Clarification on regular TA/DA on Permanent Transfer

Office fo The Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt - 110010 CIRCULAR


Dated 01st Feb' 11

PC of A (Fys) Kolkata

Sub:- Clarification on regular TA/DA on Permanent Transfer

Consequent upon implementation of VI CPC all the travel entitlements of the service personnel are being admitted as per the GOI No. 12630/MoV C/3737/D (MoV)/08 dated:-29th Dec’2008.

The doubt raised by service pers/service HQrs has been clarified as under:


Point raised



If service personnel were transferred and joined the duty station prior to the implementation of VIth CPC (i.e before 01.09.2008) but their personal effects were transported after 01.09.2008, whether the luggage claim would be admitted as per the revised rates of VIth CPC?

The revised traveling allowances entitlements shall also be applicable in the case of those service personnel who had been transferred before1/9/2008 but had relocated their family/transported their luggage after 1/09/2008  (ie.  The date of implementation of order on TA entitlements by the Govt. consequent upon implementation of the VIth CPC)


All the sub offices under your command may be instructed to strictly adhere to these instructions.

This issues with the approval of Jt. CGDA (AT).

Please acknowledge receipt.

s/d xxxxxxxx



Anonymous said…
I have joined as Group A gazetted officer 2 months back selected via UPSC. I wish to know about the TA for joining the new post that I am entitled for, and any office order regarding the same. Please clarify. Its urgent.
Anonymous said…
I. If u are joined from pvt sector then no
2. I fyou are from PSU or Govt and in u r apont order mention like officer entittled for TA/DA then ony u are entilled. other wise NO
Anonymous said…
I want to know that on transfer Rs. 30/- per km is paid for G.P.5400 and above on transfer as luggage allowance. There is a provision that when DA will cross this will b enhanced by 25% Like Children Education Allowance. Is there any clarification issued or where it is mentioned. Pl. tell.
Anonymous said…
I joined upon selection through UPSC, as group B gazetted officer in Min of Health in July 2010. Earlier i was working as Group B non Gazzeted in Min of Defence. i gae technical there to join the said post.

1.i wish to know that am I entitled for Transfer TA, Transfer Pay or not. offer of appointment says that "he/she is not entitled to any TA for joining the appointment". As i am transferred from one post to another, is the said clause applicable to me.

3.Can i get the benefit now or not.

please clarify and provide the Rule Position.
Anonymous said…
I was recently transferred from Mumbai to Delhi in the same department. My Grade Pay is Rs. 4600 and I travelled by II A/c by Rajdhani Express to Delhi. Now my Office refuses to pay the full amount of my train ticket as they insists that my TA will be restricted to the II AC fares of normal trains (not Rajdhani or Duranto Express). Kindly inform me whether I am eligible for getting the full fare of Rajdhani express as my transfer TA. Also kndly let me know the rules related to this issue.
Anonymous said…
I have been transferred from a unit to another after joining the new unit the unit is changing its location to another state within a period of one month.Can I claim two transferred ta in this case?
Anonymous said…
You are entitled for rajadhani please refer swamis handbook
Anonymous said…
I was recently transferred from Kolkata to Delhi and I have retain govt quarter from 14.06.2014 to 22.07.2014 at kolkata after joining at new place (Delhi).In my transfer order there is mentioned that own cost transfer.Kindly inform me whether I am eligible for getting the full HRA at new place or not during above said period.Also kndly let me know the rules related to this issue.
Anonymous said…
I have transfered recently from Visakhapatnam to Rourkela on public interest as my children are studying lower classes I did not take my family to the new place of posting, I did not apply for Try,Advance at old place the same office is instructed new office to pay me TA /DA now please guide me how to claim
Is railway rate is taken into consideration when personal effect on transfer is practically and actually transported by road from Z to X cata. city ?

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