will not withdraw my candidature or decline the post when offered.
Signature of Candidate
(To be filled by the employer)
Certified that particulars furnished by Sh./Smt./Kum..........................have been verified and are found correct and that no disciplinary proceedings are either pending or being contemplated against him. It is also certified that the integrity of the candidate is bonafide.
Signature and Seal of the Head of Office